Hrvat Posted April 1, 2010 Share Posted April 1, 2010 Here it is gentlemen. The first draf is complete. All comments and suggestions are wellcome especially concering how to expand the origins section since it is to short and I would apreciate if you would help me with find a suitable battle cry. I hope you will enjoj reading it as I did writing it. Cheers [center; background-image:url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; width:50%;">Index Astartes: Sons of Amit Divine Rage[/center] Since their creation in the early days of the Imperium, the Space Marines of the Sons of Amit have been feared by their foes and shunned by their peers. Ferocious and relentless in battle they have stood watch over the domains of men for long millennia, keeping true to the immortal vision of their primarch Sanguinius.; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; width:50%;">Homeworld The home of the Sons of Amit is Shaushka Prime, a lonely world orbiting an ageing star in the western reaches of Segmentum Solar. It is a planet dominated by shallow warm seas doted by islands beyond count. Its people are hardy and warlike, descendant from pirates that crash landed upon the world many millennia ago. City states dominate the islands and mighty warrior kings lead expeditions against their peers in quest for wealth and prestige. Bronze clad armies clashing on beaches and waves as each warrior king tries to become the supreme ruler. It is from these people that the Sons of Amit recruit new numbers. All men are born equal in this society that respects the strength of arms and wisdom that age brings. Mothers entice their sons to hold weapons from the youngest age and fathers teach them how to wield them to deadly effect. When the boys turn seven mothers force them to leave their homes and join their fathers in the city’s barracks. For the next three years their minds and bodies will be put to gruelling tests required to become the men worthy to join the sacred army of the city. Those that fail the tests will become serfs of those that have passed. These men will never have children of their own for they would never bring such dishonour to their people as allowing their weak blood to dilute the strength of the city. It is by the efforts of these unfortunate souls that cities are allowed to prosper. They work the fields, toil in the forge assisting the weapon smiths and provide other manual labours within the houses of the warriors; it is also they who suffer the most when a city is raided. While women will be sized as spoils of war and heroes captured for ransom so the enemy will seek to kill as many serfs as possible to inflict damage upon the defeated city and force it into submission. The strong that pass the test will now join the warriors in their training for another three years before they will be pitted against each other in savage tournaments to determine which among them are the best. Some will die in these trails and those that survive will be forever separated. The winners will proceed to become chosen among men, warriors that will form the elite formations and be allowed to wed a woman of their choice. The losers will have to do with mates the matriarchs provide them. For the chosen the training will intensify and will expand into developing skills of personal combat rather than fighting as part of a formation. Next three years will see both the new warriors as well as chosen being forged into the fighters the city can rely on. Yet for the chosen there is one more challenge. Once a year the mighty chariots of the gods will descend from the havens and the Sons of Amit will take the latest generation of the chosen to the sky. There mighty games are held to honour the god of war. Those that return speak of an enormous arena somewhere among the clouds lined by statues of winged warriors clad in all enclosing armour. As the contestants clash the scions of the war god oversee their efforts. All the present know what is the reward of victory. It is the right to join the ranks of the scions and fight the great war in the heaven. Some will die in these duels and their bodies will be burnt on great pyres given as sacrifice to the war god. After a week of gruelling challenges the Sanguinary priests will select those that are worthy to become marines while others will be taken home. Among those returned will be warriors honoured by the scions for their skill and bravery. They will be gifted with weapons, armours, shields or helmets made out of materials superior to anything the city states might have and made with great care by the chapter’s own armourers. Such men upon their return will be marked as men touched by the god of war and will ascent the rank of holy heroes honoured beyond all other mortal men. From their number through ritual combat a new king will be chosen upon the death of the old. These men will not have a wife but will mate with the finest women of the city in great orgies organised by the matriarchs. Their lives will be consumed by constant battle as they will strive to make a name for themselves and through their actions honour the god of war. Mighty epics composed on their death will be filled with hundreds and in the case of the greatest of their number, thousands of dead. When they perish their people will burn their