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IA DIY Chapter Location Map?


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The refined version is also larger, so will feel less crowded.


And I'm still confused by the idea that "northernmost border of the Segmentum Obscurus" isn't even enough for a guess.


Like I said before, Franklin's World is basically just south-west of K'Phra.

"The operational base of the Grief Bringers lays on the prison planet of Lacrymata, close to the centre of the ailing Aeduvan sub-sector in the galactic south of Segmentum Tempestus."


Allerka's Lords of Oblivion mention its proximity to Terra, and how Horus' fleets passed through en route to Terra. I'd say between Terra and Avellorn or Terra and Ingiga.


The Sons of Doom are on Auton, which is somewhere in the Eastern Fringe.


The Warlords are on Pellidon IV, which is in the Segmentum Pacificus. I'd recommend that nice empty area west of Cabulis.


Keep in mind that a lot of the Chapters in the Librarium were written by people who no longer frequent the forum.

No problem. I'm jumped up on Coke Zero anyway, so it'll be a while before I fall asleep. I guess that means its, hmm, somewhat southwest of Tallarn?


Hmm, Storm Lords. Northwest border of Ultima Segmentum? That would place it close to New Hope, methinks. Or very close to Elysia.

No problem. I'm jumped up on Coke Zero anyway, so it'll be a while before I fall asleep. I guess that means its, hmm, somewhat southwest of Tallarn?


Yes, south of of Tallarn, southeast of Luther Mcintryne, north of V'run and Jurn. That seems good.


Newfound is already on there, so that's good.

Wow, I just realized just how, uh, big a place the Eastern Fringe really is. No wonder lazy folk like me used it to plunk their DIYs in. ;)


I had to extrapolate where in the Eastern Fringe the Knights of Lydda and the Sons of Doom are based, and it's mostly just filling in the 'gaps' between some of the GW Chapters in that area.


Angels of Pedition. 'Relatively close to the Eye of Terror'. Them and more than a dozen other Chapters ahaha.


Edit EDIT: Extrapolated a possible location for The Thousand Swords. Yet again somewhere in the Galactic East...

Stormbringers – Tuphon: top of where grey meets red, draw a line between Dimmamar and Rehua I, half way along it.


Wait, Rehua?


Ghostlegion: I've done what I could in terms of extrapolation, lets see if our bets of locations match up for the remaining DIYs. Sending you an email with the PDD I have now.

Whoops, silly me.


Uploading the third revision now. Ghostlegion, if you or the other folk think my extrapolations aren't quite right, I still have the PDD to do edits. :)


This should do it:



Ah...now just to add in the additional sub sectors from mine to yours and it will be even easier to locate things....


btw, Zel Primus (White Hands) I place immediately SSE of Sepheris Secundus and NE of Fenksworld in Obscurus...huray for having Dark Heresy in my library....and Niobe (Astral Hawks) I think is SW of V'RUN and N of DELIVERANCE in Tempestus...though i see youve placed that differently, but close...


I was very pleased and surprised to see you folks tackling this immense project! That's great! I've wanted to see something like this since the latest Space Marine codex was published. :)


@GhostLegion and Espada Azul: Ghost, your location for Niobe sounds exactly where I pictured it on the map, but my browser shows a photobucket error for Espada Azul's map images. Can either of you provide me a link to a version of your maps showing Niobe, and I'll be happy to check which looks closest? Thanks!


UPDATE: Never mind, Espada's latest map showed up just as I posted! Actually, Espada's position for Niobe looks fine for Niobe, though I initially pictured it closer to Ghost's location, I think Espada's makes sense (as it's right between Gryphonne IV and Bakka). Very cool work!

UPDATE: Never mind, Espada's latest map showed up just as I posted! Actually, Espada's position for Niobe looks fine for Niobe, though I initially pictured it closer to Ghost's location, I think Espada's makes sense (as it's right between Gryphonne IV and Bakka). Very cool work!


Well, it's all sort of extrapolation, and still very much a WIP. I mean, I don't see the Castigators anywhere, do you? :)

Stormbringers are just right, Espada Azul, thanks! (although if I can be super picky, it's just 'Stormbringers' not 'The Stormbringers'. Sorry, control freak issues! :P )



Can I assume from the non-addition of the Knights of the Black Rose and Iron Gods that you've decided to only show loyalist Chapters? No worries either way, just wondering....


Edit: What about adding Liber Traitoris entries in another colour, purple maybe?


Again, really excellent job, well done to those involved! Would love to see this added to the Honouros Index in some way!

I can add Renegades too, as it'll just be another layer to the PDD. :P


Still waiting on the Castigators, and more of Ghostlegion's input. And inasmuch as I'd like the finished product to be added to Liber Honourous, B&C seems to have an arbitrary limit to image sizes, so it'll be shrunk down if I decide to put it in my Album for linking.


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