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Blood Angels & Friends test minis

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Hi Guys!

I have always wanted to do a Blood Angels army (Sanguinus is my second favorite primarch next to Dorn). Actually I kind of wanted to do a force made up of the different successors to the BA as I might get a bit bored painting red all the time. I ordered the DC box set and the Sanguinary Guard to start my army, these minis are just some leftovers I painted over a few days. The Flesh Tearer and the Angel Sanguine are a bit off on their red because I am out of Baal Red but I am really proud of the standard BA.















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I really like the AS marine. The shading on the chest eagle and tabard are particularly well done.


The only thing I don't dig is the yellow/black stripes on his chainsword. I never liked that look, even though its a more "classic" 40K element.


Make me think of Iron Warriors. :lol:

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I think the AS model is the best looking, and stands out from the rest. Your idea of painting successors is good as that is my greatest problem when painting a SM army - Monotony. Even thought it might not look conventional.


Congrats and let's see more when you can.

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