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Please http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/113/a/b/Read_Before_You_Comment_by_LeoLeonardo.gif (it saves time in the long run ~.^)



Normally I collect daemons... but I decided to make a space marine chapter.


Yeah... I decided that the first 5 marines I will customise the bolters (basic changes)


I'm not really one for back-stories (despite writing stories all the time), but so far I've got that their Chapter Master is a physker (using Tigerious's rules) and that they believe that the Emperor is a Jackal God:

The Emperor was originally a god like Ra or Osiris but then was "killed" by Set (Horus) and this chapter believes that the Emperor is now a mixture of Ra/Osiris and Horus (Osiris's son, not the warlord) in spiritual form and when the Golden Throne heals him (they believe this to be certain) he will be in the form of a Jackal...


Lots of plot holes there, but I will work it out....

The chapter will be physker heavy and VERY Egyptian themed...


So far I have finished paiting three models and have several at different stages.


No chapter symbol yet... Need to make one... (not sure between a jackal head, Pharaoh stick things, scarab or any other Egyptian symbolism)


The reason why I made them? I love painting my thousand son model in this scheme, but realised that the only way to play them well was not my play style at all...


Think that about covers it... C&C welcome (I'm probably still going to paint them the same, but I always welcome advice ^-^)




P.S no offence intended by anything, (thinking mainly of the .gif... too many times people not bothered to read on "warseer" has made me paranoid ¬.¬ )

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hmm...metalic blue and gold...a nice combination in a lot of cases and it looks like youre pulling it off pretty well here. Personally I dont think I would have done the wrists in gold...maybe the hands...


i think its looking good so far, but would be interested to see what youre doing for highlights on the metal blue...ive had enough problems with that using the vallejo metalic blue...highlights on that or seeing how you do it may be useful.

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At first I thought: Metallic blue and gold? Er... really?


Then I thought: Metallic blue and gold? That's.. that's pretty awesome. :D


I like it!

Thanks! As I said before, I stole it from my Thousand Son paint scheme and just loved it; I'm glad that you like it too



Thank you... I think... ;p


Looking past the wall of Otaku emoticons, the scheme is alright. There are a few mould lines however, and maybe a few highlights on the gold and the lenses wouldn't hurt.

TT_TT you don't like Otaku emoticons? Sorry, I will try not to use them again. I do not normally hi light, preferring the lowlights to give the "gritty hero" look... I shall have a go with hi-lights and see what they look like; thank you.

Now... the mould lines... yeah, I rushed into making and spraying them when I first started to collect WarHammer, got bored with marines and moved onto daemons... Good news is from now on I shall be paying more attention to detail when building them.


I like this color scheme alot what did you use for the metallic blue that looks great nice contrast :tu:

This is what I used for my blue, I found it at my local craft shop. and thank you :wink:


hmm...metalic blue and gold...a nice combination in a lot of cases and it looks like youre pulling it off pretty well here. Personally I dont think I would have done the wrists in gold...maybe the hands...


i think its looking good so far, but would be interested to see what youre doing for highlights on the metal blue...ive had enough problems with that using the vallejo metalic blue...highlights on that or seeing how you do it may be useful.

I decided to go with the gold wrists thinking of Egyptian jewellery, thinking of the bands they wore... if I can find a spare marine I will see how it looks with gold hands...

As I said before, I prefer lowlights to hi-lights, but you lot are right, I should give it a go at least.



Many thanks to all of you for taking time to reply, more pictures up later (sorry, the one's I'm going to post up still have got mould lines on them)




P.S I may need a hand with the paint scheme for tanks...

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for the tanks, metallic wash technique doesn't work very well. Unless you have a spray gun, water and lots of patience.


but I like the scheme, and the little 'additions' make me confident of your skills. Looking good so far.

hmmm... I will have to give it a go...



Painted before comments were made on this thread so there are still those foul mould lines and no hilights...




P.S Enjoy!

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