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Demon Hunters Army


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First of all I am completely new to these boards but I would thought I would firstly show what I have been working on the last 4 months. This is just what I have completed so far. I still have over


21 grey knights in power armour

30+ Karskins that are going to be used as stormtroopers

20 more grey knight terminators + characters

3 Landraiders

Inquisistor and retinue to go


Most of these miniatures have been cleaned and based though and just awaiting the final paint work. The only problem is that I am working on a couple of other things at the same time. If you any questions on how things were done feel free to ask or criticisms for that matter.


















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i've watched your WIP's over on the Oz Painters forums, and of course seen your stuff on CMON...

i'm still just a lurker there, but i've enjoyed watching what you do with the airbrush...

the airbrush seems to save a lot of time, and lay down some smooth transitions...


i look forward to seein' this army finished, in all it's glory, in a wide shot...

quite a unique take on the Grey Knights...


i'm painting one (a Grand Master) right now in metals, with a crazy turquoise tone...

it looks a bit like a shiny version of this armour...


keep up the good work...




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The base model colour is Vallejo model colour- dark sea green. Perfect for a gothic feel and I have only added black and white to do this really.


@ jah-joshua


Thanks for the comments. If I can ever be of any help just let me know. I have painted a grand master in similar tones to what it sounds like you are doing at the moment. Have fun with that one. :P

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The miniatures have been airbrushed initially- something that I am new too, using VMc blue sea green + different tones over a black undercoat. After air brushing the miniatures were washed with mineral turps + oil paint (brown black mixture) like a wash and left to dry over night. This gives avery clean wash that only ends up in the cracks adding alot of depth. The gold is the usual shining gold and the silver is chainmail. The washes I have added to the metal is a mixture of matte medium ( great on metals)/ brown ink/ chaos black and tiny bit of water that has been brushed over the metal in layers. The rest is just rehighlighting with brush work- it does take some time but is not my best work. The prity seals were a dark brown- bleached bone then white built up in layers.
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Best...Grey Knights...EVER!



This army is outstanding, the purple/white as opposed to the more traditional black/white/red fits perfectly with the colors you picked. And that's easily the nicest 'used' gold I've ever seen.


Only thing I'm not a huge fan of are the bases. Both types look great (I drooled when I saw the dreadnought base), but using one type for your entire army would've tied it together better.

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The reason for this is fairly simple- I couldnt buy the same resin bases for the dreadnought as I did for the rest. For a change I didnt scratch build my bases but bought them from back 2 basix to save time. I did have to base alot of metal miniatures and this just helped. I can build woodland scenic bases in my sleep so I thought I would go with something different. One thing I stuffed up earlier too is the paint colour of miniatures the VMC is actually dark sea blue- sorry about that. These are some of the terrain pieces I have have based and painted for this army:









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Please explain your process/ recipe for painting these... they are beautful!

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This terrain was built on 3mm mdf and using slate/ sand and kneadit (epoxy) putty to help put it together. The sand/ gravel was then attached around the wreck using pva glue. Allow to dry and then I used an air brush to paint the wreck. Further weathering was added using what they call the sponge technique -get some miniature packing foam and use it to dab on dark paint to simulate weathering. I used this as a test for more airbrushing and weathering on the wreck.




Terrain pieces- wip. The base were then painted around the wreck and the final photographs shown I used mig pigments- rust to make it look really worn and old.






Close up of the weathering technique I have used on a dreadnought- I have also used a fine brush to under score the chips/ battle damage with white to make it stand out in relief.



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Amazing dreadnought.....you have really captured my attention with your skills sir. And because I am a filthy greedy fan , may I ask how you accomplished the extremely realistic grass effect on your terrain pieces? My attempts with static grass never give such results...
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@ Stefoserpent

These are just an example of some the products I use for basing. Silflor (check on net) have a huge range of static grass already in clumps that you just have to stick- makes it so much easier. They are fairly cheap and a small mat of can help base a failry large army.


Foliage Types: some dried plants + some silflor products (no photographs of static grass in this one but easily found on the net).




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@ Terminatorinhell


I have only had an air brush for about 4 months but have been painting miniatures for about 20 years. To be honest I dont know how I lived without it. It is incredibly useful for initial part of painting a miniature especially something large. With amrines it is stunning base coats can be done in minutes not hours and that is with shading and I find you cn fill in the detail with a brush. This is an example of a couple of test miniature I did when I first started (the chipping was done differently this time using the salt method- wasnt that happy with the result. The dread was better):








Then with some brush work, mig pigments etc:






This landraider- yet to be finished but part of the army has just been painted with the airbrush except for the metallic areas.



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