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Harrassment and Hate!


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Hey guys.

Heres the deal. I got my battle force box. put it together,and have played a few games.


Unfortunatley,I've been running into some trouble,and so I wanted to get some opinions on what i should do.


this topic is going to deal with 3 things.


1-Assault squad. I have made a 7 man assault squad,complete with a chaplain with powerfist.


Since i already have the chaplain in the assault squad,should I drop the powerfist and combat shield on the SGT.?


2- I have a 5 man scout squad.I have been using them with a teleport homer to drop in my black reach terminators.

this has been working well. :D They mainly have been used as a throw away unit.


My question:Can I equip them with the shotgun,instead of the bolters,to get the ability to assault,or is that gun considered a NO-NO?


(I want to be able to harass or just blast some guys in a "no guts,no glory" kind of way after i drop the termies.


3-I need a tank!! :) My little stunt with 7 stern guard and pedro in a rhino to help support up the middle is working....but not all the time.

I have no way of bringing any ass beating to the board :(


I just ordered a "PREDATOR" but i am wondering if that is enough to help bring some pain.

**Is it tactically sound to run 2 predators? or is their another tank that goes well with it?


Just so no one is confused,my army list is below.


10 man tac squad flamer,and missle launcher.

(sgt has power sword and bolter)


10 man tac squad:misle launcher,and melta

(sgt has double plasma pistols)**yea I know it's wrong but he looks cool** :)


7 man asault squad/jump packs one has a flamer


sgt-power fist,combat shield


7 man sternguard one has a combi melta

sgt-powerfist and bolter

Pedro kantor



Dread(the black reach one)


5 man scout squad

(don't know how to equip them)


5 man terminators (black reach ones)


***As some of you can see,I do ok,but I get spread thin at times. I can usually cover my flanks,but i just don't

have enough fire support or any heavy guns to keep my center from collapsing.That and not having enough play expierience

I can't figure out how to Load up my guys that i do have in order to get the most benefit.**

So any suggestions?



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Well, first of all what armies do you normally face? This could affect some of your army list choices depending on the situation and enemy.


1) For your assault squad I recommend keeping the chaplain along with making it 10 man with power fist and 2 flamers. This squad does a pretty good job of wiping out infantry with those flamers and the powerfist can do the heavy hitting against MCs if you get tied up with one, which you probably will. Don't take the combat shield. You don't need it because you definitely do not want to allocate wounds onto your sergeant because he has that expensive strength 8 hard hitter. Just put the wound on a poor unsuspecting regular marine.


2) I heard scouts are nice with the landspeeder storm and a powerfist, but I haven't tried it out yet. Need more money :/


3) Did you say tanks? Yes go with the preds. Either do autocannon with lascannon sponsoons (for killing heavy tanks and MEQs) or autocannon with heavy bolters (infantry and light vehicles). There's nothing a couple of preds can't do! You could even get a vindicator. Once again, what tank to get is situational, but a well rounded one is definitely the autocannon/lascannon sponsoons.


4) Give your tactical sergeants some love (aka power fists). Put them both in rhinos to make them even more resilient.


5) get 2 more sternguard. 9 sternguard with pedro in a rhino makes the Emperor smile.


6) You could put autocannons on your dread too, but they're a pain to model unless you get the aegis defense line. But, 4 twin-linked strength 7 shots puts nice holes in enemy transports. Other than that you could make your dreaddy venerable with that multi-melta, plop him on the field via drop pod and watch him go to town.


As a personal choice, I recommend getting some land speeders. Nothing makes the Emperor smile more than 3 missile launcher/heavy bolter speeders... or some multi-melta/heavy flamer ones, too. With a squad of 3 typhoons you get 6 missile and 9 heavy bolter attacks! Nothing like 48" + 6" threat bubble for your missiles!


Hope this helps.

