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Angry Marines Army


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Some of you may be aware of the angry marines from over at /tg/, or through the numerous funny images that exist of them. For those of you who are not, they are not my creation, but a joke chapter, with an emphasis on been angry all the time.


Fear not, I play 40K VERY seriously. I chose the angry marines as a joke against my gaming's group's local :cuss (the kind who, at times, has tried to play sections of black library novels as rules). He took the fiction way too seriously, to the point of trying to argue that fluff trumps rules. As a result I painted the worst possible army for serious fiction, yet remaining 100% tournament legal in every way.


This army has been in progress for 3 years now, and I'm at a point I'm willing to declare it finish. The quality of the paint jobs vary between oldest models and newest, but I doubt I'll ever go back and repaint them on-mass. I'd much prefer to keep moving on with my Witch Hunter army.


As always, please excuse the picture quality. I am very disappointed with the camera quality of a Google Nexus One ;)


All up I have (in the below image left to right, bottom to top)


  • Counts as Vulkan
  • Captain with Command Squad
  • Counts as Marneus Calgar
  • Librarian
  • Chapter Master
  • Captain in Terminator Armour
  • Chaplain on a Bike
  • Master of the Forge with Servictos
  • Techmarine
  • Dreadnought
  • Terminator Squad
  • Devastator Squad
  • Sniper Scouts
  • Devastator Squad
  • Venerable Dreadnought
  • Ironclad Dreadnought
  • Jump Infantry Squad
  • Tactical Squad with Rhino Transport
  • Tactical Squad with Rhino Transport
  • Tactical Squad with Rhino Transport
  • Tactical Squad with Rhino Transport
  • Vindicator with Dozer Blade
  • Land Raider Crusader
  • Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield Assault Terminators
  • Land Speeder
  • Land Speeder





















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The dreadnought looks nice. Love the scowl!


Angry Marines deserve closeup pictures. After all, they are always IN YOUR FACE!


From what I see, they look nice. The arrows on your rhinos look crisp and neat!

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Always Angry!




Nice army, but I really want to see them up close. I know its vulgar, but Angry Marines need some ";) you", "Up your ass", "Rage" and "Hate" messages on their armors.

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Sorry for the delay in replying, it's been a bit of a crazy long weekend.


Thank you for the kind words, and apologies again for the awful quality of the images.


I tried to stay away from cussing and swearing on the armour, as my intentions were to stay pure enough for tournament use (and I've heard stories of some small tournament organisers forbidding the old metal Daemonnettes because they have exposed nipples, for example). I've got some hints at it, though nothing precise.


Here are some close up images. Image quality is about the same, but I think I'm starting to get the nuances of this camera.


Land Speeders, each with a Multimelta and a Heavy Flamer:



Vindicator (with non-precise swearing):



An Angry, Angry Dreadnought:



Counts as Vulkan. I don't like the official Vulkan model, and I thought this metal Daemonhunter Inquisitor was perfect



Librarian (made from AOBR Captain, a toothpick, and a book from the WHFB Arcane Books kit):



Apologies for the extra worse image quality here, but this is a recent joke conversion I was working on. A Space Marine wielding an Imperial Guardsman as a CCW:



And some stuff I have posted at another board in the past:

Lots of models, midway through re-basing:



An objective:



Ironclad Dreadnought:



Counts as Marneus Calgar. Just a kitbash while playing around with Truescaling...I got the method from here though sadly I don't remember the chap's name.



Also see these units which I have posted here in the past:

Master of the Forge


Sniper Scouts (not angry themed, but used in the army nonetheless)


Thank you again for the comments. Hopefully in less than 3 years I'll be able to show off my Witch Hunters army here.

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You should make Fuklaw as a counts as Telion. His rage would inspire higher ballistic skill since missing shots is heresy and we all know how well Fuklaw tolerates heresy. Love the marine using a guardsman as a weapon, well done.
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Need more powerfists and maybe you should have an entire unit of imperial guard weilding marines because that would just look funny as hell against imperial guard!


However the land speeders aren't angry enough, you need the driving weilding a power fist and the gunners hanging off the side with heavy bolters and multi-meltas for the ANGRY factor. Good old angry marines, nothing more fun than marines who swear and kick rear ends all the time!

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