bodies on great pyres and their ashes will be placed within a body of bronze made in the image of the winged war god. All their possessions will be sealed with him, gold, weapons, silks and gifts of the scions. Sometimes during moonless nights scions of the war god can be seen standing before these lonely mounds. It is rumoured they were once kin or companions of those buried within and that they descend from the heavens to stare jealously at these silent houses of the dead, for it is said that for those that die in the great war in the heaven there is no peace in death, only eternity of madness. The people of Shaushka Prime were not always like this. Once they were nothing but bloodthirsty barbarians bent on killing and conquest. It was upon the founding of the Sons of Amit when this world was gifted to them that the chapter itself posing as messengers of the war god ordered the world to their liking with small nudges here and there. It was done in order to ease the transition of mortal to the life of a space marine and to produce a strong and healthy supply of recruits for the chapter. The fortress monastery of the Sons of Amit is located of world upon the surface of Shaushka’s moon, Morana. It is bleak lifeless ball of rock, with a thin atmosphere of sodium gas, which houses chapter’s barracks, temples, armouries and other edifices. Stationed above the fortress are the docks where chapter’s fleet rests when not in action. It is from here, far away from their mortal charges, that Sons of Amit embark on their great quests to rid the galaxy of the enemies of man in the name of the god of war. Geneseed Unlike their forefathers, the Flesh Tearers, the Sons of Amit have returned to the practice of Insanguination with the help of the Blood Angels. The Chapter was even given three blood chalices and to this day these are the greatest relics in the possession of the Sons of Amit. As it is in all of the sons of Sanguinius the geneseed of the chapter has degenerated over the centuries and the Sons of Amit are among the most afflicted by the Flaw through their actions alone. The early masters of the chapter saw the benefits of warriors griped by the Red Thirst in battle and devised way to stoke the fires of fury beyond those of their other kin. Hymns, prayers and incantations of chapter’s cult were moulded to better awake the fury within each warrior. The warriors that fall to the Black Rage each year are many, yet it is completely unfelt in the chapter’s structure for the recruiting process has been developed to accommodate the situation. Reports gathered from across the galaxy indicate that the Sons of Amit at this time may have as many as two hundred warriors deployed as members of the Death Company like formation. In recent years there were rumours of master Seth of the Flesh Tearers visiting Shaushka Prime to learn about the benefits of a world, specifically moulded for recruitment of marines. Some evil tongues whisper that the Sons of Amit home world has been brought to such a level of efficiency that if ordered to, could provide sufficient aspirants to turn the chapter into a legion of old in a frighteningly short space of time and maintain its numbers without the strain on the planets gene pool for a number of years. Combat Doctrine Senior Sergeant Nestor "The Slayer" Among the Sons of Amit Nestor is a legend. At over four hundred years of service he is the oldest marine within the chapter by far. He has fought in a hundred wars and slain foes beyond count but he is tragic hero, for the path of ascension is closed to him. Early in his service Nestor suffered a horrible head injury that made him impervious to pain but also robbed him of his connection with his primarch. Sanguinary priests have spent many long years trying to unlock the reasons how such a tragedy could have happened and to find a cure but their efforts have up to date been in vain. Ever since Nestor lost his link to Sanguinius he had become a dark and secluded individual absorbed with composing music when not in battle or preparing for one. It is these masterpieces that flood the battlefield as he leads his squad from one slaughter to another, ever searching for a more desperate conflict trying to find death at the hands of a worthy opponent and be released from his misery. To this day he has failed to find his doom and some wonder if he ever will. Though Codex Astartes is held in high regard the chapter has over the years drifted away from its principle teachings of balance to better accommodate their beliefs, doctrines and needs. The brothers are thought in usage of all weapons, as dictated by the codex, during their stay in the 10th company and can be expected to operate them in forced to, though as the marine gets older the pull of the Red Thirst makes it increasingly more difficult to stand still and engage enemies from afar when every fibber of their body demands to meet them in hand to hand combat. To mitigate the problem and support their assault oriented doctrines the Sons of Amit have come to really on vehicles and scout squads to provide them with long range fire support as they race towards the enemy lines in Rhinos, Land Raiders or screaming through the skies with jump packs. To the Imperial tacticians Sons of Amit are known as a dedicated assault force on par in