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Forces of Armageddon - Tagsta starts Blood Angels


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Hello Community,


In the next year I will paint a small Blood Angels Force and occasionally add more Elements to my Marines Malevolent Apocalypse sized Army (hence the thread title 'Forces of Armageddon').. I will paint the models individually and finish one miniature at a time to make sure that I achieve a constant quality.

All the Marines and Vehicles will be assembled at the same time once I receive my order next week and will be basecoated using an airbrush to guarantee the same shade of red throughout the whole army...

Yellow and Blue Helmets and Bare Headed Faces will be painted seperately and added later.


Every single Marine will receive his own heraldry (similar to the Space Hulk Heraldry) and a name to add more character to the models similar like Warseer'sApologist did on his Praetors of Calth Thread. Heraldry will be placed on the right sculpted shoulderpad that I will take from the BA range..

Each Marine's left shoulderpad will be a blank one and will bear the Chapter symbol using GW decals to create a uniform look.


Weathering, conversion- and painting style will be inspired by B&C's ancient god and Warseer's ilikebmxbikes.


To be done:


2x Plastic Captains (one similar to the one in the new Codex, one with a Jump Pack)

1x 6 Man Razorback Assault Squad

1x 6 Man Assault Squad

1x 10 Man Tactical Squad

3x Sanguinary Priests

1x Land Raider

1x Set of Space Hulk Terminators

1x 7 Man Devastator Squad

1x Predator

2x Drop Pod




maybe 1-2 more Dreads

maybe 1-2 Baal Predators with lots of FW goodies once I earn more money ;)

maybe an all plastic Tycho

maybe an all plastic Dante

maybe some Honor Guard Elements once the Force is finished



here is the WIP Dread that is 90% finished... Banner is still to be done




Devastator Helmets


Devastator Sergeant with his Marines Malevolent sternguard buddy


everything that is almost finished so far



As you can see I tried to include some Vintage Elements based on those pictures:



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I'll be watching this thread with intrest. Tagsta any more updates on your Marines Malevolent thread? It has been quiet for a while. The pic of the marines malevolent on this thread is new to me.


Great work on the blood angels so far. Look forward to seeing more.

in fact I have lots of marines malevolent stuff finished (70% of a battle company) but was too lazy to take pictures.. Also the squads are 2-3 man short of becoming full size so I wanted to wait until I have everything finished properly and start a thread..

I can take a few WIP shots if you like


thanks for the feedback guys!

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tagsta, please do i have a marines malevolent force in the works. I've been following every Marines Malevolent thread i can find. Your thread has been quite for a while. I keep going back to see if you have made any updates. Also can you make a toturial on how you paint them with pics. That is the step i'm closly approaching. I have close to 2 battle companies. One will be Marines Malevolent and undecided if to make a Flesh Tearer ally force or contunie with Marines Malevolents.


Do you use decals or free hand on your Marines Malevolents? If decals which ones?


I like the way you are approaching your armies to create a link between them. I would like to see either a new thread on Marines Malevolents or a thread showing all of your projects together. Keep up the great work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

PIP Priest

keep in mind that certain parts (like the purity seals and the backpack) is not yet finished

the picture is crap but I think you get the idea


obviously the mini is inspired by AncientGod's amazing Sanguinary Priest

I didnt have the apothecary arm available, that's why I sculped his apothecary tools from scratch..very satisfied with the result... you can't really see it on the picture though


I also built a jump pack-colleague of him using the banner bearer arm, holding the Space Hulk Chalice with a pose similar to the sanguinor

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Sanguinary Priest Zahariel

Brother Alpheus Zahariel is a Veteran of the Vidar Campaign and since then permanently attached to the 2nd Company under the command of Captain Donatos Aphael. During the Battle of Antax he served alongside Assault Squad Hadriel during various engagements. His heraldry shows the Blood Chalice, a common symbol associated with Sanguinary Priests with a vertical black stripe.



