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jump pack vs droppod


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hey guys


Using the vanilla SM codex which is better?


i plan on dropping an ironclad dred. but also got a 10 man assault squad so would it be better to pod them for that extra protection or jumppack them behind over then whip round in CC??


any help me awesome


Wisey :P

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Put your assault squad on the table at the start of the game. If you deep-strike even using a LB they will get shot before they can do much. If there on the table you can move 12" shoot then assault 6". Also with there JP they can be a reaction force and plug holes when you need them too. If you do remove the JPs from them and drop them in a pod then they cant assault and will be shot before they can do much more then draw fire. However if your planning on dropping them alongside the dread in the same turn then you might fair better. However unless your taking 3 or more DPs then you cant do that.
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Fair warning: Assault Marines in Codex: Space Marines are fairly underwhelming no matter how you deliver them. They're pretty wretched in hand-to-hand combat, and really can serve only to clean up significantly weakened enemy units (two flamers are a nice bonus in this regard). 3 S4 attacks on a charge each? That's pretty underwhelming. Now other Codecies, like the new Blood Angels Codex, are a whole nother story, but you're asking about C:SM, so we'll focus on that.


As for delivering them, if you're going to be deep striking them to support the Ironclad (which is what I think it sounds like), they lose their mobility after the drop pod lands. At least if they use their jump packs, they can still have decent mobility afterwards.


That said, 5-man assault squads in Drop Pods serve as cheap ways to stack more of your Drop Pod firepower coming down on first turn, but only really in an all-drop pod army.

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hey guys,


so basically i should leave packs on and either run them up flank to avoid fire or deepstrike them if feeling lucky?

my main fight will be against IG who suck in CC anyway so im not worried to much!


Wisey :Troops:

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If you are planning to Drop Pod an Assault Unit, Drop Pod Vanguard Veterans. Not only do you get access to Power Weapons, but also Storm Shields.


Land, run for Cover, set up for Assault on Turn 2 and hope you weather the incoming fire.

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If you are planning to Drop Pod an Assault Unit, Drop Pod Vanguard Veterans. Not only do you get access to Power Weapons, but also Storm Shields.


Land, run for Cover, set up for Assault on Turn 2 and hope you weather the incoming fire.


only problem with the vanguard is they are so expencive as a 10 man squad :tu:

i dont think a small squad could cut their way through masses of guards fast enough till they roll enough dice to get the numbers they need!


im only doing a 1500pnts army right now maybe if i ever take it to 2k then i would swap to vanguard



so im thinking of leaving jump packs on for a couple reasons

1. more moverability

2. my friend fears the jump pack guys as he calls them

3. as they are pre-heresy gives me a chance to ge some awesome looking pre-heresy packs on them

4. can swap between running them up and deepstriking between games


sound good?


Wisey ^_^

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If you are planning to Drop Pod an Assault Unit, Drop Pod Vanguard Veterans. Not only do you get access to Power Weapons, but also Storm Shields.


Land, run for Cover, set up for Assault on Turn 2 and hope you weather the incoming fire.


only problem with the vanguard is they are so expencive as a 10 man squad :D

i dont think a small squad could cut their way through masses of guards fast enough till they roll enough dice to get the numbers they need!


They have 33% more attacks (25% more on the Assault), and a 10 man Squad with a Power Weapon and Drop Pod costs 205 for the Assault Squad, 260 for the Vanguard.


That makes them a pretty much dead on match for value, and then you can increase the units durability and hitting power by taking 2-3 Storm Shields and 2-3 Weapon Upgrades.


The Vanguard are good value in a Pod or a Raider providing you don't overequip them. They need a minimum of 2 Storm Shields and 3 spare wounds in a 10 man Squad, preferably 3 & 4 respectively.

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i tried putting them in but the do come to over 100 points than my assault squad and i just dont have the spare points :/

when i boost it to a 2k army i will put them in (love assault squads) along with assaut termies :huh:


so tactic i am going to go for is jump pack rush or DS depending on deployment


Wisey <_<

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