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Space-Wolf Scouts

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I present you my scout squad.

I've been mixing classic scouts with the new SW kit, old and very old scouts.



Plastic Scouts



Old ones




Really old ones



So what do you think of my view of those who follow the path of Lokyar.

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@feuer_faust : I know, but I lend my camera so I used my cellphone to take picture and the flash make it worse.

@Eikrem : I've been a long time on these, so I'll do different things. I have 4 chapter masters, one squad of GH and a Long Fangs squad to paint.

Add to that, 12 old SW terminator, few BC converted from BA Death Company, Logan Girmnar, Ragnar Blackmane, Njal Stormcaller, Lukas the Trickster.

I have also the project to build an Iron Priest.

I'll probably add scouts, Wolf Lord Mjolnir style. And since I'm using Chaos Marauders Horsmen, maybe scouts on thunder-horses.

I made some improvements on their sarge I'll upload pics when I'll get daylight.

The sarge


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They look great. I've always thought those old scouts were cool, a bit on the small side but still great. I like the Sgt, too. The severed Tau head on one of my bases has blue blood, also. Makes them more alien, I suppose though I don't think there is any canon to back it up.
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I add a little something on an old scout



And there, more recent pics of the sarge I call Hagall Kaun




Between the old shot and these, I redone the face and add some scratches on the armor.

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