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My Dark Angels


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Hi there!

Long time reader first time painter (at least when it comes to posting my work)


I just finished by first bigger model. Ans since I cant help being a bit proud of the outcome, I thought I'd share it here and maybe get some C&C which will help to improve my future work.


I know that this is by no means the best work out there, but for my first mini's I think they look pretty good.


As a note: I don't play the game and have hardly any understanding of the rules, so company markings, weapon setup and such could be quite off or not realy possible, I painted them the way I though they'd look best.



First off: Brother Belial from different angles:












Now for my finished tactical squad mini's (the finished ones at least):




And finaly my assault squad:





The order I painted them in is actually from bottom till top, so the assault squad was first, then the 3 tacticals and the ironclad dread I just finished.


Also these are technically not my very first mini's, 3 assault squad guys were stripped at least once, since the results were, well, hideous B)


Like I mentioned earlier I'm curious about what you think.


Cheers and happy painting! :lol:



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The bases have been bothering me as well.

Some drybrushing will probably improve the looks and "integrate" the bases into the looks of the model, since (especially on the pictures) they look a bit out of place.


I'll have to see if I can mix up a nice color scheme for them.


Thanks for the comment!




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Dude if these are some of your first painted mini's then continue painting and you will be doing golden daemon quality easy in no time at all. Theses are VERY good models for a first try and I cant wait to see more. anyway keep up the good work and I ope to see more.
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