efficiency to legendary chapters such as Space Wolves, Black Templars or their primogenitors Flesh Tearers. To witness the Sons of Amit fight is to see the unbound fury of the Emperor unleashed. Those that stand against them can only expect two things; they will either win by killing every Son of Amit pitted against them or they will be washed away in an orgy of rage fuelled bloodletting. Aware of their lack of constraint when the Red Thirst overtakes them the chapter fights alongside other Imperial forces only rarely and when they do, it is usually the younger, more restrained members that are committed to battle. Following the Age of Apostasy in M36 there were some investigations concerning the chapter’s actions for they utterly decimated a number of worlds that have sided with the apostate Cardinal Bucharis when the Sons of Amit clashed with his empire. No one was left alive and everything was burned to the ground, entire planets consumed by flame. Organisation The Sons of Amit mostly follow the dictates of the Codex Astartes and are divided into ten companies. The 1st Company is consisted of battle hardened veterans and is the most powerful formation within the chapter. Companies 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th are the battle companies and form the backbone of the chapter’s fighting force. They are composed of a mix of Tactical, Assault and Devastator squads; though if needed each squad can be deployed as an Assault squad though it is not advised. Companies 6 through 9 are reserve formations with each compromised of one particular squad type. The 6th is the Assault company, 7th and 8th are Tactical companies and the 9th is the Devastator company and it is here that the chapter’s youngest battle brothers are deployed. The 10th company is made out of Scouts squads and chapter’s newest recruits, also if some reports are to be believed it is the largest among the known chapters belonging to the bloodline of Sanguinius. In addition to these standard codex formations Sons of Amit in adherence to their heritage maintain two more. The Sanguinary Guard charged with the protection of the chapter master and the Brotherhood of Morigan, also known as the Winged Wolves of War, a Sons of Amit equivalent of Death Company. Beliefs Following the ancient vision of their long lost primarch Sanguinius Sons of Amit believe there is hope for humanity to survive among the stars but only through unleashing the beast man has long ago caged within his soul. In their own view they alone are the pinnacle of human evolution with other marines close second, but with an ability to join them should they follow the Sons of Amit example and unleash the beast within. To them Emperor is the ancient human god of war made flesh in order to show his children the way to the future, a future awash with the blood of their enemies and lit by their funeral pyres. To the Sons of Amit Sanguinius was Emperor’s chosen son, one destined to lead humanity once he ascended back to heavens. They blame Horus, the insidious serpent, for robbing Sanguinius of the honour that was rightfully his and deceiving the Emperor so that he fell into a devious trap engineered by his eternal enemies the Gods of Chaos that lurk at the edges of the human soul and that only the beast within, that is the Emperor, can keep at bay. Emperor would have perished in that trap had it not been for Sanguinius that smote the traitor Horus, cracking his armour and though he perished allowing the Emperor to cast down the Serpent of the Four before ascending to the heavens to watch his people fulfil their destiny. Just as Sanguinius was Emperor’s chosen son so was master Amit of the Flesh Tearers, the spiritual forefather of the Sons of Amit, known to them as the Angel of Fury in their lore, Emperor’s chosen prophet. On other scions of Sanguinius they look with a sense of pity as they struggle against the call of their blood unwilling to accept their destiny. To the Sons of Amit the Red Thirst is seen as a gift of the Emperor to give them strength to overcome any obstacle and the Black Rage as the final ascension to become one with the beast within, their God. The warriors who take that final step join the Brotherhood of Morigan. These are without doubt among the deadliest warriors in all of the Imperium of Man. On dark wings they traverse battlefields like packs of bloodthirsty wolves searching for the greatest enemies of man to drag them down into the underworld and devour them. Only way to leave the brotherhood is to die on the field of battle and even so every Son of Amit dreams of joining their ranks one day. Between battles these insane souls are placed in sarcophagi that hauntingly resemble the funerary caskets of the heroes of Shaushka, made in the image of Sanguinius. Here the chosen lie shackled in communion with their bestial deity awaiting the next battle to be unleashed. This practice has led to sour relations with the Blood Angels because the Sons of Amit refuse to hand these marines to the Redeemer of the Lost, since to them they are not the lost but the ones that have found the true way of the warrior. Chapter’s beliefs and teachings have provided the chapter with cordial relations with the Adeptus Ministorum. A chapter so openly preaching the divinity of the Emperor is nearly