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Brother Benetar

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Hey all, its been a while since I have painted so I decided that I should share what I have done so far this year. Disapointingly this is the only painting project I have finished this year, I have been far too busy studying. :P

The model is a character for a friend's homebrew crossover game, I forget what the other game is called, but one of them is 40k.

I am enjoying painting gradients at the moment, which you may have noticed if you seen my Golden Bolter entry.





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good model, the battle damaged shoulder and lightning have come up well. On the black armour, you have a very neat hand and that shows through, the only thing is maybe ease up on the thickness of the highlights and where you highlight. Overall nice model, keep up the good work!
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good model, the battle damaged shoulder and lightning have come up well. On the black armour, you have a very neat hand and that shows through, the only thing is maybe ease up on the thickness of the highlights and where you highlight. Overall nice model, keep up the good work!


Heh, yeah I don't normally highlight so much, there is a reason for it. The model is what I tend to call a paint marine. It has so many layers of paint that the only way to make it look like a marine is to highlight where all the edges should be. We use them mostly to test paint schemes and as substitute models in games.


Thanks for the feed back, next time I'm highlighting something I'll try to work on my line thickness.

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You should have called it Krak-shot, get it?!

No? Ok.. *dodges the flying cabbage* ahem.


In all seriousness though your grey highlights look a bit stark, maybe a 50:50 mix of Chaos Black - Grey will look better in the future.

His eye lenses appear to be all black, it may be the photo though.


Anyhow, he looks great and the red is very vibrant. ;)

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In all seriousness though your grey highlights look a bit stark, maybe a 50:50 mix of Chaos Black - Grey will look better in the future.

His eye lenses appear to be all black, it may be the photo though.


Anyhow, he looks great and the red is very vibrant. :HQ:


Yeah, I haven't been painting/highlighting marines very long, only about 6 models so far. I don't have my Black Templars army yet, so I am just playing around with some spare models my friend owns. My highlighting has been hit and miss thus far, I am working on improving it when I actually have some time to sit down and paint.


The model's... left eye I think, has been gouged out. I'm not sure who did it, but that's why I didn't paint the lenses. Ok, ok fine... I forgot the other one was still there! >.< Not painting the lenses is a bad habit of mine. :)


I painted the gouged out eye with tin bits, but it hasn't shown up in the photos and is hard to see even when actually looking at the model unless you are looking for it. While taking the photos I also noticed that I didn't paint the detail on the chest... whoops.



Brother Benetar says..."Love is a battlefield!"




... lol :P

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