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Crimson Fists WIP


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Hey there!


As I am better at posting WIP pics than pics of completed models, I thought I'd open a WIP Thread...


First up is the Apothecary on my painting table. I ran out of black primer, so I started painting the only model that needs white priming :lol:


I didn't want to paint him bright white, so I thought I try something more... shaded?


After priming I washed the whole model with Badab Black, then layered Space Wolves Grey, a 1:1 mix of Space Wolves Grey and Skull White and highlighted everything with Skull White.


I wam quite satisfied with the results, though I need to do a lot of touch ups.

First two pics are with flash on my painting table, the second two are without and only with daylight.


What do you think of the white? Any tips? I am always open for C&C!



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  • 3 months later...

Pushing my thread...it's been a long time.


Due to university exams I haven't been able to paint a lot in the last couple of weeks. I finished some minis, though, but I am more into converting right now...


Here is today's project, a terminator librarian, made from a spare AOBR Terminator Sergeant and a huge amount of bits.

I tried to build a psychic hood enlarging the armor and using guitar wire (quite common these days, eh?).

In addition to that, he will have a banner, force weapon and a storm shield, but I am still waiting for his arms to arrive -.-




What do you think? Still need to file some areas smooth once the GS is dry...

The torso is from the Chaos Terminator Lord Sprue, e.g. the sorcerer. I wanted to go a different way than alway the skull with horns, so I removed any spikes to make it "loyal".

The AOBR bodies fit nicely with the other terminator chest plates.

Now I want to GS a book on the top of the armor, short behind where the banner will be.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ready to be primed.

Psychic Hood proved to be a little fragile, so I need to glue certain point with plastic glue again in order to make it melt into one piece.


I sculpted a little book on his back as typical for a Librarian

Force Weapon is constructed of the Aquila-banner from a Ravenwing Bike and a Dark Elf spear.

Any ideas or critics to improve the model any further?




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