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Hi all,


So this will be my blog for my new DIY Chapter. The Constrictors.


These guys are gonna be disturbingly violent and arrogant. They tend to exterminate whole citizens of civilians on conquered (or even liberated) planets. They also control their own homeworld system with extreme oppression of the local feral people who revere them as wrathful gods.


They are under investigation by the Inquisition and the Imperial Fists have had several verbal disputes with them. This has much to do with the Chapter's high number of Librarians (and the unsettling command structure in which Librarians play a very important part.


First painted mini:




Comments? :lol:

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@Cyto: The helmet is actually highlighted. I think it's the poor lighting of the pic that makes it a bit unclear.


@:manofmanynames: I'm working on it, but they are going to be tyrannical and evil - on the brink of excommunication.

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Oh crap! You already thought of that name? Dammit! Oh well... I'll have to think up another one... :lol:


Unless... They both have the same name! There could be rivalry! Do you have an IA for your guys?

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I had some help from the community when I started to post pics on the site. I did a little bit of backround when the army was still small. I did a LOT of battle reports as well. They specialize in urban combat in hives and forgeworlds (no vehicles). Primary method of insertion is drop pods. Our schemes are very different and your chapter symbol is way more intricate than mine.
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Their homeworld is called Cy (not sure how I came up with that, but it sounds cool). Maybe they could be the Tyrants of Cy? Nah... Maybe not...


Edit: I've added some info on the guys to help get ideas for a name. Check out the first post.

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How about The Chthonic Order. Chthonic is a Greek word representing birth/ties to the earth/land/Gaia, and was mostly associated with snakes. The first king of Athens was said to be half-man half-snake if I'm remembering correctly from my university Mythology course. Snakes also were a symbol of rebirth due to the power to shed their skins, which makes a great metaphor for the transformation of normal human to Space Marine.
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Hehehe... :)


So I was doing some more painting and it dawned on me: This Chapter only can have one name. The name I started off with and came up with on my own. The Constrictors.


So what if someone else thought of it before I did? It even says in Insignium Astartes that it is an almost impossible task for new Chapter Masters to know the name and symbol of all other Chapters.


My guys have never heard of the other guys. They are the Constrictors. Their own Chapter.


And that's the way it's gonna be. ;)


I will get going with the IA and put it up here very shortly. Thanks for all your ideas and help. I suppose the Constrictors have come full circle.

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First up, love the scheme. The colours mesh very well, even the bone face mask which links in nicely with the chapter badge. Maybe add some more extreme highlights to the eyes to really make them pop though?

As for the Chapter name, I am glad you have stuck with the Constrictors. Definately fits best with the Chapter badge, and it isn't like you are trying to rip anyone elses ideas off. If you want to justify it further, I am sure that there is a canon reference to one Chapter taking the name of another that had since been wiped out, in honour or something. You could go down that route!

Anyway, great mini, now give us more!


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