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Borkhal's Word bearer army blog


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No pictures as of yet. left my camera at my friends house :B but this is my host so far.



:HQ: Chaos Lord with Daemon weapon, Terminator armour. personal icon.


5 possessed with icon of khorne.


dreadnought with plasma cannon and heavy flamer.


10 chaos marines with 2 melta guns.


5 marines with flamer.


Thats 670 points all together. and my next step will be ten summoned daemons to boost the list to 800 points and the close combat effectiveness of the posessed, and if the lord is in danger, help him out a bit.


C&C is welcome :)

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Hi Borkhal,


How about a vehicle or two?


A Rhino is helpful for getting troops around the battlefield safely.


A Predator, Vindicator or Defiler gives you some heavy guns, which are often helpful.

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in the next 200 points after the 800 points i'll be including some rhinos


i have a half painted defiler, but i got fustrated and abandoned it, its legs were too annoying. xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little bit of fluff to my host.



pre-heresy, aspiring chaplain of the 9th company, 4th chapter. Borkhal was an (pre-heresy, WB's were split into chapters of 1000 marines, with 10 companies)


heresy, Turned to chaos and as first acolyte of Burzak the Corruptor the company was sent to calth against the dogs of guilleman, and led many sermons summoning hordes of daemons to his company into the fray. Burzak was torrn in half by an Librarians psychic attack and retrieved by his anointed and teleported to the Infidus Corruptus and was avenged when Aspiring Champion Furion crushed the librarian with his power claw. The word bearers retreated to the eye of terror when the ultramarines reinforcements pushed the word bearers back.


Post heresy. Burzak the Corruptor was installed into a mighty dreadnought.

Borkhal was given the title of dark apostle in his masters place and the chapter was appointed the 19th host by Kor Phaeron.


Burzak's Crozius was defiled and corrupted by erebus in the blood of an entire ultramarines company captured and sacrificed by Borkhal's host as they reached the eye of terror. The accursed crozius was presented to Borkhal along with an ancient suit of terminator armour.


Furion became the coryphaus as his knowledge of the lore of battle was incomparable amongst the host.


The host has sworn to cleanse the stars of the bastard sons of guilleman and all of the corpse gods lackeys.

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FINALLY! the camera has returned.

(Apologies for some of the poor qualities of some photo's yet to be uploaded)



Borkhal the blessed.





EDIT: I removed the image so as to avoid spamming the same model too many times.

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The dreadnought looks great, how did you fashion that hand or is it part of another model?


And as noted... rhinos.



And I know they are very fluffy for WBs but not a fan of possessed at all.


Good to hear demons are the next thing your adding.

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The dreadnought looks great, how did you fashion that hand or is it part of another model?


And as noted... rhinos.



And I know they are very fluffy for WBs but not a fan of possessed at all.


Good to hear demons are the next thing your adding.



The powerfist was made with the venerable dreadnought fist, with power talon's clipped, glued and greenstuffed onto its fingertips.


i personally love possessed, the kit looks awesome, and i think they're real fun to play with. icon of khorne to make up for their lack of attacks and the possessed table makes for varied battles.


sure they attract a bit of fire, but that allows my marines to take up better positions and take objectives etc.






here they are ;) (still need to top that banner)


after some revising on my list, my next step will be a battleforce, then paint/ebay the berzerkers.

that will bump my list up to 1100 points.

Apostle. 150

Dreadnought. 115

10 Possessed. 160

10 Marines w/ two meltas + Rhino. 205

10 marines w/ two flamers 160

10 marines w/ heavy bolter. 160


EDIT: I removed the image so as to avoid spamming the same model too many times.

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Maybe you could make the images a bit smaller, so we can see the whole model at the same time?


Im trying to do that, but im not sure how to do it on this computer :S

i'm too broke to afford internet at the moment, so i use friends/grans when i do. and this computer is annoying.



what is the reccomended scale/size for pictures on BAC?

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Maybe you could make the images a bit smaller, so we can see the whole model at the same time?


Im trying to do that, but im not sure how to do it on this computer :S

i'm too broke to afford internet at the moment, so i use friends/grans when i do. and this computer is annoying.



what is the reccomended scale/size for pictures on BAC?


