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Allying a BA libby or SW Runepriest with GK?


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Hey folks I'm assembling a GK army and I have a wonderful libby with staff model that I would love to add to my army. However, I cannot think of any unit it could count as for GKs, apart for maybe an inquisitor. My knowledge of allying is a bit fuzzy, is it possibly to ally in a SW or BA librarian type? I love their psychic powers and think it would be great to get a Njal with Jaws and stormy things or get that neat blood lance power I've seen.


Is this possible?

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Sorry, that won't work. The only allies you can have in a GK force is Codex: Space Marines (it's rather clear about that). If you wanted to run a Blood Angels or a Space Wolf force and add GK allies, you could. You would need to field One HQ and Two Troops from the Main force (Blood Angels or Space Wolf) then you could add up to; One GK HQ, One GK Elite, Two GK Troops, and One GK Fast Attack.


Hope this helps.

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Sorry, that won't work. The only allies you can have in a GK force is Codex: Space Marines (it's rather clear about that). If you wanted to run a Blood Angels or a Space Wolf force and add GK allies, you could. You would need to field One HQ and Two Troops from the Main force (Blood Angels or Space Wolf) then you could add up to; One GK HQ, One GK Elite, Two GK Troops, and One GK Fast Attack.


Hope this helps.

You also may not field allied space marines at all if you are using grey knight units.


(though I dont know whats not to love about codex marine psyker powers, avenger is sweet)

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Actually while I not only fail to see where you can only take allies if you are not using grey knights, it also says under using GKs as allies that you can use variant lists. Why does it then not say the same for taking allies for DH? Thats strange
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pg 21 "using inducted guard, or allied space marine contengents" is where it says you may not use space marine varients its on the left hand side.

On the right hand side under "Allied space marines" the second paragraph is "Allied space marines may not be used if grey knights are present in the deamonhunters force."


By the fluff side, its likely because having some deamon hunters keeping an eye on someones elses forces is not nearly as unlikely as another space marine chapter hanging out with a full grey knight force. What with the grey knights tendency to kill every non-deamon hunter after the chaos incusion is done, to prevent posible curruption. Its not a big deal to slaughter a regiment or two of freindly guard once the job is done, it IS a big deal to whipe out a couple of squads of space marines after a job is done.

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If that was the case, why would GKs be allowed to ally with other armies, say DA or BA?


I don't think its cause they would kill the SM after the battle, just that maybe the combo was considered unbalanced at the time?

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if you deploy a squad of GK it probly only a minor bit of chaos, or investigation into possible incurstions, if you deploy an army of GK its likely not a full demonic incursion (the type were you kill everyone afterword, just to be sure).


Or maybe its just cus if you have GK why would you need space marines, yet if you have space marines you may still need GK.

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Minor offtopic, but the only time people were killed for daemons was Armageddon, and that was just Ordo Malleus trying to contain daemonic corruption yes?


Just knowing about the GK isn't a crime. They just don't have much contact with average citizens that live past daemonic incursions. They work alongside the Blood Angels well enough and the Black Templar consider them the only trustable psykers.

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Is it possible I can get what I want out of using a SW parent list, with Njal as HQ and some Grey Hunters with Meltas (which gives me some nice AV I think) and then using allies for all my GK units? I suppose my landraiders would have to be SW statted, which isn't a bad thing, but I could take PAGKs and a Grandmaster and stuff right?
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That's perfectly legal. I did that at last years 'Ard Boyz (with regular Space Marines, though). Hope it works better for you then me. If I have read the Space Wolf Codex correctly, I think you could even use a second Space Wolf HQ, if you wanted one.
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Is it possible I can get what I want out of using a SW parent list, with Njal as HQ and some Grey Hunters with Meltas (which gives me some nice AV I think) and then using allies for all my GK units? I suppose my landraiders would have to be SW statted, which isn't a bad thing, but I could take PAGKs and a Grandmaster and stuff right?

it is entirely possible, just be aware of the limits to how much FOC slots can be from an ally (max of 1 hq, 1 elite, 2 troops, 1 fast attack, no heavy). If thats all the GK you want/have then you are golden. And yeah due to Wolves wolfyness you could have 2 wolf HQ and still take your GK hq

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So not a bad idea to have my wolves be my AV, my GK be my anti everything else with some GKT and a Grandmaster with PAGK back up and let Njal ride on top of a landraider belting out viking metal songs?


Edit: real question is is there anything I will miss from heavy support?

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Daemonhunters heavy support is lacking, the two things you won't be able to take that aren't in the wolves 'dex are GK purgation squads(which you probably wouldn't take anyways) and orbital strike. Oh, and heavy support dreadnoughts, for whatever that costs you.


It's worth noting that using the wolves codex as a base works out pretty well, daemonhunters are a little lacking in the ranged anti vehicle department.

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