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Let me get this right (BA dedicated transports)

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Ok, so with Blood Angels Assault Squads are scoring. They have the option of removing their jump packs for a 35 point discount on dedicated transports.


Landraiders, all variants, are dedicated transports. So you're telling me you could field three SCORING Crusaders for... 945.... without taking up a single heavy support slot?




Raider spam anyone?

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Yes, but any normal land raider with a scoring unit inside will count as scoring. Vanilla marines could plonk scouts inside Land Raiders and use them to score on objectives. Granted, BA get the bonus of them not counting as heavy support slots, but if you've already spent 750+ on land raiders, then you're not going to have a great many points left over for heavy support.
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Honor Gaurd perhaps? I dont have a codex on me.


Not that it matters... at that point your going to see titans running around ripping apart your army.


Frankly though, Ive thought they should do the point rebate thing for years with assault marines.

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Honor Gaurd perhaps? I dont have a codex on me.


Not that it matters... at that point your going to see titans running around ripping apart your army.


Frankly though, Ive thought they should do the point rebate thing for years with assault marines.

Correct, Honour Guard.


And 17 Godhammers will put some hurt down on a Titan.


The main thing that annoys me about BA DTs is that their Assault Marines can have RBs.

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For the price of 17 Godhammers, not including the people inside them, you can have almost six Warhound Titans.


Once you add in the minimum squads inside them you get that sixth warhound and a reaver for fun. Start adding upgrades to those squads and you could probly have a second reaver.

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In theory you can have 17 Land Raiders in one BA FOC


Black Templars have had the option for 14 for five years... :huh:


6 for troop slots

3 for elite slots (sword brethren or terminators)

3 in normal heavy slots

2 for carrying Command squads

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For the price of 17 Godhammers, not including the people inside them, you can have almost six Warhound Titans.


Once you add in the minimum squads inside them you get that sixth warhound and a reaver for fun. Start adding upgrades to those squads and you could probly have a second reaver.

17 Godhammer Land Raiders with stuff inside them could make a pretty reasonable dent in your Titan force.

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If I had 6 warhound titans I would be sooo happy. Heck, I would be happy with just one Mars Pattern; those things are just drop dead gorgeous.


*sigh* wishful thinking


Anyway, If someone is cocky enough to buy 3 land raiders at 945 points I'm sure someone will tailor their list to destroy them. I see a drop pod melta spam would ruin that Blood Angel player's day.

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In theory you can have 17 Land Raiders in one BA FOC


Black Templars have had the option for 14 for five years... :)


6 for troop slots

3 for elite slots (sword brethren or terminators)

3 in normal heavy slots

2 for carrying Command squads


That wasn't the point I was making. The point I was making was that BA get a discount on Land Raiders.

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That wasn't the point I was making. The point I was making was that BA get a discount on Land Raiders.


I see. I haven't read the BA book, so I can't comment on the discount.


That discount would be nice to have. Honestly, aside from apocalypse, I've never run more than one LR in a list anyway.

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The "discount" isn't really that good when you are required to remove the jump packs. If you wanted foot assaults in the first place, you come out ahead. But, the cheaper Razorback is great, because you probably only wanted 5 guys anyway... even though a 5 man assault squad is not all that useful, compared to a 10 man assault squad. They just can't deal out as much damage, and the sarge has fewer red shirts to take the hit.


Razorback spam is effective, but then you change the entire Blood Angels assault methology for something more gunline/shooty.


Warprat ;)

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