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Assault Squads


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Since I just got my Space marines Battleforce containing an Assault Squad I was wondering:


The are supposed to jump in and attack in close combat. Thing ist judging from the profile they seem to be quite weak in close combat. Ok they got strength 4 but they only got Warrior Skill of 4 and 1 Attack. This would make 3 given that you attack and that you get another for 2 cc weapons. This seems pretty weak for a specialised close combat unit copared to those of other races. In Coparison they are also quite expensive.


Does anyone has experience with them and can tell me for which tasks they can be usefull?




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They're not really assault specialists, they're more of an assault oriented sweeper unit. You can use them with flamers to lay down the templates on some hostiles and hopefully charge the survivors. Throw in a chaplain with his rerolls and they are all of a sudden decent in assault(but not great). You can also use them as rhino borne skirmishers, as they can take a rhino for free.


The issue with them in assault is that they get -ranged- upgrades, only the sergeant can carry a fist or power weapon, they're good enough in assault to tie things up nicely or kill ranged units, but not to toe to toe with other armies assaulters. Like most marine units they're sort of a jack of all trades, which makes them suffer a little in their "intended" role.


They're also a nice cheap guard unit for some HQ choices, espescially shrike.

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Yes, they're not close combat elites, they are just fast, moderatly survivable and can put out a decent number of attacks.


So pick your targets, a dev squad, for example, is an ideal target.

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Does anyone has experience with them and can tell me for which tasks they can be usefull?

1) Assaulting things, particularly after hitting them with Flamers. Wonderful against orcs, tau, IG, and some nid lists, not bad against other marines.

2) Counter-assaulting things. Hold them in reserve behind your firing lines, use their speed to jump over to wherever theyre needed and give another squad the help they need to get out of combat... now.

3) Deepstrike in and take out heavy weapon teams. Less reliable though, as they roll in from reserves. Id rather have scouts of a Dread most games.

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I've occasionally used them as an HQ escort. Five with the free rhino and a storm shield to soak wounds with is a nice cheap unit to hide your HQ in until you're ready to have him start murdering things. Especially useful for librarians, who don't fit nicely into a rhino with your tac squads, and can't take a command squad of his own.
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Shock "entanglement" Assaults too. Jump forward > win first combat > lose in their turn > Combat Tactics > repeat as required.


But as said, they aren't a specialist multiple Power Weapon assault unit. That role is for Vanguard, Terminators and Command Squads.

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