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Ohai! I'm new here. The hint's in the Forum Index, I suppose. Also new to Warhammer 40,000. Introduced by a Friend, as I gather most are, and have decided to 'Gie It Laldie', as the term goes. I'm drawn - or have been, until recently - between Loyalists and Traitors; I'm not up-tight about Fluff, so that's not a contributing factor. Familiarised myself with the Rules, albeit only the Basic ones. The bottom line is that I'm in this for fun! Because I think they have more to offer in that field, I've settled on Chaos!Looking forward to being a contributing and loyal member of the Bolter and Chainsword, and I shall hope to see you on the Forum! As an afterthought, the name; it has no significance! Random, passing thought, was Tropicana. That's all.




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Thanks to both of you, for your kind words of welcome!


As it happens, I'm actually having second thoughts; I've been drawn to the Loyalists by a number of applicable Modelling and Painting Tutorials that I'd like to put to use, not to mention the option for Twin Thunderfire Cannons! IMO, that's more 'Chaotic' than anything Chaos can field!




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