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this is not the Primarch pic for Angron but I thought I'd get this doodle in to kick off the thread, this guy deserves more than one pic to his thread cuz he's grrrrrrrrrrrrreat



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Since mine itch horribly after a few hours I can confidently state that someone's been wearing his contact lenses too long.... :)

Nice work but is that skeletal looking bit his armour or his hand? If the latter then he might need some skin.

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Great as usual, found it oddly hypnotizing actually while staring at it to see if there was anything that seemed off. Can't think of anything I myself would change, but that might be the post hypnotic suggestion speaking.


I know you say it's a doodle but did you have a clear vision prior to starting this or is it a preview of things to come?

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Paladin7221- haha nice! thats his gorget popping up from the bottom


Brother 'Ussell- thanks man, I've actually started the Angron picture sooooo many times this was like a frustrated 'just get something done!' moment, I really want to set Angron apart from the other primarch pics for being pure vicious but the power armour can really kill a pose but I'll keep goin' til I get something decent done.


the akratic-Ah Niel Gaiman thanks dude, I was supposed to bodyguard one of his exhibitions before..........but I got pissed instead, oops.


will do dude more on the way


Forgemaster Aurum-Ha I'm sure there would be a serious shortage after a week


thats dude appreciate it


zyx-thanks man, I used photoshop CS3 for this pic and pretty much everything, a couple of custom brushes and a lot off messing around with layer types and the jobs a goodun'


Jeffy.Gee-thanks dude, though most of the stuff that look like detail is texture brushes, it's just a case of figuring out which ones work best for certain surfaces, which I'm still in the process of doing.


cheers again guys thanks for looking

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That image is awesome!

The expression is just pure fury and those eyes are wicked.

I think it would have been cool if his teeth were sharpened fangs though.

All in all a truly stunning image!


Thanks again for the images you made for Nestir V by the way.

Those images were awesome as well, but then all your images seem to be and it is always a joy seeing new art from you be posted up here.

Keep it up! :woot:

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As I said on DA, it's because of his horribly ugly face and the fact that every girl he asked to the prom turned him down.


Yes, if by prom you mean "the skull throne" and by "turned him down" you mean "was decapitated". Seriously though, not a bad picture, he certainly looks like the store was out of his favorite brand of cereal or something.

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