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IA DIY Chapter Location Map?


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Espada Azul, Id love to help more, but i dont have an email from you with the pdd... I can pull the image as you posted into my paintshop, but that returns as a flattened background instead of multiple layers.


I think what i am going to do is look at that chart and see what sub sectors and other bits and bobs i can add to it...maybe we can generate a holistic map between us...

I think what i am going to do is look at that chart and see what sub sectors and other bits and bobs i can add to it...maybe we can generate a holistic map between us...


I couldn't find your Email addy in your profile? Send me a PM with it? I can send the PDD to you ASAP. :D


Octavulg: Yeah, surprising how a night's worth of sleep can do for one's lucidity. Fixed.


Hmm. For an official GW Chapter, the Nameless look like they have it seriously tough, all alone in the void...

Gree: Due take note that, due to the scale, the distances between the named planets is deceiving. The Eagle Claws are FAR from Terra, when compared to the Lords of Oblivion.


Yeah, a get the fact that space is huge. I just don't want to put them too far from were I evisioned them.

Ive been looking at this and thinking off and on during my struggles with a term paper....would it make sense to have fleet based chapters with one icon and world based chapters with another? Though this may be a level of complexity more than needed...if you look at C:SM (current one) p 30 shows the Imperial Fists in one fashion, while the chapters nearby are in another. Though it is true that we already have a trail following the one (?) fleet based chapter on the map, maybe changing the icon from a star to a triangle or something would further differentiate them and make it easier to identify. Just my random thought...may not be worth it in light of what we already have going here.


....ghah...i really should be finishing off the edits to my Shadow Lords...but this is too amusing to me...

The current .PDD I'm using can be found here for those interested:


Liber Astartes Galactic Map mk-III


It includes most of the recent edits, and preserves all the layers I used too. Of course, if people need something that's not a PDD (yeah, Adobe is harsh), just shoot me a PM and I'll give a JPG or PNG instead.


Ghostlegion: For simplicity's sake I differentiated Liber Chapters from the official ones via the Star sign, to make them easier to spot. Also, the Fists have MULTIPLE fleets criss-crossing the galaxy, so that'll just add another bit of complexity to it. Let's just leave something all members of Liber can use.

hey...makes sense to me. it was just a thought i had.


nice work with the layer constructs as well now that i look at the full file you uploaded. I think if I find any additions it may be best just to give you coordinates based off the pdd. looking at that will take a while...adding the subsectors as a new layer may be a bit above my user level on paintshop...lol

Interestingly enough, this map would appear very VERY crowded if we even tried to give locations to all the Chapters listed in the 1000 Chapter Project (which includes the named GW ones). As such, I think it's a good thing we're limiting it to the ones on Liber.


By the way, I'm thinking of adding the Renegades from Liber Traitoris as well, though I'm still undecided on which color I'd use for that particular layer.

By the way, I'm thinking of adding the Renegades from Liber Traitoris as well, though I'm still undecided on which color I'd use for that particular layer.


Yellow or Purple would stand out most. Or maybe even plain ol' white.

Of the three, I think purple would work best, but heck.


That map is very impressive! Yet more incentive to get a chapter into the Librarium. :whistling:

UPDATE 04/14/2010: Estimated locations of Liber Traitoris entries included for the:


--Iron Gods

--Knights of the Black Rose

--Barret's Privateers

--Shadow Acolytes

--Black Talons

--The Harbingers


New map can be found here.


Get it and grill it~!

Actually, when I added the Liber Traitoris entries, I was astounded how the Knights of the Black Rose haven't been annihilated yet, as not only are there several Loyalist Chapter Homeworlds nearby (Jaggafall = Blood Swords, Draconith = Star Dragons, Silence = Night Watch, Darkhold = Dark Sons), there are several star forts manned by the same chapters around the Eye of Terror as well.
At the time of the present Imperium, they've literally just fallen to Chaos in the last century or so, and their world is cut off by raging warp storms caused by the Paralios Warp Cycle (see IA:GuardiansofParalios and IT:KotBR for details). You've got a point though, they are going to be in serious trouble once those storms calm down a bit! :D

Ferrus: Whaddaya say? I just pick a random place in Segmentum Ultima and say 'Here is where the Castigators are', and worry about Commissar Molotov pin me with heavy bolter shots later?


In all seriousness though, is there any way we can give the map a place in Liber? :D


The Normish: Your DIY must have been published in the Librarium. Otherwise the map is simply a reference tool for folk looking for a region in the galaxy to plunk their Chapters in.

Well, hey there. :)


I am still about, though I tend to only comment on threads after people PM to do so!


I do feel somewhat leary of this project. On the surface, it is actually a very positive thing, and it helps to promote a sense of unity in the Liber (a section of the board I've often suggested doesn't seem particularly "cohesive") however I had to admit to some reservations.


As one of the people who coined the usage of the phrase in the Liber, the "shared universe" only goes so far - it has its limitations. What happens if I describe a Chapter to be completely alone and isolated, only for someone else to place their Chapter nearby? We both have an equal right to be where we want, but it would affect my fluff negatively. What if someone wanted to place their Chapter in a specific place, had a look and then thought "Oh, I can't put it there because someone else is there."?


What if you take into account the many, many DIY Astartes Praeses Chapters (far more than "actually" exist) that would all have to be around the Eye of Terror? Or the fact that the "Harbingers" you've put up are based on (and have corrupted) an official GW Chapter? (Which isn't in itself a bad thing, but impinges upon the "shared universe")


I suppose I'm attempting to play devil's advocate - I'm pleased that you thought of the Castigators (I'm surprised anyone remembers them!) and I have to extend my respect and admiration to Espada for the project, but for various reasons I would prefer the Castigators not to be included. I've never specifically stated where Losanco, the Castigators, the Howling Stars and the Dalthus Sector are located - I've kept it vague rather than painting myself into a corner and finding myself unable to escape from the constraints.

Commissar Motolov: Hey there old timer. :) No worries, I won't add the Castigators if you don't want me to. I just found it weird that one of the older Liber DIY didn't have a place in the map, that's all.


And as for creating a DIY, then looking at the map and finding out there's either an 'official' GW Chapter or Liber-made DIY nearby... Do take note that, for the size I used, the scale is still very misleading (since the overlay layer me and Ghostlegion used was actually circular, not elliptical in shape--which led to some hilarious Photoshop editing and fitting antics). Let's just say that, while some systems look close together, they're very likely several light years away from each other. It's still enough to give people wiggle room in placing their DIYs.


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