unheard of. For that reason the name of the Sons of Amit is openly lauded in cathedrals across much of Segmentum Solar earning them scorn and even enmity of more secular chapters that believe these sons of Sanguinius have lost their way. Battle Cry Courage! Honour! Victory! Here two images from B&C SM painter so you could get the immage of these guys. Unfortunately neither does them justice since it incapable to produce metalic effects. Brown/Grey is Tin Bitz, Silver/Grey is boltgun metal, Black is Chaos black, Blue is Enchanted blue and Red is Mechrite Red Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted April 1, 2010 Share Posted April 1, 2010 Hrvat said: Battle Cry: Murmuring chant of "Let the bodies hit the floor!" followed by a roar of timless rage. Is someone a fan of Drowning Pool? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 1, 2010 Author Share Posted April 1, 2010 Captain Juan Juarez said: Is someone a fan of Drowning Pool? No, I didn't even know whos song that was, when I watched some Dawn of War related video with that song and though it would be an appropriate Battle Cry for some blood mad marines :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostLegion Posted April 2, 2010 Share Posted April 2, 2010 from what i see here the combat doctrine and beliefs offer an interesting concept to build on. Id say dont worry about the =][= vs FT for now and just start pulling the chapter together as you like may be able to incorporate that issue at a later point, but for now it seems to be more an issue for the FT to deal with than for your boys... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ferrata Posted April 2, 2010 Share Posted April 2, 2010 The problem with an all-out assault force is what happens when they need to use heavy weapons? Do they just assault the enemy anyway and dive in droves (for marines) or do they suck it up and shoot the big gun? Maybe it is something only the younger marines are capable of doing, and as they age they become incapable of controlling the Red Thirst and the idea of carrying a big gun is like asking them to stop breathing. I think this is the key idea you need to run through the entire chapter, how do they respond to an uncontrollable Red Thirst? In their beliefs they have attempted to justify their actions by saying they are gods of war and to cage the beast is to go against everything The Emperor stood for. Most of that is rubbish, but to them it explains their actions and the world around them - the principle reason for beliefs. The question is, does this idea of explaining their actions spread through the rest of the chapter? Do they alter their doctrine to fit their uncontrollable nature so they can say "We choose to do it this way" instead of the truth that is they have no control. What about their homeworld? Do they leave it alone because they know they will slaughter the populace if they get too close. Do they not like working with others because they might just slaughter them as well... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 2, 2010 Author Share Posted April 2, 2010 Ferrata said: The problem with an all-out assault force is what happens when they need to use heavy weapons? Do they just assault the enemy anyway and dive in droves (for marines) or do they suck it up and shoot the big gun? Maybe it is something only the younger marines are capable of doing, and as they age they become incapable of controlling the Red Thirst and the idea of carrying a big gun is like asking them to stop breathing. I think this is the key idea you need to run through the entire chapter, how do they respond to an uncontrollable Red Thirst? In their beliefs they have attempted to justify their actions by saying they are gods of war and to cage the beast is to go against everything The Emperor stood for. Most of that is rubbish, but to them it explains their actions and the world around them - the principle reason for beliefs. As far as I have invisioned it these guys on paper are still a Codex chapter just like Ultramarines. They have standard squad disposition per company and equipment that goes along with such squads, but for the most part do not utilise the said equipment and opt to go to battle with just BP+CCW and various assault/rapid fire weapons. They have adapted their tactics to rapid assaults (where heavy weapons slow them down) to match their perception how they should wage war and use Red Thirst to give them advantage over their foes. So while the average force will have no man held heavy weapons outside scouts, if the situation will really demand it marines will use man held heavy weapons but the force's commander will have to take the risk that the devastator unit might sucumb to the Thirst and rush at the enemy even though they should better stand their ground and shoot. Therefore on most occassions Sons of Amit opt not take hevay weapons. That was one of the reasons I used the formulation "have not been observed", they do still use it but no outside imperial viewer has seen it recently. The thing with the Red Thirst/Black Rage within the chapter is that their teachings, beliefs, prayers and doctrines only highten the chance to feel the Red Thirst and ultimatly fall to the Black Rage. Yet falling to Black Rage is seen as a disgrace, a failure of character. They