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Clarify some math AV 14 vs Melta?

captain sox

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Hey folks!


I'm missing something here. I've been reading in many posts that Melta is the best weapon vs. AV 14. But I don't get it. Melta is strength 8. Even on a 6 you only glance AV 14. Maybe I'm not understanding the Melta rule...


Please help me understand. I have some games coming up against multi -raider lists, and help would be great.



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When you are within half of the meltas maximum range (6" for meltaguns, 12" for multi-melta), you roll 2 D6 and add them to the strength of 8. Yup, that's about a 2/3 chance of penetrating AV14.


And it's AP1.


Suck on that raider.


Drop a pod filled with sternguard with combi-meltas for taking out land raiders. Classic :P

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It's AP1, so you get +1 on the damage roll as well.


Here's something I've been wondering... what's the "best" (to whatever extent there is such a thing) way of delivering melta to a tank? I hadn't thought of drop pods before, so already I am enlightened, but are there other ways which might work even better (I had been thinking about a Land Speeder with MM earlier today)?

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It's AP1, so you get +1 on the damage roll as well.


Here's something I've been wondering... what's the "best" (to whatever extent there is such a thing) way of delivering melta to a tank? I hadn't thought of drop pods before, so already I am enlightened, but are there other ways which might work even better (I had been thinking about a Land Speeder with MM earlier today)?

Multi-meltas on speeders or attack bikes have a lot of fans; the potential to move 12" and shoot a heavy weapon is hard to ignore.

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It's AP1, so you get +1 on the damage roll as well.


Here's something I've been wondering... what's the "best" (to whatever extent there is such a thing) way of delivering melta to a tank? I hadn't thought of drop pods before, so already I am enlightened, but are there other ways which might work even better (I had been thinking about a Land Speeder with MM earlier today)?



I have been having lots of recent (and anecdotal) success with the Landspeeder Storm and Scouts (I prefer to Outflank)




Combi-Melta, Melta bombs + 4 Krak Grenades






Don't listen to people telling to not consider the Multi-Melta because of the "crap" LSS balistic skill. It is only one point different than a normal Marine with 4. Going from a 67% chance to hit to a 50% chance is only going to matter 17% of the time!!!


Watch this video for a demonstration (with some good rolls)



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to hit 4/6


to glance Av 14 5/36

to destroy from that glance 1/6




to pen Av 14 21/36

to destroy from that pen 3/6


4/6 x 5/36 x 1/6 +

4/6 x 21/36 x 3/6

= 20/1296 + 252/1296

= 272/1296


or 20.99%

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Top delivery systems would be:


-Drop pod: This could be carrying a dreadnought, a tactical squad, sternguard or, my own personal favourite, a command squad. I use a drop podding command squad with 2 Melta guns. They're more likely to survive the retaliatory strikes than any other drop podding unit thanks to some decent CC abilities and Feel No Pain.


-Attack Bikes: Either run solo, or as part of a melta equipped bike squadron. Fast and pretty durable.


-Land Speeder: Again, very fast. Less vulnerable to small arms fire than the attack bike, but VERY fragile against heavy weapons. Great in city fight games where they can ignore terrain. Also remember that they can deep strike, so combined with a locator beacon they can be nice. Only risk there is the lack of surety on WHEN they turn up.


-Land Speeder Storm: For all the points mentioned above with the normal land speeder. Bonuses being that you can outflank, scout move and carry a combi-melta wielding scout sergeant, with a couple of melta bombs in his pockets. Down sides being the lower BS and the fact that it is open topped, so more vulnerable.

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Don't forget Termicide... 3 termies with combi melta's DS'ing next to a LR is usually enough to take it out

That is 'traitor only'.

true, but nobody specified which army, everyone just assumed loyalist

Yeah, Loyalty to the Emperor is a default. ;)

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5 Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, 2meltas, rhino, extra armour, smoke launchers, 128


At least 2 in every army :tu:


Seriously the amount of times that unit has taken near twice its points is ridiculous (ala Land raider or Falcon normally)

Remember nobody expects the humbe rhino and in them, nobody exoects the inquisition with meltas!

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