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Borkhal's Word bearer army blog


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Awesome work once again Borkhal. The possessed are brilliant, and the terminators already look amazing despite not being painted. When they are painted, I expect you to post them up on here!


I need to lift my game with my Word Bearers. :)


Do you plan on doing any tanks at some stage?

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Awesome stuff! What are you going to count the weapons and shields of your terminators as? I\'m currently making some WB terminators right now (they\'re actually right in front of me at the moment) and I\'m going to count the halberds/lances from the Chaos Knight sprues as lightning claws, was just wondering if you were doing anything similar


Cheers :)


To be perfectly honest...im still not sure ;)


The shields could count as a MoN, to show increased toughness.

And the Weapons will simply count as power weapons.


But gaming wise i think a MoS would fare better as they are equipped with weapons that strike at initiative,

so a flurry of power weapons before the enemy gets a hit off would be quite useful, not to mention fun :P


Im up for any suggestions you guys might have regarding the shields


Awesome work once again Borkhal. The possessed are brilliant, and the terminators already look amazing despite not being painted. When they are painted, I expect you to post them up on here!


I need to lift my game with my Word Bearers. :P


Do you plan on doing any tanks at some stage?


Thanks :)

The termies will be getting more religious doodads, like incense burners, candles, daemonic faces and all that nonsense..Hoping to have very ornate look without being cluttered...We\'ll see how it goes


Near the end of the month i\'ll hopefully be able to afford a battleforce

So a rhino will be in order, and the possessed will finally be bumped up to ten and a 2nd troop choice :)


I\'ll be looking to trade the Khorne Berserkers for some daemons, dark angel robes or something more in keeping with the Word Bearers

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They look pretty awesome man. If I were you with your terminators I would use the shields like stormshields and give them MoT. Not quite as good as stormshields but its not that bad. Maybe a tad expensive though. I would also use their weapons as lightening claws. That'd make them a pretty tough CC unit. Tad bit expensive but that's all just my opinion. :rolleyes:
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