see unleashing the primordial beast that hides in every man as a good thing, but becoming that beast permanently is not. I have yet to decide weather they ritually execute the failed brothers or allow them last chance to reedem themselves in battle Death Company style. As a result of that the Chapter is a bit short on Veterans compared to other Chapters. There is rarely a marine older than a century and most of those are Sanguiniary Priests, Librarians and Techmarines whose special doctrines make them more resistant to the Thirst. The 1disst company is made only of veterans but is permanently understrength. The only excpetion to this is a SC for my chapter Senior Sergeant Nestor (seen at the bottom of this topic that I developed when I wanted to do an Angel Vermilion force. The reason why he still hasn't fallen is unknown but it is believed that may be the result of a vicious head wound he suffered while he was a young battle brother. Basically he is Assault Squad sergeant with a pair of powerfists. Ferrata said: The question is, does this idea of explaining their actions spread through the rest of the chapter? Do they alter their doctrine to fit their uncontrollable nature so they can say "We choose to do it this way" instead of the truth that is they have no control. What about their homeworld? Do they leave it alone because they know they will slaughter the populace if they get too close. Do they not like working with others because they might just slaughter them as well... On their homeworld they are distant but very wrathful overlords that descend from their mountain fastness to punish the transgressors and take the worthy youngsters to join their side. The world is very religious worshiping the Emperor as a war diety, while tumuli (mound graves) of the dead marines serve as local chapels of worship and focal points of the cult. The chapters homeworld is not their only source of recruits. Other worlds in the vicinty also provide youths as well as material as part of tribute paid to the marines for their protection. In truth most of the worlds in the sub-sector are in one way or another in some form a vassalage to the Chapter even though the Chapter does not rule them. There aren't many tumuli and some have even been placed on other worlds from which marines recruit. The tumuli are reserved for the chapters heroes. In the meantime the dead marines are cremated and placed in urns and placed into the next tumul that is going to be built. So a tumul of a heroic veteran could include more burials thatn for example that of a chapter master. Along with the pursuit of heroic destiny marines strive to acumulate wealth, trophies and rare equipment that is going to be placed in their tumul. The greater the hero, the greater the collection the bigger the tumul. Marines that fall to the Black Rage no matter how heroic their lives were are never given the honour of the tumul. Thier remains are burned, their bones ground to dust and their ashes thrown into the wind/ocean/volcano(haven't decided yet). Their trophies are taken to the chamber of unknown hero and placed on display, while their wealth joins the chapters treasury. It is from the treasury that Chapter Master and the Captains reward the marines for their actions, apart from the spoils they take on the field. Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 4, 2010 Author Share Posted April 4, 2010 Into the first post I have added Home World section Mk I. I have recieved the Blood Angels codex on friday and have been reading it since. Some of the concepts that I was thinking about might have to changed. The most important is the age of the chapter. It has been said black on white that BA successors come from the earlier foundings. I have also been thinking how to formulate the origins section. Considering that I am viewing the chapter as if I was an Imperial schoolar. Currently I am thinking about this wording: Quote The Sons of Amit belong to the illustrious bloodline of Sanguinius and the legacy of the Flesh Tearers. This warrior brotherhood was created in one of early foundings that happened in M32... Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 5, 2010 Author Share Posted April 5, 2010 First post edited to include the complete first draf. Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amit Posted April 5, 2010 Share Posted April 5, 2010 This all very flattering. Thanks Hrvat! :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 17, 2010 Author Share Posted April 17, 2010 I appologise for such a long wait. I have been in Rome for the past week and away from my PC. I have slightly expanded the origins sections, but it is still troubling me, I have settled on a battle cry and have included a side bar about one of the chapters illustrious individuals. Since the Iron Gauntlet submission date is closing any coment how to improve upon this is welcome. Cheers Hrvat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 25, 2010 Author Share Posted April 25, 2010 With under 2 weeks before the end date I am bumping the topic for some feedback before I submit it to the Librarium on Thursday. Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemal Posted April 26, 2010 Share Posted April 26, 2010 Where is teh background from? Amit means Friend in Sanskrit....I don;t think that Blood Angels successors are particulalry friendly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted April 26, 2010 Share Posted April 26, 2010 Hemal said: I don;t think that Blood Angels successors are particulalry friendly :D Well, when they turn to the Black Rage they aren't :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 26, 2010 Author Share Posted April 26, 2010 Hemal said: Where is teh background from? Amit means Friend in Sanskrit....I don;t think that Blood Angels successors are particulalry friendly Amit was the name of the Flesh Tearers first chapter master if you go by the Swallow books or just a chapter master at the time when the Flesh Tearers found their homeworld Cretacia early in their history if you belive the IA. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavulg Posted May 3, 2010 Share Posted May 3, 2010 Quote Index Astartes: Sons of Amit I must ask: why is the entire article a funny size? Also, there's an entire section of the Librarium devoted to IAs. Submit there next time. We can fix it, but making that mistake does not augur well for the IA I will be reading. Quote The Sons of Amit belong to the illustrious bloodline of the angel primarch Sanguinius and the legacy of the Flesh Tearers. This warrior brotherhood was created during the 9th founding of the Adeptus Astartes many millennia ago. With blood and steel they have left a powerful mark on the history of the Imperium. From the early actions against Waaagh Negrud, through the dark days of the Age of Apostasy, up to the twilight of time that hangs like a deadly pendulum over all men kind. I find the idea of a Flesh Tearer's successor odd. In light of their later history, the idea that they were once a good choice for cadre is difficult to wrap my head around. And I think you should really do more to explain all that. A Chapter's origins are more important than this (though their Origin need not necessarily be their founding). What were they like, how have they changed, etc? Quote Sons of Amit Battle-brother Use your B&C gallery for Librarium images - that way when you forget about your photobucket account the image keeps working. Quote All men are born equal in this society that respects the strength of arms and wisdom that age brings. Mothers entice their sons to hold weapons from the youngest age and fathers teach them how to wield them to deadly effect. When the boys turn seven mothers force them to leave their homes and join their fathers in the city’s barracks. For the next three years their minds and bodies will be put to gruelling tests required to become the men worthy to join the sacred army of the city. Those that fail the tests will become serfs of those that have passed. These men will never have children of their own for they would never bring such dishonour to their people as allowing their weak blood to dilute the strength of the city. It is by the efforts of these unfortunate souls that cities are allowed to prosper. They work the fields, toil in the forge assisting the weapon smiths and provide other manual labours within the houses of the warriors; it is also they who suffer the most when a city is raided. While women will be sized as spoils of war and heroes captured for ransom so the enemy will seek to kill as many serfs as possible to inflict damage upon the defeated city and force it into submission. If all men are equal, where do kings come from? How could a king become supreme monarch? Also, this is all very Spartan. Mix it up a little - marines are already quite Spartan, and the Ultramarines are as well. Quote The people of Shaushka Prime were not always like this. Once they were nothing but bloodthirsty barbarians bent on killing and conquest. It was upon the founding of the Sons of Amit when this world was gifted to them that the chapter itself posing as messengers of the war god ordered the world to their liking with small nudges here and there. It was done in order to ease the transition of mortal to the life of a space marine and to produce a strong and healthy supply of recruits for the chapter. Unnecessary. There was a little more detail than necessary in the Home World section overall - it could be tightened up some. Quote Unlike their forefathers, the Flesh Tearers, the Sons of Amit have returned to the practice of Insanguination with the help of the Blood Angels. The Chapter was even given three blood chalices and to this day these are the greatest relics in the possession of the Sons of Amit. As it is in all of the sons of Sanguinius the geneseed of the chapter has degenerated over the centuries and the Sons of Amit are among the most afflicted by the Flaw through their actions alone. The early masters of the chapter saw the benefits of warriors griped by the Red Thirst in battle and devised way to stoke the fires of fury beyond those of their other kin. Hymns, prayers and incantations of chapter’s cult were moulded to better awake the fury within each warrior. The warriors that fall to the Black Rage each year are many, yet it is completely unfelt in the chapter’s structure for the recruiting process has been developed to accommodate the situation. Reports gathered from across the galaxy indicate that the Sons of Amit at this time may have as many as two hundred warriors deployed as members of the Death