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TH/SS TDA: alternatives ?


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Hello everybody,


I'm creating a DIY chapter (a codex one). Fluffwise, this is a newly founded one, so it has little or no TDA to field in battle, nor dreads, nor Land Raiders.


In the codex and here in the threads I've read, it seems that the most powerfull CC killing-role C:SM unit is TH/SS TDA in a Land Raider Crusader.


In your opinion, what's the second best ? (excluding other breeds of TDA of course :D )

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Probably either Bike mounted Command Squad, Honour Guard or Vanguard. Though of course we are talking probably 50% more points for the same effect (not counting the Landraider of course).


Still whats better is to build a balanced list which doesnt put too much pressure on a single unit.

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Thanks for the advice ! I will think seriously about the command squad on bike, since my captain is on bike (or is Khan proxy). I was just afraid by the point cost of the unit.

On another hand, do you think regular bike squad + vanguards will do ? (that is combined together against one unit)


I was just afraid to see that in my list I have plenty of things to defend, hunt, clean, but not really... KILL. :P

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Regular Bike Squads don't belong in melee, if you can at all avoid it. 2 WS4 S4 attack apiece on the charge? No, thank you. Regular bikers are shooty. Sure their improved T will protect them for a little while in melee (and is one of the reasons why a Bike Command Squad is so nasty... T5 + FNP is great), but you bought bikes so you can move fast around the board and pack a few special weapons to provide a threat to nearly everything on the board.


My Bike Command Squad has performed pretty well, and when you start running the numbers, it takes a lot of attacks to kill even a single member of a Bike Command Squad.

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Hello everybody,


I'm creating a DIY chapter (a codex one). Fluffwise, this is a newly founded one, so it has little or no TDA to field in battle, nor dreads, nor Land Raiders.


In the codex and here in the threads I've read, it seems that the most powerfull CC killing-role C:SM unit is TH/SS TDA in a Land Raider Crusader.


In your opinion, what's the second best ? (excluding other breeds of TDA of course ;) )

Vangaurd, with about 1 in 3+ Sarge equiped with a SCCW.

Biker Command Squad.

Venerable Dreadnaught.... though might be hard to explain in a new founding.


These arent second best.... if any of these three units assaults a TDA+SS unit of 5, that unit will likely be sheared down to a single man or destroyed on any decent rolls.


TH+SS = the second most overrated unit in the codex.

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I think a basic Command Squad would be quite fitting.

FnP goes a long way to giving you the kind of small arms protection you'd get from a 2+ save and you can hide a Storm Shield or two in the squad to suck up Power Fist hits.


Company Champion is a cheap(ish) way to get another good Power Weapon into the squad and back him up with a Power Fist Vet for the big guys.

I assume you'll take the standard Relic Blade Captain, so you have a S4, S6 and S8 Power weapon, not bad.

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Oh, what is the first most over rated unit, just out of interest?

By the developers: Assault Cannon toting Landspeeders. In no way are they worth 40pts as an upgrade.

By the Players: Self Same unit in a Landraider Redeemer. Its like riding in a coffin wich a sign on that says "hit with sledgehammer please, or zombies will *bleep* eat you"

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Hello everybody,


I'm creating a DIY chapter (a codex one). Fluffwise, this is a newly founded one, so it has little or no TDA to field in battle, nor dreads, nor Land Raiders.


In the codex and here in the threads I've read, it seems that the most powerfull CC killing-role C:SM unit is TH/SS TDA in a Land Raider Crusader.


In your opinion, what's the second best ? (excluding other breeds of TDA of course :) )

Vangaurd, with about 1 in 3+ Sarge equiped with a SCCW.

Biker Command Squad.

Venerable Dreadnaught.... though might be hard to explain in a new founding.


These arent second best.... if any of these three units assaults a TDA+SS unit of 5, that unit will likely be sheared down to a single man or destroyed on any decent rolls.


TH+SS = the second most overrated unit in the codex.


That's all good news for me: I was afraid to use a 9 vanguard company with 3 SCCW due to points cost and the fact people tend to dislike them. I did it for fluffy reasons (my DIY chapter is assault oriented and emphasis and pride is towards JP guys and bikes).

I see I'm not the only one to trust them for a real killer unit... properly supported of course.


Speaking of what, I don't have a Land Raider and will not for fluffy reasons. I thought of putting my guys behind a Vindicator (I know, they are JPacked, I'm a mad guy ;) ) in order to protect them until close combat begins, like regular assault marines.


Good idea ?

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Certainly an option... another good one is to back them up with a squad of bikers, who are fast enough to catch up to them if they use heroic intervention and tough enough to shield them from alot of enemy fire if need be. Throw in a Relic Blade/Biker captain and theyre a capable assault squad thats also scoring.
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