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Perhaps sixth edition or my musings on sixth edition have made this post suddenly slightly popular, but it was sending traffic to old blog posts. I actually haven't painted a single brush stroke since I sealed those five bezerkers. I've painted seven in total and as I told a friend I need to do one more for the sacred number. I never did any special weapons as plasma pistols don't seem worth the points but the rules are changing. I don't know what I'll do, I may run some allies. I'm still anti-special characters so I will be annoyed if to play All Nurgle or All Khorne you have to have your army lead by some special character. I totally think mono-god armies should be feasible if not the optimal build. My Bezerkers are of course painted half in traditional or my take on traditional Khorne colors and half painted in my own DIY Chaos Warband the Nefarious Fire.


My plan is to field a multi-god army even at 1500 points, with models devoted to every god and to Chaos undivided. All my mini plans are on hold due to my life sucking and the game being in a state of flux. I still have plenty of OOP chaos models to paint, plus OOP orks and other GW figs that may be legal to field if not legal to post pictures of on the B&C. I also have Forgeworld stuff and I'm pro conversion bitz made by various companies so Khorne fans who are patient may see additions to this thread. I think I own enough bezerkers to do a proper blood for the blood god charge, but in the game at 1500 points I don't have room for more than a single squad.

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People whine way too much online. They don't realize how good they have it with their upteen dozen different plastic kits and their Forgeworld and other upgrade bits. In the olden days you had to scrounge and pilgrimage to buy models and you took what you could get. Most any GW sculpt can be made to look good with a proper amount of forethought and technique. I stripped and repainted almost all my classic Nurgle models and was getting to work on the Khorne guys when I had to pack up my life and put it into storage. I have every metal Bezerker made but not every Renegade. I've tended to use the Renegades as um Renegades and the bunny eared fellows as Bezerkers. I need to convert one more plastic one to complete the squad.


I'm not sure about special weapons, currently the squad has none. In the old rules the plasma pistol was underwhelming. I will do up a generic rhino, probably with magnetized attachments unless of course the Havoc Launcher gets updated to be more awesome, anti-aircraft rounds of course would make the most sense... ;-)

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