Company like formation. In recent years there were rumours of master Seth of the Flesh Tearers visiting Shaushka Prime to learn about the benefits of a world, specifically moulded for recruitment of marines. Some evil tongues whisper that the Sons of Amit home world has been brought to such a level of efficiency that if ordered to, could provide sufficient aspirants to turn the chapter into a legion of old in a frighteningly short space of time and maintain its numbers without the strain on the planets gene pool for a number of years. Why did they return to the practice? Considering how good the Cretacians supposedly are as recruits, I can't imagine the people of Shauska are particularly better. And this reeks of "Oh, we're so awesome." Quote To the Imperial tacticians Sons of Amit are known as a dedicated assault force on par in efficiency to legendary chapters such as Space Wolves, Black Templars or their primogenitors Flesh Tearers. To witness the Sons of Amit fight is to see the unbound fury of the Emperor unleashed. Those that stand against them can only expect two things; they will either win by killing every Son of Amit pitted against them or they will be washed away in an orgy of rage fuelled bloodletting. Aware of their lack of constraint when the Red Thirst overtakes them the chapter fights alongside other Imperial forces only rarely and when they do, it is usually the younger, more restrained members that are committed to battle. Following the Age of Apostasy in M36 there were some investigations concerning the chapter’s actions for they utterly decimated a number of worlds that have sided with the apostate Cardinal Bucharis when the Sons of Amit clashed with his empire. No one was left alive and everything was burned to the ground, entire planets consumed by flame. Again, more "oh, we're awesome". Tone it back a bit, and stop dragging in official Chapters. Quote The Sons of Amit mostly follow the dictates of the Codex Astartes and are divided into ten companies. The 1st Company is consisted of battle hardened veterans and is the most powerful formation within the chapter. Companies 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th are the battle companies and form the backbone of the chapter’s fighting force. They are composed of a mix of Tactical, Assault and Devastator squads; though if needed each squad can be deployed as an Assault squad though it is not advised. Companies 6 through 9 are reserve formations with each compromised of one particular squad type. The 6th is the Assault company, 7th and 8th are Tactical companies and the 9th is the Devastator company and it is here that the chapter’s youngest battle brothers are deployed. The 10th company is made out of Scouts squads and chapter’s newest recruits, also if some reports are to be believed it is the largest among the known chapters belonging to the bloodline of Sanguinius. In addition to these standard codex formations Sons of Amit in adherence to their heritage maintain two more. The Sanguinary Guard charged with the protection of the chapter master and the Brotherhood of Morigan, also known as the Winged Wolves of War, a Sons of Amit equivalent of Death Company. Don't bother explaining the Codex again. Explain the different formations instead - specifically where they come from. Quote Following the ancient vision of their long lost primarch Sanguinius Sons of Amit believe there is hope for humanity to survive among the stars but only through unleashing the beast man has long ago caged within his soul. In their own view they alone are the pinnacle of human evolution with other marines close second, but with an ability to join them should they follow the Sons of Amit example and unleash the beast within. To them Emperor is the ancient human god of war made flesh in order to show his children the way to the future, a future awash with the blood of their enemies and lit by their funeral pyres. To the Sons of Amit Sanguinius was Emperor’s chosen son, one destined to lead humanity once he ascended back to heavens. They blame Horus, the insidious serpent, for robbing Sanguinius of the honour that was rightfully his and deceiving the Emperor so that he fell into a devious trap engineered by his eternal enemies the Gods of Chaos that lurk at the edges of the human soul and that only the beast within, that is the Emperor, can keep at bay. Emperor would have perished in that trap had it not been for Sanguinius that smote the traitor Horus, cracking his armour and though he perished allowing the Emperor to cast down the Serpent of the Four before ascending to the heavens to watch his people fulfil their destiny. I have never seen that described as the vision of Sanguinius. Considering the Black Rage is quite literally visions of Sanguinius' fate on the Battle-Barge, from the perspective of Sanguinius, I have a difficult time seeing them deciding that the 'beast within' is the Emperor. Quote Just as Sanguinius was Emperor’s chosen son so was master Amit of the Flesh Tearers, the spiritual forefather of the Sons of Amit, known to them as the Angel of Fury in their lore, Emperor’s chosen prophet. On other scions of Sanguinius they look with a sense of pity as they struggle against the call of their blood unwilling to accept their destiny. To the Sons of Amit the Red Thirst