Devastator Sergeant Nathaniel Pontius

Brother Sergeant Pontius leads the 9th Devastator Squad of the "The Blooded" 2nd Company. His heraldry incorporates the blue color associated with Blood Angels Devastators. His heraldry includes a plain metallic chalice, uncommon for Blood Angel Artificers that normally prefer gold. Sergeant Pontius states that the plain symbol is supposed to represent humbleness that every Astartes embodies.


WIP Priest Gabriel


Sanguinary Priest Gabriel Telos

Being the former adjutant to Brother Corbulo, Brother Gabriel rose quickly within the ranks of the Sanguinary Priesthood. He is currently attached to the 2nd Company. Uncommonly for a Blood Angel field medic, Brother Gabriel is often found within the heaviest hand-to-hand fighting and prefers deployment alongside the Company's Assault Squads

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As always, very impressive my friend. The Sanguinary Priest Conversion is absolutely awesome, and the blue-green coloring in the blood drops and vials is an impressive and unorthodox effect that works very well!

thank you!


tagsta, please do i have a marines malevolent force in the works. I've been following every Marines Malevolent thread i can find. Your thread has been quite for a while. I keep going back to see if you have made any updates. Also can you make a toturial on how you paint them with pics. That is the step i'm closly approaching. I have close to 2 battle companies. One will be Marines Malevolent and undecided if to make a Flesh Tearer ally force or contunie with Marines Malevolents.


Do you use decals or free hand on your Marines Malevolents? If decals which ones?


I like the way you are approaching your armies to create a link between them. I would like to see either a new thread on Marines Malevolents or a thread showing all of your projects together. Keep up the great work.

I will keep my thread updated for you!

I use homemade decals, available in the B&C download section!



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Zahariel makes me question everything I'd decided about my Sanguinary Priest schemes...


Good, good... :P


Tagsta, great work as always. Love Zahariel (obviously :P) and the Dev sergeant is looking real good too. I'm looking forward to seeing all the heraldy you're bound to come up with. Surely something will come up to rip off for later use. :D


What's next on the painting list? Finish the bot?

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Zahariel makes me question everything I'd decided about my Sanguinary Priest schemes...


Good, good... :P


Tagsta, great work as always. Love Zahariel (obviously :P) and the Dev sergeant is looking real good too. I'm looking forward to seeing all the heraldy you're bound to come up with. Surely something will come up to rip off for later use. :D


What's next on the painting list? Finish the bot?

that's exactly what I thought after I saw ancient's color scheme for the priest.. so I threw the mainly red color scheme over to replicate the white one...


the bot is about 95% finished.. I am just too lazy to complete the banner


I have a 5 man assault squad without jumppacks on the table that is going to fielded with Zahariel... The poses are running and I swapped the chainswords for combat knives to give the Squad a infiltrating feel...

I can post pictures of the heads since I paint the colored heads seperately


cheers =)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aphael WIP =)


what is left to do?

- 3rd Company Freehand Thing on the Tabbard..

- Gold Parts

- Gems

- Purity Seals

- Metallic Parts

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Cool stuff, I especially like the Sanguinary Priests. :lol:


Which reminds me that I should get back to working on my own Priest...


go for it!


here is an update:



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  • 3 months later...

update time


predator that is let's say 99% finished except for the side sponsons





RAS also 99% finished


note that every marine has his personal heraldry on the right shoulderpad

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  • 1 year later...

hey guys,

ages have past where i haven't posted any update, mainly due to the fact that I was busy very with real life...

However I wasn't absent from the hobby completely...


Meanwhile I finished plenty of marines malevolent and also the core force of my Blood Angels project.


I will try to post detailed pics + fluff for the BA in the next few days!

Meanwhile you can see an army shot below (please apologize the relatively crappy cellphone picture)




Top Left:

Baal Predator: Rage of Sanguinius


Top Middle:

Baal Predator: Azkaellon's Fury


Top Right:

Razorback: Sanguinarian Sword (attached to Assault Squad Hadriel)


Bottom Row (left to right):

Tactical Squad Vicenzo

Captain Aphael

Dreadnought Orfeo

Codicier Flavio

Assault Squad Hadriel






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