I think it is 800x600 as a maximum.

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  • 3 months later...

Thread revival! Braiiiiiinsss!



Well after many a month of partying, festivals, gigging and thrashing im finally back with some updated camera taking skills and money to buy more warhammer. Huzzah!


ive updated the crappy pictures up there ^, and heres some new ones of some of my other models, here.





EDIT: I removed the image so as to avoid spamming the same model too many times.

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how did u make that freehand insignia on the dred?!



The flames i painted in Mach. solar orange and blended up to Iyanden Darksun


and the daemon face was a while of practising on spare bases and plasticard til i got comfortable with it


white squiggly lines for text and theres chaos stars and some runes dotted about i made up <_<

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How exactly do you capture an entire company of Ultramarines? I mean it's not like they'd just lie down and surrender because you have a few posessed. ;)

Love the models, the robed bodies I've always thought suited word bearers especially well. The venerable dread looks really nice though the barrel of the plasma cannon could use a little black down it, and the DCCW conversion(chaos powerfist fingers on the humanoid DCCW hand?) is very fitting. I love the way all the banners look like they're made of flayed flesh... Corruption seals? :wallbash:


Gaming wise, I'm somewhat suprised, no fistychamps in those CSM squads, and no chaos glory?

Also as stated a single rhino is bad, I'd say worse than none at all, but rhinos for everyone would be fantastic.

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the captured smurfs were from the heresy :cuss when companies were massive and contained many hundreds of marines :cuss it is a fairly old weapon, as is its owner.


sorry bout the poor photo, but hopefully that will show the scorched plasma cannon

But ive got some sweet ideas for Terminators and an upped-dark apostle.


The Terminators will be crusader styled and have chaos knight shields+ underslung bolters, chaos knightesque power weapons, shoulderpads and helmets with horns shaved off.


they will definately be my next buy.


unfortunately my money spending abilities have been on the low, but that is bound to change now and i'll be able to afford rhinos and daemons and more guys with champions and the like :D


more to come soon B)

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Wow, those Word Bearers are brilliantly painted. If you don't mind me asking, what technique did you use for your red armour?

I painted the armour Mechrite red, then washed it with Baal Red, then painted all of the trim with Chainmail, and washed the armour + trim with Devlan mud until i felt it was dark enough. some highlights were applied with a mix of mechrite red and a tiny dab of blood red.


Love how you did the eyes on the lord, looks like they're rolled back in his head from fervor/craziness, and the bruised sunken look around them is a nice touch. Great models overall.

you cant really tell in the photo, but i painted a red and purple wash around his eyes for a really dark look, kind of like the emperor from starwars.



Thanks for all the feedback B) i hope to have more up soon.


until then if anyone wants a different view or close up just holler.

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I painted the armour Mechrite red, then washed it with Baal Red, then painted all of the trim with Chainmail, and washed the armour + trim with Devlan mud until i felt it was dark enough. some highlights were applied with a mix of mechrite red and a tiny dab of blood red.


Oh, thats actually very similar to the way I'm doing my Word Bearers (but Scab Red instead of Mechrite Red). My first unit is about 75% done though so I don't quite know how theyll turn out yet.


I need to get my hands on some DA robes like you have for my next squad.

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Oh, thats actually very similar to the way I'm doing my Word Bearers (but Scab Red instead of Mechrite Red). My first unit is about 75% done though so I don't quite know how theyll turn out yet.



That sounds quite good, it'll be alot darker, im planning on washing my WB's armour with a coat of black wash aswell, for that nice dark look

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  • 2 months later...

Finally i can afford new things!


Sorry for the wait all, but i have washed the armour with black and touched up with scab red


Some pix to show what's been changed :P


...though something is still missing...grr


Kor Borkhal, The Blessed



My Possessed.




Close up of the Icon Bearer



10 man squad of CSM





And my WIP Terminators ;)






Mould line on the T/L flamer -.-


Enjoy ;)

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Awesome stuff! What are you going to count the weapons and shields of your terminators as? I'm currently making some WB terminators right now (they're actually right in front of me at the moment) and I'm going to count the halberds/lances from the Chaos Knight sprues as lightning claws, was just wondering if you were doing anything similar
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