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I have used calgar a couple of times as my DIY chapter master (I run second company Ultra as well I have 2 models for when he joins Cato), and have loved him. Here are a couple of things I have learned as well as some things that have been said already.


1. Calgar is a beast in close combat or shooting. AP2 bolters, Powerfists and a Power Sword, reroll to wound. amazing!


2. God of War is really useful. Okay chapter tactics is really useful, and it is encorporated into God of War any other SC takes away combat tactics which can be devestating if used right. Additionally it turns any unit that needs to take a LD test a great roadblock. I will disagree with above comments as my LGG and I say that GOW leadership passes do not cause no retreat wounds.


3. obital bombardment can be game changing. a 1 in 3 chance of a big S10 pie plate can destroy an enemies plans badly if it hits.


4. Teleport Homer- can be used to effectively bring in terminators accurately.


In all I would suggest more bodies equal more effective for calgar, he is better with 40-50 marines then a more elite force of 30-40 marines.



I find honor Guard Bad***, but without an invulnerable save/access to one and having I4 they are just to squishy to be a vaible unit in anything but a troop mulcher role.

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but since calgars fists are stronger and have +1A it barely matters that he hits at I1 in the fight vs Lysander.

If lysander made Calgar fight at I1 all it measn is it removes the choice of using a PW.


This only benefits Lysander if hes down to a single wound, but even if that were the case Calgar would still likely kill him


arent they both striking at initiative 1 regardless because of the powerfists and the thunder hammer? unless your trying to use calgars sword over his PFs..


edit: yes so it doesnt matter that lysanders hammer reduces calgar to ini1, becuse thats what hes going to be striking at anyway

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Reading this thread two queries popped to mind... well, one query and one lightbulb going off.


First - the query: Calgar using his Power Sword - would he attack with his base attacks and all attacks at S4? or would he get the +1A for two close combat weapons (dual fsts) even though hes swinging his sword? Also - if hes swinging only the sword for his base attacks - does that mean hes using it two handed for extra strength? ;)


And the lightbulb:


Fitting him in his terminator armour = Orbital Strike on the move (Heavy 1) I didnt realise this so I tend not to use him as I dont see me not having him move every round... Though a query occurs from this... if he is held in reserve for Deep Strike - can he use the Orbital Bombardment even though he is not on the baord? Apologies if these queries are answered elsewhere, dont wanna hijack the thread - just seemed the bestplace to place my queries :)


Edit - as soon as i wrote this I noticed that a post above states fists get +1A - as I suspected, so scrap that one! :P

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General convention states that he gets the bonus attack from using two fists(the weapon "The Gauntlets of Ultramar" counts-as a pair of powerfists), a fist can get a bonus attack from another fist. He does not however get a bonus attack for using his sword. He has one sword, and a sword can only get an offhand bonus from another normal CCW or pistol. So yes, he can strike at I5 and S4, with rerolls to wound, with his base number of attacks, or he can strike at I1 and S8 with +1 attack for an offhand fist. I can't think of any way he could get +1 attack with the sword without having a second CCW, you can only apply the bonuses from one special CCW at a time.

The bonuses of the fist are ignores armor, double strength, initiative 1, can only get a bonus attack from a second fist.

The bonuses for a power sword or weapon are ignores armor, can get a bonus attack from a normal ccw(or pistol) or power weapon.

In no way can having a fist give you a bonus attack for using a power weapon. It's the same as a chaplain with a powerfist, he can use the fist or the crozius, but not get a bonus attack from either, except that Calgar happens to have two fists.

Nevermind that Abbadon blatantly ignores all this and uses his powerfisty sword that strikes at I. That however, is a case of Codex>rulebook, Calgar has no rule that lets him use his powerfists to wield his sword(funny because er...how is he holding it? :lol: ).


On Orbital, it states in the orbital entry(p52) that it cannot be used if the chapter master has moved, period. Relentless has no effect on this. Deep striking counts as moving, thus he cannot use it after deep strike. He can assault afterward, which is interesting though.

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Orbital bombardment is Ordinance so it doesn't benefit from Relentless.


Although the sword question is pretty interesting ;)


Unfortunate :/ I used Calgar once in 5ed - sat at the back half the game because i wanted to get off that orbital strike... also made the mistake of giving him an honour guard - didnt last very long when the Nids rolled in, but its mainly down to my bad use of him (in fact, I down right sucked that battle!)


cheers for the heads up on the fisty info too :) - I agree with your sentiment... how does he hold the sword >.< turn off the power fists? Calgar tends to be tough enough to sit it out and take the hits then strike back at I1 In my opinion, but there are of course exceptions to this where you may want to try to eliminate the target first with the power sword, but cmon... dual fists look cool ;)


And I think he has enough special rules for the points value to not benefit from the same beneft as Abbadon :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

After spending some time studying Calgar, I have actually designed a 1500 point army based around using him - its to fight against my mates Tyranids. I have no idea what he will use but he has a fetish for Trygons (has 2 - usually runs them), hive guard and zoanthropes (a unit of each.) so they are a given...


