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Arming Techmarines, sans harness...


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So, I have two of this model:




I'd like to actually USE them someday, but am wondering at the best armament for his off-hand weapon. The power axe is molded to the model, so it's not removable.

What would be a nice offhand weaopn for a Techmarine that ISN'T using a Servoharness?


I was thinking maybe a plasma pistol, since the Techmarine and his Servitors make a nice anti-transport unit with all those powerfist attacks. The plasma pistol has a chance to damage light armor before the unit charges at it.

Techmainres with just a Servoarm aren't really a useful close-combat force. Being ICs, they can be singled out in combat, have only one wound, and no Invulnerable save. Of course, against a unit with no power weapons, he can be pretty survivable. His best bet then is probably the standard bolt pistol, yes?


Anyone have any other ideas on what other weapon the Techmarine without a harness can and should use? In what situtions? Attached to Servitors, or not?

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I tend to keep my Techmarines as cheap as possible. They have the profile of a normal Marine but the cost of three. Adding expensive wargear doesn't seem to help.


I always go with bolter or bolt pistol.

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Plasmapistol, attached to close combat scouts or a rhino-mounted assault squad?


Convert a spare back-pack for him... master of the forge with conversion beamer?


I was thinking of attaching him to a squad instead of Servitors. He'd make a good addition to a 5-man unit in a Razorback, since he can attaempt to repair a vehicle without ever getting out of it now (per GW FAQs).



I tend to keep my Techmarines as cheap as possible. They have the profile of a normal Marine but the cost of three. Adding expensive wargear doesn't seem to help.


I always go with bolter or bolt pistol.


That was my fear with buying a power weapon AND plasma pistol for him. It's a 30 point upgrade set, which nearly doubles his cost! Bolt pistol and power weapon seems the cheapest route.

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I've got that model as well, and was planning to use it to lead my killteam. I could see arming him with a plasma pistol(arti armo sv and all that), but I've just got mine with a bolt pistol for the free PW attack. The nice thing is that his gun arm is a seperate part so you can magnetize(what I did). Since he's a techmarine that also means he could serve in different chapters with just an arm swap(assuming you paint him the traditional red).


The real problem with the plasma pistol is that a techmarine can just buy a harness for 10pts more and get a flamer and a TLed plasma pistol as well as another servo arm attack. Building your own servo harness could be fun. :)


I built him two bolt pistol arms(BT and ultra), and a bolter arm(BT). My killteam is a BT crusader squad, and in the BT codex techmarines still have 2W(for the same pts cost w/pwr weapon).


I'd love to field him in normal 40k but he's just not points efficient when you can get a motf with 2w and a full harness for a few dozen points more(and without using an elites slot).

Actually would be pretty funny to attach him to a terminator squad in a raider(along with another IC), then leave him behind to repair any damage it sustained.


Anyone else a little miffed that the tinkerers and artificers of the astartes can't purchase an invulnerable save?

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