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Tactical Squad / Grey hunter


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I started to assemble my Space Wolves army then a question came up:


How should i equip my Grey Hunter Squads ( Tactical Squad ) ?


Bolter or Boltpistol and Chainsword ?


Thanks for sharing your insight with me.


Yours MogLord

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As grey hunters are equipped with bolters, bolt pistols and chainswords for standard, you should be able to model them however you want, either

  • bolters
  • bolt pistols and swords
  • bolt pistol and bolter
  • bolter and chainsword

Its special weapons that need to be modelled, so that a modelled flamer isn't a power fist, and midgame you reveal it to your opponent.

Pg 47 talks a bit about WYSIWYG. I would model it with bolter and chainsword, as that's what grey hunters used to have before.

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