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Hey Paulson Guess who??! Its good to see you here on B&C and I have to say great start on the Storm Raven This is the same as I plan on building one Making the Mini Thunderhawk look rather than the weird Valk kitbash I too say keep the Headlights and keep up the good work.
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Im liking this alot,the engins on the wings looks better as it spreads the mass of the raven a bit, looks good.I agree with wayward about the hurricane bolters but where else do you put them.Its got that STC feel about it which I think is very important with all marine stuff nowdays.Lastly where are the heavy bolters going.Keep up the great work.cheers
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I think it looks ok so far. however I had a question. For the Hurricane bolters, are they setup so that they can rotate and point at angles differently than normal? For a design like this, it just feels like the Bolters should be able to point downwards to strafe at things that it flies over.
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The problem with the belly gun is the storm raven couldn't really land. i don't know the rules for the raven, but cant you put on two hurricane bolters? For symmetricalness?



ACTUALLY you could put the heavy bolters as a tailgun!! that would be awesome!!



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This is among my favorites of the stormraven conversions.


The hardest thing about comming up with a concept in my mind is how to mount a chin mounted assault cannon and a front hatch. One solution is to have it land in an upward angle like an AH-64 Apache gunship. It flies level and lands with an upward angle. However, alot of the conversions tend to be front heavy.

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Overall, it looks a great piece. I agree with all comments on the Hurricanes being out of place, to me they seem to ruin the balance of the model a bit. I would suggest perhaps restructuring it to a horizontal compartment, and either bellymounting it or shaping a tailturret, as suggested earlier. A third option though, is to separate the racks onto both sides, having three guns under either wing, gunship-style. But I'd definitely either center or split the Hurricanes.


Also, it needs turnsignals and a purple paint job. Maybe some sharpened wood :)

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Also, it needs turnsignals and a purple paint job. Maybe some sharpened wood ;)



It also needs a trio of misfit crew, and a talking PotMS ;)


(and keep your hatches closed when you fire the Assault Cannons)




Humor aside; for the Hurricanes, I agree that they look out of place. I think that you should mount them like the underwing Heavy Bolters on a T-Hawk. It would require a bit of converting, but they would still be on sponson mounts, and I think it would look a lot better.

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