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Storm Bolter vs Deathwind Missile Launcher?


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Im just starting my Space Wolves army and are planning to use one or more droppods in it.

For the Droppod, which one is the best/has helped to win your battles the most? Stormbolter or Deathwind Missile Launcher.

I dont see almost anyone upgrading to it on forums and stuff. Hence my question: is the Launcher just a waste of space and 20 points?



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I don't personally use Pods, but were I to do so I would probably only put Deathwinds on Pods I intended to drop on turn 1 in proximity to an objective I was planning to subsequently hold, as a bonus defensive firepower position.
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I tend to see about 1/3-1/4 of the drop pods I face off against with the deathwind launcher.


I find them a much larger annoyance than a single storm bolter.


You lose some range, but gain the ability to inflict more wounds at a time.


If I were to run drop pods, I would choose them.

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A misguided waste of points.



A droppod cannot shoot a Deathwind missile launcher on the turn it deepstrikes. Look at the vehicle rules for shooting, and the the Strength of the Deathwind.



It's better to simply leave the storm and use the 20pts where they'll do more good. Instead of giving the enemy an easy 55pt kill.

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I put Deathwind only on the first wave pods, since its the hard hitting first wave. Even if they dont shoot 1st turn, ur opponent will have to take care of them, so your marines (or dread) will receive less fire. But for the other pods, just put the normal stormbolter.
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Hmm, from the pointers above (very helpful I might add) it seems like the usage of DW is totally based on things like what kind of tactics I plan to use and the overall theme of the army.


But if I plan to use this one droppod only to get my Drednought with MM and CCW close to whatever tank the enemy has got. Then I might as well save those 20 points to something else then?

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There's nothing like the look on an IG player's face when you tell him what your pod with deathwind launcher is capable of, and drop the pod right next to a large platoon, and disgorge a dread with multi-melta. The dreadnought will likely be his target priority, so if the pod survives, stick that large blast over his platoon and giggle to yourself as you need 2s to wound, and they only have a 5+ save. Ha.



But other then against IG, or nids, they're not a very usefull upgrade.

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I think in lists that use a lot of powerful, but inexpensive units, they would be worth it...



Want to use a Thunderfire, but afraid it will get popped first turn? Use a couple of Deathwinds and some speeders. Sure, it would be stupid to plop it down in front of meltas with nothing else to shoot at. So, don't. If nothing else, they can be deployed defensively.


Would you rather take one Whirlwind that can put out one pie plate a turn, or four Deathwinds that can put out four pie plates a turn? They're only twice the cost of an HK. If your going to take the pod anyway, think about putting something useful in it.


In many ways, they serve the same function as HK's. Would you rather have 12 HK's that can fire turn one, or one Rifleman Dread that can fire for multiple turns. Same concept...




It's all about target saturation, and whether you need it, or not.


Warprat ;)

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Im just starting my Space Wolves army and are planning to use one or more droppods in it.

For the Droppod, which one is the best/has helped to win your battles the most? Stormbolter or Deathwind Missile Launcher.

I dont see almost anyone upgrading to it on forums and stuff. Hence my question: is the Launcher just a waste of space and 20 points?



I play SWs, and often utilize DPs to win the day.


Biggest benefit of a 35pt dedicated transport, first, foremost, and above all others:




So, ask yourself this... why are we increasing the point cost of our transport by 60% to gain zilch in effectiveness in its primary duty: bringing our troops to battle ?


Its not a bad weapon, but frankly there are hundreds of better places to put in 20pts in a SW army, and theres no way a sane person could ever take every single upgrade on every single squad in a normal game. Do yourself a favor, use those points on better things...


Like Powerfists, Wolf Tail Talismans for all your HQs, or an extra Grey Hunter.


There's nothing like the look on an IG player's face when you tell him what your pod with deathwind launcher is capable of, and drop the pod right next to a large platoon, and disgorge a dread with multi-melta. The dreadnought will likely be his target priority, so if the pod survives, stick that large blast over his platoon and giggle to yourself as you need 2s to wound, and they only have a 5+ save. Ha.



But other then against IG, or nids, they're not a very usefull upgrade.

Of course, hes likely to just not care... you cant fire it the turn you land, and its an AV 12 vehicle.... any IG player who fields large infantry squads will also be fielding alot of heavy weapon teams and special weapon teams.... and you only have to glance that pod to destroy any effective shooting it had. Then, he can use his other 9 heavy weapon teams to take on your dread, your two other pods, and any other vehicles you may have left wandering around.

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I recently asked one very experienced player the same thing.

He sayed as he uses a droppod do hammer straight into the enemy. So if he has his own units near the enemy it would not be a good idea to use template weapons against him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

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I recently asked one very experienced player the same thing.

He sayed as he uses a droppod do hammer straight into the enemy. So if he has his own units near the enemy it would not be a good idea to use template weapons against him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Meh. I regularly fire Vindicator Templates into close proximity to my battle brother squads. Same with Whirlwind and Thunderfire. Have some faith in the emperor!

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I recently asked one very experienced player the same thing.

He sayed as he uses a droppod do hammer straight into the enemy. So if he has his own units near the enemy it would not be a good idea to use template weapons against him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Meh. I regularly fire Vindicator Templates into close proximity to my battle brother squads. Same with Whirlwind and Thunderfire. Have some faith in the emperor!


I do, but you shall not waste what the emperor provides B)

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I recently asked one very experienced player the same thing.

He sayed as he uses a droppod do hammer straight into the enemy. So if he has his own units near the enemy it would not be a good idea to use template weapons against him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Meh. I regularly fire Vindicator Templates into close proximity to my battle brother squads. Same with Whirlwind and Thunderfire. Have some faith in the emperor!


I do, but you shall not waste what the emperor provides B)

With Vindicators it's a good idea to have fired the nearby Infantry unit first, so you lose nothing if you have to Go To Ground to gain a 3+ Cover Save.


However, it's very unlikely to actually happen providing you're more than 6" from the point of impact.


Loss is acceptable. Failure is not.

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