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My new Thunder Cav

Power Fist

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Like many “lost” chapters, the exact moment of the Ebon Lions split from the First Founding Space Wolves chapter is shrouded in legend, mystery, and contradiction. It is believed the Ebon Lions are, or at least originally were, three Battle Barges worth of Space Wolves, splintered from the primogenetor’s Chapter following the Horus Heresy. Pursuing the Emperor’s Children deep into the reaches of known space, the Barges were considered destroyed, the Space Marines aboard were considered deceased, and were honored on Terra as heroes.


However, the Ebon Wolves were not deceased, and the Barges were not destroyed. The Ebon Wolves took up residence on Narsine, in the Agrippa sector, and set about building a Space Wolf stronghold. Over the course of time, with the disconnect from their First Founding Chapter, and through the weathering of time and space, the Chapter’s repository of knowledge and tactics began to erode and evolve. The wolf, praised for its cunning and determination, slowly evolved into the lion, revered for its fierce nature and powerful presence. The ice lions that stalked the frozen tundra in massive prides became a substitute for the wolves of Fenris, and the Space Marines began learning to live and fight with the lions by their sides. Before long, all ties with the Space Wolves had been lost to the Warp and the ravages of time.


Although Space Wolf combat doctrines still dominate the Ebon Lions in terms of battlefield tactics and organizational structure, a millennia-long struggle against the brutal Dark Eldar Kabal of Eternal Sorrow, in which the Ebon Lions have been the only protection for their home world of Narsine against the repeated slave raids by the Dark Eldar pirates, has turned the Chapter into something different entirely. Ebon Lion prides are brutally efficient warriors, used to being outgunned and outnumbered, and are more than a little feral and zealous in bringing the word of the Emperor swiftly and, often, fatally.




On the vast plains of Narsine's tundra, herds of wild horses numbering in the thousands roam freely. Descended from plow horses brought by the original human settlers of Narsine, these proud beasts have grown in Narsine's warped gravity to monstrous proportions. The greatest of Narsine's wild stallions stand eight feet tall at the shoulder and can weigh as much as a small elephant. Often times, when a pride of Great Manes has lost a few brothers, the remaining members will venture out into the plains and commune with the horses, selecting the biggest and boldest of the stallions and taming them. After fitting them with armor and cybernetics, the Great Manes adopt the mantle of Thunder Cavalry, and ride these armored war beasts into battle, much to the dismay of many an invader of Narsine...


Strike first! Strike fast! Strike hard! Fortis in Fide!







I have finally finished up my first squad of Thunder Cav! I'm pretty pleased with the way that they look - almost as pleased as I have been in the way they have performed on the table. I'm sure with a full paint job, they'll perform even greater feats of heroism. ;)


So here's the squad:




And here are some individual shots.


Brother Fisher (Bravely sporting just a bolt pistol and chainsword):



Brother Sergeant Vranesh (He of the Power Fist):



Brother Tice (Strapped with Meltabombs):



Brother Hannigan (On Operation Jump In Front of the Lascannon With Your Storm Shield):



The squad is often led to battle by Lion Guard Battle Leader Brother Lieutenant Benami, who is usually accompanied by Ares and Mars. He carries a frost blade and a storm shield:








And that's the squad! Thoughts? Comments?

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Wonderful painting clean and sharp, though the one horse looks like he is going to tip over, other than that ace work

the background story was a joy to read very believable, short sweet yes very detailed I hope as you post more pics you continue with the little stories of your army.

I may have to begin doing such myself :D

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It does sort of look like that in the pic a little. In person, it's much less dramatic. :tu: His horse is jumping, which is always a hard effect to achieve because you have to keep something on the ground to anchor it. The rider tips back enough that you can sort of see the inherent balance in it in real life.


Pictures are funny things. :D

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