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Whoops,My bad :rolleyes:

The 3 main armies I face the most are:


1-TAU :angry: GAWWD!! I hate these guys. They naturally rob me of my play style. Which is of course to park the middle and fire

and harrass the side flanks. You can not sit back and let the army come to you and then blow them away.

Especially that stupid tank the guy has that looks like a fish.Hammerhead?? <_< :unsure:


2-Orks. I just let them come to me.then I blast 'em back. not too much trouble here,except when my opponent starts using

the bikes,or those damn defkoptas


3)marines. mainly space wolves and ultra. The Space wolves are a losing proposition right from the start :(

the game is basically over two turns into it. those guys just seem toget around me.


Most of the guys I play with are not "mr.suitcase"

We all have families,so we can't afford to field the super - ultra-death to all tourney lists that float around.But still my poor crimson fists are

starting to limp a little :D


but man those damn TAU!! :down:

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haha, I dont have any experience against Tau, but I can offer 1 thing of advice. Drop in. But, yea, Tau are on the other side of the galaxy as far as my marines are concerned :huh:


Against defkoptas I would get a predator with autocannons and heavy bolter sponsoons. If you can, I recommend magnetizing those sponsoons so you can switch them out against those wolves.


Now fighting those space woofs falls under my court. With your list I definitely recommend keeping those assault marines near pedro and your sternguard. No doubt your sterguard will be the first stick the wolves will want to fetch. Let them come and weather the first hits. Then swoop in with your assault squad, I believe they will get 4 attacks each on a charge with pedro near and rerolled failed wounds with the chaplain. It may be overkill, but if its the enemy's toughest unit, it might be worth it.




Keep dready near your sternguard. No doubt a close combat dread can kill almost anything, which will leave your assault squad free to cover your terminators when they drop in.


Plasma guns for your tacticals will help crack open the shells of your enemies. Your list definitely needs more "reach out and touch someone" weapons like the predators I mentioned above.

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Are you facing a highly mechanized tau force?



Or is it largely infantry with some tank support?





Here's a general answer that I will revise with more information. It's basic, simple and effective.



Be aggressive. Tau are scary only at range, once they're in swinging distance they drop like fly's. Kroot are an exception to this and should be dealt with by few rounds of shots from stern or massed tacticals, but only if they are going to be serious thorn in your side, avoid them otherwise. Your scouts should be equipped with camo so-as to ensure your terminators get down quickly. The scouts will be a fire magnet if the tau know of the teleport homer, hence the camo to increase chances of survival.

Once the terminators are down they will replace the scouts as chief fire magnet and distraction. Use this to your advantage. If the tau are focusing most of their guns on the five man Terminator squad, get your tacticals in melta and fist range. Pop their tanks as quickly as possible.

Also the scouts are a tar-pit unit once the terminators are down, use them to tie up enemy heavy's such as broadsides, stealthsuits and the occasional pathfinder squad. Keep them busy while the rest of your army does its job.

I would suggest investing in an assault cannon. It's one of the most reliable anti-tank weapons in the game, due to rending.


The scouts work well against tanks with a PF, Combi-Melta, and a full squad. Give them CCWs to get your money's worth in assault. Shotguns are nice but your going for assault.

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A lot of my games are at against Tau and I have an all foot army... most of my tactics should work for you.



Black Reach+


40 Tacs

10 Termies

1-2 Leaders




Setup and Deployment are key.


Try to setup second. (Most of the time, Tau will want to go first anyway to setup firing lanes.) Place all of your units against just a section of his. Use overwheming force, aim to assault.


In objective missions, your power armor can give great protection for a turn or two. Hide from his firepower the first couple turns, then advance on the objectives. He won't be able to kill you fast enough at range, and you have the CC advantage.


In base missions, set yours up as close as possible to his. Reduce the mobility needed to threaten both.


Tau don't have much in the way of templates, so don't be afraid to bunch up.




Tau like to setup in cover. The Librarian Avenger power works great. I like to use flamers and plasma cannons in my Tac squads. The Chapter Master's Obital Strike works well against massed units.


