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Warriors of the Fang


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Hey all!

I am a first time poster so be gentle with me :D


I started working on a space wolf:








Don't know if I an gonna use it as a lord or a wolf guard... what do you think??


C&C welcome



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You've got to remember that the Lord is supposed to be the main focus of the army, he's gotta look more bad-ass than the rest of the models (in my opinion at least lol). With that in mind, would you be able to make a model that looks more awesome than this guy?


Theres one thing that i'm not too fond of on the model, and thats the symbol in the middle of the shield, its got a flat back whereas the shield is slightly angled, and theres gaps at either edge of the symbol. Sort that out and hes as good as he can get imo.

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That model looks awsome :D , ive just come back to redoing my SW army and might steal that idea , as for what to use it as me thinks lone wolf just due to the lone wolf pic in the codex having an axe and sheild, did i say how much i love that model lol keep yp the good work :)
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Yea it looks great agree with them about the sheild want that nise transition from the icon to the shape of the sheild. I tried one time heating a piece up slowly and when it was a little soft molded it to the shape I wanted... I would practice first... looks really good great job
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Thanks for your reactions!


luckily it's still a wip :)

I think i will have another look at the shield :D .

his head is like that because i tried to make him look like he is howling @ the moon or releasing his battlecry or something like that...


I decided that I am gonna make a unit of these wolfguard.

So here are three more.




c&c welcome



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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to the active part of the forum! And brother I must say that you are of to a very good start :D

The conversions look very bad@ss and the GS'ing looks solid.


The painting looks to be a good solid as well, get a full army of that standard and you're in better shape than many.



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  • 1 month later...

small update


sorry for bad quality of pic.








*edit better pictures*

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