Anyway, here is my list and how I thought I might use him:


Calgar (normal armour) in a unit of 5 Honour guard with chapter banner.

Cassius joins this unit (Yes, I know. Its cheesy, and its against nids... but bear with me.)

Rhino to load everyone in (at least at the start.)


2 razorbacks with 5 man tacticals inside - nekkid.


2 dakka predators

1 landspeeder typhoon.




10 assault terminators - combat squadded and will teleport in on Calgars location when they are ready.


Its a weak army for a scoring mission, but its all experimental ^.^


my plan? predators razors and typhoons try to eliminate the zoanthropes and hiveguard - they keep moving and out of combat.


I fully suspect his melee units will make a bee-line for calgar, so I will use this as my tactic - i would expect many melee oriented armies to do the same.


My first objective is to keep those honour guards away from power weaponry and rending claws. Trygons are a no no, as are warriors with boneswords and stealers. The assault terminators are designed to come in and form a barricade against these units if they cant be eliminated beforehand. (and hopefully take them out. Vs a trygon prime im looking at 6 3+ saves a turn in assault, but should be able to easily score enough wounds statistically to beat it)


What may be a game winner/loser is how I use the orbital strike... If he has bonesword wielding warriors (and he has not failed to deliver...) - it goes on them... rerolling to wound - as long as i dont miss then it SHOULD take the squad out in one shot ;)


As for how to use calgar?


He sits in the rhino - which sits next to some good cover. Him and cassius shoot their guns out the roof (one hellfire bolter and the gauntlets of macragge should put out a wound or two against most things) if the enemy moves a tasty unit within 14" - hop out and charge it. (rerolling misses on all and rerolling to wound with calgar, and possibly the champion if there is an IC in there is nasty.) Admittedly this would be ideal V marines or terminators - so honour guard may not be the best choice as the armour saves are not a big problem... but i digress.


Calgar and cassius can split off and quite effectively hold their own against a number of units that advance. (gaunts should be a cakewalk, stealers will be nasty with their rends and high number of attacks + going first) trygons would be suicide for the honour guard but cassius (T6) and calgar (4W and eternal warrior) both with 4+ invul should be good against most things with some support...


If the enemy is within fleeting charge range, but i dont think i will reach them - i can exit the rhino and hunker down in cover so the enemy strikes with I1 meaning I should be able to mince many aswell as striking with my fists simultaneously. Awesome if its against a unit I really dont want to hit me first like Trygon/warriors! Potential wipe out for them. (fingers crossed ambitious fingers roll attacks agaist calgar (eternal warrior ftw) when doing the simultaneous attack meaning the HG should be intact...)


anyway, its all theory - and against this one opponent I think it should do well! Against other marines not bad as long as i make sure that cover saves or transport is utilised... I dont want this unit slogging in the open, and i cant assault from the rhino unless it didnt move so...


yeah, i rant, my apologies - but im hopeful for this army setup :P


What I expect him to play


2 trygons

2 warrior units (one shooty)

1 hiveguard unit

1 zoanthrope unit

1 gaunt unit




2 trygons

2 hiveguard units

2 warrior units

1 zoanthrope unit...


we shall see.

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Personally think you would be better off with regular Terminators deepstriking in as they can shoot when they do it.


Also, don't forget Tyranids don't have grenades (nor do most Daemons for that matter) so Honour Guard can even hurt Genestealers if they stand behind cover and take a charge :)


I have been considering using Calgar in a similar way (untilising his teleport homer) but in a different manner, check it;





- Armour of Antilochus

= 265pts





- +5 Terminators

- 2 Chainsfists

- 2 Cyclone Missile Launchers

= 470pts



- Assault Cannon

= 115pts



- Assault Cannon

= 115pts




Tactical Squad

- +5 extra models

- melta gun

- Multi-Melta

= 175pts


mounted in a Drop Pod

= 35pts


Tactical Squad

- +5 extra models

- melta gun

- Missile Launcher

- Sergeant has a power fist

= 200pts


mounted in a Rhino

= 35pts



- squad has sniper rifles

- Missle Launcher

= 85pts


TOTAL = 1495pts


Now I'm not sure if this is competetive, but I have a sneaky move with it! The Drop podded Tactical squad can take the fight to the enemy and I can put Calgar in with them. When the Terminators need to deep strike in they can use his teleport homer to reinforce them with great accuracy and unleash alot of firepower on the turn they arrive.


Alternatively, I can start the Terminators on the table with Calgar at their head, acting as an powerful counter charge unit and anvil for my army with useful shooting attacks. If the opponent want's to charge them to get rid of them, they have Calgar in their midst.

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