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Drop Pods landing + firing


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Hi all, sorry if this question has been asked before...

Most people I have played with (I´m a rookie in WH40k) told me that drop pods can fire its weapons even the turn they land. They land, open and all the people inside get out. In the shooting phase of this first round all the travellers can shoot (not assault) but.. Can the drop pod shoot also? (its storm bolter or deathwind)


In the manual I read that a drop pod when it lands is like a vehicle that moves its maximun movement so as a vehicle, it cant shoot this first round and must wait for the following turns. Am I correct?, or there is any special rule about drop pods that allow them to shoot just they drop?..


thanks in advance mates!

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I was thinking about this recently and being devils advocate (or just annoying);


the drop pod counts as moving max distance when it lands so cannot shoot. For those who like the rules to the letter where is the bit that says the troops can disembark? Normally troops cannot disembark if the vehicle moved more than 12 or something.


I'd never argue this, more just to satisfy my curiosity.

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