is seen as a gift of the Emperor to give them strength to overcome any obstacle and the Black Rage as the final ascension to become one with the beast within, their God. The warriors who take that final step join the Brotherhood of Morigan. These are without doubt among the deadliest warriors in all of the Imperium of Man. On dark wings they traverse battlefields like packs of bloodthirsty wolves searching for the greatest enemies of man to drag them down into the underworld and devour them. Only way to leave the brotherhood is to die on the field of battle and even so every Son of Amit dreams of joining their ranks one day. Between battles these insane souls are placed in sarcophagi that hauntingly resemble the funerary caskets of the heroes of Shaushka, made in the image of Sanguinius. Here the chosen lie shackled in communion with their bestial deity awaiting the next battle to be unleashed. This practice has led to sour relations with the Blood Angels because the Sons of Amit refuse to hand these marines to the Redeemer of the Lost, since to them they are not the lost but the ones that have found the true way of the warrior. The whole "BA embracing the Rage" thing is a very interesting idea. However, you haven't explained the 'why' of it nearly enough. More of that. A lot more of that. Why do they believe what they do. And you shouldn't/can't create new fluff about the Flesh Tearers in order to justify the beliefs of your Chapter. Quote Chapter’s beliefs and teachings have provided the chapter with cordial relations with the Adeptus Ministorum. A chapter so openly preaching the divinity of the Emperor is nearly unheard of. For that reason the name of the Sons of Amit is openly lauded in cathedrals across much of Segmentum Solar earning them scorn and even enmity of more secular chapters that believe these sons of Sanguinius have lost their way. Again - not enough why. * * * Like I said - needs more explanation of why and how their beliefs came about. Explain. Interesting concept - the exploration should work out well accordingly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted May 4, 2010 Author Share Posted May 4, 2010 Thank you on the feedback. 1)I have no idea what happened to the size I tried to make the titles look good and then everything went strange. I will try and fix that ASP. 2)I appologise for causing any incovinience with my submiting. I was following the guide and was sure I clicked Index Astartes, I guess when I hit review article it much have reset or something. I will strive so that doesn't happen again. 3)I chose Flesh Tearers because of the name. Amit was a chapter master of the Flesh Tearers. I guess the name could be changed, what is important is the theme, but the name seamed kind of nice. The suspicion about FT didn't began until M36 so I would guess that a 2nd founding chapter with an execlent streak would be high on the "to sellect" list. I will expand on that. I have three options given to me; push the founding as early as possible when FT like any other chapter, change the name and use different founding chapter, change the name and use a different geneline anddevelop a reason why such a chapter would have Death Company like formation. 4) Will do in the future. 5) The men of the planet are born equal, so that son of a King and son of an average Soldier would be treated equaly up to the point of the first trails. Yes I have based it broadly on the Agoge but was trying to get a mix of feeling between classical Spartans, Homers Mycenaeans and the Philisteans. Initialy I had Scythian references but dropped it. If I read you correctly you are advising me to move further away from the Spartan base and to shift more on one of the other inspirations. 6) I guess that reference is unecesary considering that in the new codex there is no mention of that in the FT entry or background. When I read it, again and again I can understand where you got that feeling. I didn't want to say that recruits are better than those of Cretacia, just that the world has be moulded to provide SM recruits rather than leaving it to chace. I will see how I can reword it. 7) In the Battle Doctrine could you please point me where you are getting the "we are awsome" or are you refering to the entire section? I drew in the official chapters becasue they carry a specific visualisation about them. So I though it would expalin much better what my marines are by giving comparisons rather than trying to write it on my own. If you think that is wrong way to do it I will try and make it on my own. 8) I will expand on special formations but the rest of the section was inspired by the IA:UM, CF and BR so I thought exaplaning the codex organisation was ok. 9) When I spoke of the vision I wasn't thinking about the vision suffered by Death Company, but Sanguiniuses vision of a united human galaxy based on hope and compassion. Cheers Hrvat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted July 7, 2010 Share Posted July 7, 2010 Hrvat said: Here two images from B&C SM painter so you could get the immage of these guys. Unfortunately neither does them justice since it incapable to produce metalic effects. Something a little like this; ? Philip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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