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IA DIY Chapter Location Map?


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As suggested HERE, would it be plausible to start up a galactic map on which DIY IA Chapters are located in particular locations--why? Because it would form a basis and collective picture of who's where--as well as give authors of IAs a good idea which areas are lacking and which areas have quite a bit of attention...not to mention give yourself a reason to interact with other authors in order to have two (or more!) IA Chapters to have a (positive or negative) relationship with each other.


The big step though is how to set something like that up =\

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you know, this could be kinda interesting to see...but would need some discriminator...maybe only DIYs entered into the Librarium? In any case, it would be relatively easy to do with just taking the 40k galaxy map, say Here, Here, or Here maybe...then its just a matter of importing to powerpoint and adding pips for additional planets or whatnot.


Just my thoughts.

Starting small would be good, as I'd think it'd be easier to contact the people who successfully submitted DIYs to the Librarium.


May I suggest just using one of the larger Galactic maps, and add Chapter Symbols or something similar to designate Astartes Homeworlds or areas of responsibility (for fleet-based Chapters like my own)?

Starting small would be good, as I'd think it'd be easier to contact the people who successfully submitted DIYs to the Librarium.


May I suggest just using one of the larger Galactic maps, and add Chapter Symbols or something similar to designate Astartes Homeworlds or areas of responsibility (for fleet-based Chapters like my own)?


Thanks for the maps, GhostLegion!


And that idea sounds like a good idea, Espada Azul. Might motivate some people to finish theirs so they can submit it to the Librarium, at least at first until we get the ball rolling. I don't have the software for this quite yet, but I'll be getting it as soon as possible. I'll start doing a search on IAs in the Librarium. anyone have any other suggestions?

May I suggest just using one of the larger Galactic maps, and add Chapter Symbols or something similar to designate Astartes Homeworlds or areas of responsibility (for fleet-based Chapters like my own)?


Hmm, I haven't got any other suggestions, but I would like to add that this sounds like a really cool idea.

Hopefully one day one of my chapters will get into the Librarium and therefore put themselves on the map. :tu:

Thanks for the maps, GhostLegion!


Hey dont thank me for those, I didnt make them. Thinking more about this idea, the easiest way I can think of for a fleet-based chapter to be represented is for an icon and trajectory on the map...not so much a controlled area of space as just an icon and an arrow... I have seen this done for Templars and one or two others on the GW maps.


if wanted, I could plug one of these into some of my software and start messing around with the idea...hurray for photoshop and powerpoint combinations. no need to get extravigant on the design software for this...keep it simple and it should still work.


Were i to start, I would deffinately start with only the completed articles in the librarium...easiest to work from there.

The problem is, I don't think we have a 40k map of the Milky Way that isn't in any way cluttered already with information.


Still, to start the ball rolling, the Azure Blades patrol a section of space (using the second map) on the outer edge of Rianoen system going outwards. It's at the extreme edge of Imperial space in Segmentum Ultima, of what I THINK is the Centaurus Arm of the Milky Way, so it's really like a frontier patrol.


The closest Games Workshop Chapter to my D.I.Y. is the Death Spectres.

Ok...though i think this could be suicidal of me, im interested enough to give it a whack as my paintshop is functional.


For a first attempt, I will dive into the librarium and see what chapters i can find with good location information to add to the second map (This one) and post the new jpg in my album...and yes, ill link in here too. I think the second could work out well as it appears to be the most uncluttered version displayed in 2 dimensions. the oblique view map, though prettier, would be a pain to work with as it is off angle.


Quick edit here: For this to work, chapters identifies Must have information in their IA's identifying where their main body (homeworld/fleet) is in the galaxy. If a chapter is fleet based, the segementum or world nearest to the fleet should be identified/iable in the article. In other words, just describing the homeworld isnt enough to locate it in the galaxy... Easily identifyable (i.e. flat) chapter badges would be nice, but not really needed at this point


I can also take specific requests via pm to add individual chapters.


another option...if you really wanted to get wacky...would be to use the Celestia software (think google earth for space)...some strange things lurking there...if you can actually find them


I should have something available in a day or two ....

Ive never found maps of just the segmentums, though that would be useful in this type of endeavour....


oh, and i forgot to id the best map ive seen online



Edits Edits: See image below and please note, the blue pips are the DIY planets, with the yellow text identifying chapters and planet names...

UNfortunately I continue to have problems with resolution v information. There is something happening as I upload the image that reduces the ability to zoom in that I just do not understand...I suspect a tranzlation issue on upload to photobucket.


I am still trying to mess with the image quality at the initial jpeg creation, but if im right, the photobucket upload will still reduce quality...any suggestions to help through that would be appreciated...

Scratch that whole comment as ImageShack actually kept the full file size.


Ok, try this view instead: http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/6083/40kdiy.jpg



Included on this view are the following chapters for which I think I was able to determine a close to author intent actual position: Death Heads, Nebula Rangers, Warriors Eternal, Arctic Lions, Shadow Warriors, Heralds of Light, Nesewdjet-Nedjety, Scions of Dorn. Others did not have enough information to infer a good location for...though I might be able to guess a decent position for the following: Blades of Duty, Astral Hawks, Emperor's Blade, Warlords, Sons of Doom, Delphic Order, Knights of Lydda, Griefbringers.


This still leaves some chapters in the Librarium for which I cannot determine a good location. These chapters are: Black Guard, Brazen Claws, Castigators, Thousand Swords, Angels of Perdition, Storm Bringers, Lords of Oblivion, Eagle Claws, Knights of the Raven, Angels Sanguine, Azure Blades, Imperial Castellans, White Crusaders, Harbingers of Fire, Dark Sons, White Hand, Ice Lords, Children of Eternity, Night Scorpions.

This still leaves some chapters in the Librarium for which I cannot determine a good location. These chapters are: Black Guard, Brazen Claws, Castigators, Thousand Swords, Angels of Perdition, Storm Bringers, Lords of Oblivion, Eagle Claws, Knights of the Raven, Angels Sanguine, Azure Blades, Imperial Castellans, White Crusaders, Harbingers of Fire, Dark Sons, White Hand, Ice Lords, Children of Eternity, Night Scorpions.


*points to several posts above*


The Azure Blades' patrol route is on the Eastern Fringe, from just beyond Rianoen towards Desperation, and back. We're neighbors with the Death Spectres. ;)


EDIT:... Which means we're out of the map. Can you give me a few hours? I'm working on something that might help.


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