Sometimes I use Sternguard and/or Devestators, and have had success with both. I also use a Dreadnought in about 1/2 my games (But it's an easy target.)


I have been contemplating using Scouts in a Storm to hit Pathfinders and whatnot. But have not tried them yet.




Warprat ;)

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1) I'm really not a big fan of assault squads. Against anything with close-combat prowess, they're very underwhelming. Plus, they compete for Fast Attack slots against Landspeeders, so I have a hard time recommending them. If you are going to run them, I think a Chaplain is of modest benefit: rerolling to hit with S4 non-power weapon attacks isn't going to knock anyone's socks off, except against the lightest of the light infantry (plus Fearless is a double-edged sword, denying you Combat Tactics and locking you in and forcing you to suffer extra No Retreat! wounds). Still, if you have nothing better to do with your points, load a 10-man assault squad up with two flamers and send them around shooting up weakened infantry. Consider the fact that you have 50% more attacks on the charge than a Tactical Squad a nice bonus instead of the main attraction.


2) Scouts are weak sauce, unfortunately. They're my favorite unit in the Codex by far, but BS 3 at Marine prices is really brutal. And WS3 with a 4+ armor means they're extremely fragile in close-combat. So my personal preference at this point is to just stick with bolters. Using them to teleport Terminators in isn't terrible, but a 5-man Scout squad will probably get vaporized in a hurry against any serious shooting (such as Tau shooting).


3) Preds are solid gold. I run three in most of my armies, with an Autocannon and Sponson Heavy Bolters, providing a very tough firebase for my army (my Bikers love having vehicles in the backfield providing long-ranged fire quite a bit). Las Cannon sponsons tend to be cost-prohibitive for my armies at 2000 points and lower, but they're worth consideration at times. However, the twin-linked Las Cannon is practically an absolute no-no. The autocannon pumping out two shots that threaten such a vast swathe of models is just too nice, and the price tag on the TL Las Cannon is just too much. I'd also take multiples of the Predator before bothering with other tanks. Spam works best when you deny your opponent any sort of target priority, and both Whirlwinds and Vindicators suffer far too much from being single-shot platforms. Yeah, pie plates are nice against hordes, but Dakka Predator can potentially deal 8 wounds to a Carnifex in a turn, while a Vindicator can only deal 1.


As for your list, Tacticals get Rhinos, unless you're playing Razorback Spam. Despite what a lot of other folks around here say, I think a power fist on a Tactical Squad is wasteful: they seem like they should get a big edge against MCs and vehicles, but it winds up being marginal at best for a greatly increased risk. Better to just Combat Tactics out of close combat with a walker or MC or Close Combat Specialists then rapid-fire. As far as dual plasma-pistols, it's very sub-optimal. That said, when I do pull out my Assault Marines, they're lead by Samuel L. Jackson, who wields a bolt pistol and a plasma pistol exclusively because he's gangsta, so for a bad choice, at least you earn style points for it.


Sternguard are a strange beast. I like them, but Dreads tend to be a better value. That said, I think they're solid. I like to take at least a few combi-meltas to help them kill vehicles if needed. However, Pedro is awful for Sternguard at 2000 points and below. They're a shooty unit... who become stubborn and lose combat tactics? No thanks. Pedro is downright nasty when you have him ride down with Sternguard in Drop Pods who Combat Squad immediately into 6 5-man squads (stubborn is better for small units than large ones). Otherwise, if you have more you can do with the points, I'd drop Pedro in a heartbeat for another Dread, for instance.


I agree with the above advice about your dread: twin-linked Autocannon dreadnoughts (riflemen) are one of the most cost-effective choices for an Elites slot. Marines usually hurt at long-range, but 4 twin-linked S7 shots every turn at 48" is really nice. I'd also add that I think a Librarian with a Jump Pack with the Avenger and Null Zone would be really beneficial with the list you currently have.

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