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Demon armies pose zero threat?


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I play marines, but one guy at my club plays Demons...usually coupling Fateweaver and Skarbrand in the same list. (Yes, fluff-fanatics always q.q)


My first battle against this list was in Planetstrike...I was the defender. I found that Demons are BROKEN in this game format, especially with that strategem that allows them to reroll DS scatter. So for my next list I built it to counter Demons...essentially it was a Land Raider Crusader with a small melee force in it and a Librarian with Null Zone and...I forget what else, but it didn't matter. I filled the list with mounted tac squads and a ML dev squad.


I parked my LRC mid-table and spammed Null Zone. Hails of holy bolter-fire brought down everything, including Skarbrand and Fateweaver, in pretty short order. He's played several battles against Space Marines since then and ALL of them have run a libbry with NZ against him. It seems flat-out unfair.


Is there anything a demon army commander can do against this? I admit my understanding of their codex is limited, but once Fateweaver went down, rerolling 5++ saves = I kill several units in a round of shooting. @_@

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The Chaos Daemon codex is pretty awful. Even without a Null Zone Librarian, you get the worst of Space Marine Drop Pod rules coupled with literally random deployment and minimal deep strike insurance along with almost no anti-tank options. Having a Null Zone Librarian against Daemons is sort of like kicking a guy while he's down.
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I've only played against one Daemon opponent, and I beat him by the skin of my teeth with a mobile mech (bikes and Rhinos) force. I did have a Null Zone Libby, who was happily parked in a las/plas Razorback in the center of the board. I took down all of his big baddies with massed fire and application of plasma. The trouble was taking down the hordes of little beasties before they reached me, which was hard because I was busy shooting down the big ones.
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I once played a demon army that was all khorne except for three squads of screamers. That wasn't an easy game. I lost very very badly. My tanks died to the screamers fairly quickly and his 4 or 5 big things munched on everythng else. Then there were the foot soldiers with power weapons. It was slaughter. Don't underestimate deamons.
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I can't get nullzone :HQ: So for me is very hard unless i spam incinerators and psycannons, which isn't an easy thing to do. I did manage to get 3 incinerators in and tell you what, 2 heavy flamers with a nullzone libby or 2 incinerators roast full strength horror squads easy.
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well, you daemon hunters can team up with marines, so you can get nullzone. Just take an HQ and some Tropps from the other codex, that's in the rules, no problem.


Meanwhile, in the warp...daemons and CSM can't -.-


In my humble opinion, codex daemons was a financial decision and nothing else. Split codices = double income.

Chaos was meant to be one army...proven by daemons beginning to work fine if you play 2vs2 with CSM (using their icons) or house-rule the inquisitionary allies-rule in (to, say create a god-specific army).


But we'll always have Paris/apocalypse...

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^^^ thats just mean but yeh I have seen this done.


Inquisitor lord, psycannon, sanctuary, 2 sages, 2 mystics, 2 HB servitors, plasma cannon servitor

3X Inquisitor, psycannon, sanctuary, 2 sages, 1 mystic, 2 HB servitors, plasma cannon servitor.


The problems come when you use an all comers list, or you are in a tourney. Can be quite nasty.

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