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Flight stands...fly high, or stay low?


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Hey all.

I've recently invested in some of the magnetic flight stands from Back2Base-ix (http://www.back2base-ix.com/index.php?_a=viewCat&catId=477).

These come in a tall version, and a short version, just like GW's stands.


I'm trying to decide which version I should be using, and in which situations.


Tall stands obviously give you a greater LOS over low obstacles, and other vehicles. You'll also not GAIN a cover save by using your Speeders as a mobile screen for your tanks.

Low stands will net you more cover, but less opportunity to shoot, since low walls and such can block your guns' LOS to targets.


What do you prefer, in what situations, and why?


Secondly, since these bases are magnetized and freely swappable, would you object to a player who brings a "sideboard" of flight bases to your TOURNAMENT game? I figured maybe it'd be interesting to bring six flight stands for three speeders; one high, one low, for each speeder. When I arrive at the table, I can assess the terrain, the opponent's list, and any other factors, and apply the "best" flight stands for the job. If the table and scenario put more weight on my Rhinos surviving, I can use low stands to get cover saves from my speeders. If there's a lot of low walls, jungle bushes, or I want to snipe with Typhoons from behind my Rhino wall, I apply tall stands.

But, is that cheating? Is it ethical?

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With Typhoons you can fire both weapons from behind a Rhino when on the short stand anyway; always use short for these.


With Multi-Melta/Heavy Flamer Speeders, anything which the Heavy Flamer is going to fire at will a; be within 8", and b; not gain any benefit from cover anyway. Therefore you should always mount the Heavy Flamer under the nose and use the short base, as the dash mount weapon can fire over Rhinos anyway.


I've not actually seen a point in using the tall base.

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the fixed height of skimmers really bugs me.


it's entirely against how they would operate.


in reality they would fly higher if they needed to get line of sight, or drop lower to hug cover as the situation required.


but since when have reality and 40k met.....


in friendly play i'd have no problems with someone switching stand heights for the turn, it's just more fluffy. but i would insist they have the same height from start to end of their turn and right through mine. then again, there is nothing in the rules about skimmer model ride heights!!


in a tournament i wouldn't. but i would let them choose the stand height at the start of the game. again - it's more in keeping as top how a speeder would operate. choosing the flightpath to fit the terrain.

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Modelling for an advantage is generally (and, in my opinion, rightly) frowned upon. It's not cheating but I'd shove it in the same category as putting two units in a mixed formation to claim cover for both in open ground. It's not forbidden in the rules, but it just shouldn't be done out of respect to your opponent. Of course, if your opponent agrees to it, go ahead, but I would not allow you to do this.
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Modelling for an advantage is generally (and, in my opinion, rightly) frowned upon. It's not cheating but I'd shove it in the same category as putting two units in a mixed formation to claim cover for both in open ground. It's not forbidden in the rules, but it just shouldn't be done out of respect to your opponent. Of course, if your opponent agrees to it, go ahead, but I would not allow you to do this.


I assume you mean the bringing of two bases for each skimmer, and using whichever was appropriate for the board we're playing on?


I think I've decided to go with shorts for any speeder with a seat-mounted weapon, and talls for any speeder with a nose-mount weapon (Tornado, etc).

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I think I've decided to go with shorts for any speeder with a seat-mounted weapon, and talls for any speeder with a nose-mount weapon (Tornado, etc).

As I've said, there's no reason to do so if it's a nose mounted Heavy Flamer.

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In a tourney I would have a problem with you selecting a base that would give you an advantage with battlefield terrain. If you switched beforehand, not knowing where or who you were going to play, then no problem...
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