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Damned hard time starting a thread for some reason...


Anyway I'm going to paint some Khorne forces, so naturally I needed a scheme. I tried out the new Blood Red and it was not up to snuff. Ended up using all kinds of reds and washes, then I kinda just got a little tired at the end, plus I'd been drinking a tad. It looks fine my half scheme works, I'm pro-bunny ears, at least for a while, may go with some bare headed bezerkers.


I plan to do another test bezerker with darker red armor. Then I plan on painting a Chaos Lord for Astronomi-con Vancouver. Then after that passes Khorne Raptors are on my ta do list.




More info and WIP photos can be found in my WIP thread and on my blog.


There you go, note the Lonewolf blood and gore technique was used, though I don't think I do it exactly right having re-read the tutorial just now.

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He looks to have turned out great. It's hard to tell how the Lonewolf style blood turned out in the above pic that may not be correct but I'm always critical of my work as well. Great addition to your collection.
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Lonewolf's blood technique turned out fine, I think he uses a bigger brush or dollop of paint than me, but it all depends on how much you muck with it and on luck. Same with weathering powder or dappling techniques. I'm experimenting with them more, sometimes they work great, other times not as much. You have to have faith and practice. I took pictures before I put the gore on and there are a couple pictures from other angles on Flickr and WIP shots in the links I already posted.



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  • 4 months later...

There aren't any, but the model is behind me on my desk. Tomorrow I will work on it more, I'll post more pictures on my blog for sure and when I get it finished I'll post it on the B&C.




PS I should probably get out the other one and do a side by side thing. I think this one is darker and I didn't go quite as bright with the red highlights, but from a distance they probably look similar. I'm working on a simpler recipe which I did blog about, so maybe that counts as another picture. Here you go.

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Is that a custom resin base or did you buy that?


If the later what company?


That particular base on the first test bezerker is made by Epicast I heard a rumour they had shut down. Lots of mini companies make skull bases, even GW I think now. Micro Art makes skull bases, Reaper makes skull bases. I list a bunch of manufacturers on my website.


I also painted for a few more hours this morning, a little work on the latest bezerker, but also work on another servant of Khorne and a sorcerer, which is on a Micro Art skull base funny enough...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't win me anything at Astronomi-con Vancouver, nor did it do that well in the games. I plan to demote him to being a champion and paint him up three friends, probably using the Forgeworld Conversion bits when I can afford them. He then will only have four chainfist attacks on the charge. Which should be enough to penetrate anything less than a monolith, those are ridiculous.


I typed up a big tournament summary from the weekend, but I haven't posted it anywhere on the B&C. I'm lying low I guess.


It's a converted Lord Zhufor if you hadn't guessed. I removed some bits, or repositioned them, but used different arms, the alternate head, only one of the Khorne Shoulder pads and I filed off the Worldeater specific iconography, but all the Khorne symbols remain. On my blog are some in-progress pics.

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  • 2 months later...

I've had some trouble with hotlinkers this month, but I'm fairly clever so all the images I've posted to B&C and other mini forums seem to work, others well they get this.


Cheers, I promise I'll paint something new soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have not yet begun to go Old School. I bought that guy and his four little friends when it just was starting to disappear from the shelves. So I will be doing another one or two but converting them. I also have almost every metal bezerker ever made. I don't have every Renegade though, supply was really erratic back in the day and it is tougher and tougher to find them unpainted and I'm tired of stripping stuff.


I'm way behind in painting, but I got a batch of four OOP metal bezerkers lined up on my desk I'll be getting to in 2011, hopefully in a month or so.



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  • 5 months later...
The bezerker's face (skull) was subtler then I touched it up with more white late at night after I did the eyes. Oh well it probably looks good from a reasonable distance. I put lots of coats of yellow on that armor.
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