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Selecting a second HQ for this MotF force?


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Hey all.

I'm spinning up a potential 2500 poitn "fun" 'Ard Boyz list. It's not designed to win it all, or even come close. I just want to be able to field a true Master of the Forge list at that point level.

Essentially the list boils down to this:


Master of the Forge, with Conversion Beamer

Unit of 5 Servitors with one plasma cannon


Techmarine with Servoharness and power weapon

Unit of 5 Servitors with one heavy bolter


TWO venerable Dreads, both with assault cannon, DCCW+heavy flamer, and extra armor


TWO Venerable Dreads, one with TLLC/ML, one with TLAC/ML


One Ironclad Dread with DCCW+HF, 2x HK Missiles, and assault launchers


Three tac squads, each with a sergeant with power weapon, flamer, and missile launcher. One has a plasma cannon instead of ML. All in Rhinos with HK Missiles.


One 10-man assault squad, 2x flamers, 1x powerfist.



Obviously, lots of spare points spent on HK missiles and such. I just want to try them out, and maybe surprise someone. The spearhead of the two asscan VenDreads walk forward, flanking the Ironclad, and followed by the Techmarine with Servitors for repair rolls. Master hangs out firing the conversion beamer, alongside his two other VenDreads firing out lascannon,, autocannon, and missiles. Tacs applied as needed, assault squad rolls down the flanks or hops from cover-to-cover.


I know I want a second HQ for this force, and I have 185 points to do it in. I'm actually planning to make it a jump pack HQ, to escort the Assault Squad. But, I can't decide which to choose. Here are the options I've come up with:


Epistolary Librarian, with jump pack, Null Zone, and Avenger: 175pts. Adds another nice template to the flamers from the Assault Squad, and the 24" range of Null Zone is great for allowing my heavy weapons to actually kill stuff (especially the DCCWs and Assault Cannons). But, has no invulnerable save, and tends to suck in close combat.


Chaplain, with jump pack, plasma pistol, meltabombs: 135pts. Cheapest choice, and would allow me to shuffle around the heavy weapons in the tacs for more expensive choices (lascannon?). Only buffs the Assault Squad.


Captain, with jump pack, relic blade, artificer armor, meltabombs: 175 pts. Beats face in close combat, essentially functioning as a Terminator Lite with the 2+/4++ saves and S6 relic blade hits.


Chapter Master, with jump pack, relic blade, meltabombs: 185pts. Same as the captain, but with worse saves. However, he does get that Orbital Bombardment for a Turn One alpha strike. Problem is, he can't move with his squad the first turn to apply it, leaving them sitting for a full turn or two. Least desirable choice.


Any ideas or siggestions?

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I have had some luck running MoTF lists at tournaments in the past, you may be surprised with how well they do.


For your second HQ, I would suggest the Libby for his Null zone which will make a huge difference against enemies like Daemons or Eldar HQs which rely mostly on Inv Saves.

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I have had some luck running MoTF lists at tournaments in the past, you may be surprised with how well they do.


For your second HQ, I would suggest the Libby for his Null zone which will make a huge difference against enemies like Daemons or Eldar HQs which rely mostly on Inv Saves.


Yeah, I'm leaning heavily toward the Jumnp Librarian for now. I really like his Null Zone, since it works against many of the harder armies to face. It was pivotal in my first-ever game against Daemons, allowingme to take down all of the big baddies in the opponent's list without too much trouble. It'll also help against Loganwing armies.

The Hood is also great against Fortune-spam Eldar, which are my hobgoblin right now.

I'm not overly worried about Lash against this list. The only viable target for it would be my Techmarine and his Servitors, and why waste Lash on them?

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