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Warriors of Change


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Ok, Im a little curious as to how many Warriors of Tzeentch wander these boards.

The Planet of Sorcerors is certainly one of the lesser posted on Boards.

So like on some of the other forums, this is just a quick roll call as to how many of the Manipulators pans lurk here.



As for Myself


Set'Menes and the Cabal of the Red Dawn pledge alleigance to the Great manipulator

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Amron Naur, and the Cabal of the Ninth Eye.


Edit (some time later): I guess that the utter inertia of this thread proves that we're down to two actual players of Thousand Sons, & a whole bunch of philosophising observers, Brother Eetion! :nuke:

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Forgive me if my display of sentiment reeks of the [spit] God of Hair Stylists [/spit], but I'm finding it highly encouraging to see this thread gathering some momentum. I hope many more emerge from the mists of magic to emphasise the point to all in the hobby that ours' is far from being a forgotten or unplayed legion.


A show of force is not the most subtle of tactics, but silent currents still sweep beneath the most tumultuous of waves.


And do please feel free to sip from The Well, although make sure you don't get pushed in (we all know what happened to the last creature to suffer that fate).


:D ;) :P


Keep it coming, fellow children of the Crimson King!

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Forgotten or unplayed? Never. We merely act as the silver-tongued puppeteers to the warbands and loyalist chapters we take an interest into.

AKA. Dance puppets! DANCE! :huh:

Suddenly the reason I collect Space wolves and Grey knights as well becomes clear, anyway

Apothocary-Sorcerer Zarathustra and Daemon Prince Anubis and the assorted Thousand sons, Fallen and Alpha legionaires offer their advice (whilst they nick your Archives, geneseed, and quite possibly your kidneys, all before you know it :P ).

As a more recent convert to the Thousand Sons, I must ask, was their ever more activity on this forum?

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Forgotten or unplayed? Never. We merely act as the silver-tongued puppeteers to the warbands and loyalist chapters we take an interest into.

AKA. Dance puppets! DANCE! :D

Suddenly the reason I collect Space wolves and Grey knights as well becomes clear, anyway

Apothocary-Sorcerer Zarathustra and Daemon Prince Anubis and the assorted Thousand sons, Fallen and Alpha legionaires offer their advice (whilst they nick your Archives, geneseed, and quite possibly your kidneys, all before you know it :D ).

As a more convert to the Thousand Sons, I must ask, was their ever more activity on this forum?


Probably when the Thousand Sons were first introduced to 40k :D

and heck yeah another apothecary-sorcerer!


oh I completely forgot to add what cult my Sorcerer was from... I'll do that later.

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As a more convert to the Thousand Sons, I must ask, was their ever more activity on this forum?


Not too often.


We seem to be experiencing an increasing groundswell of momentum on both this and the separate Tzeentch forum at the moment. 'The Thousand Sons' has undoubtedly helped generate interest, but I think that the support & encouragement is self perpetuating, and the quality of posts and the outstanding visions of some of our coven peers is just plain exciting people.

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As a more convert to the Thousand Sons, I must ask, was their ever more activity on this forum?


Not too often.


We seem to be experiencing an increasing groundswell of momentum on both this and the separate Tzeentch forum at the moment. 'The Thousand Sons' has undoubtedly helped generate interest, but I think that the support & encouragement is self perpetuating, and the quality of posts and the outstanding visions of some of our coven peers is just plain exciting people.


I for one think that activity on this subforum went up a bit since the release of "A Thousand Sons".

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Amron Naur, and the Cabal of the Ninth Eye.


Edit (some time later): I guess that the utter inertia of this thread proves that we're down to two actual players of Thousand Sons, & a whole bunch of philosophising observers, Brother Eetion! :tu:


It seemed that way. Even still there is what 6 or 7 of us?

Looks like the Thousand Sons really took a drubbing with the most recent codex release. How the Legions gave fallen.


Hopefully this has just been some cruel manipulation of Tzeentch and we can get this forum moving.


Harakthy and his crazy cabal of experiments and random followers are at your service (of stabbing you in the back sometime in the near future).

On another note I should visit you guys in the well of eternity sometime.


Feel free. We need the company. Like all of Tzeentch's hiding holes its a bit thin on the ground at the moment and needs a little help with activity.

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A yet to be named, yet to be decided Thousandth son answers your call ;)


it is a shame there is not more activity on this sun forum. i would love to see more painting / modelling / tactics like thre are on the other subforums

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Antu'ra'kan, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, Flayer of Souls and his temple hear the call of the Nine and heed the Great Changer of the Ways.


(At least, thats what they will do when I've finished them - one squad of 1KSons doesnt quite cut it at the minute!)



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The Nine is the perfect start.


To be committed to play Thousand Sons marks each of us as being somewhat deeper than any peripheral ego tripper seeking the perfect point + click army elsewhere.


It marks us as thinking gamers, in every sense of that word, that seek the ultimate challenge, and with it the ultimate reward.


It highlights us as having minds that are able to escape the drab realities of contemporary life, and that truly surf the Sea of Souls.


The key here - and obviously for us at the TS forum - is to harness that tremendous committment, intellect & energy, and slowly but inevitably create a new dawn of appreciation for the most unique, challenging and rewarding of Legions.


Nobody plants a flag on top of an anthill. We are the few - the Chosen Few - climbing our epic peak in to the wargaming heavens.


Let all Nine of us make this forum a record of our ascension, and endow it with quality what it never will attain in terms of quantity.


Thousand Sons are the ultimate banquet. Let they whose souls are only fit for the fast foods of 40k dine elsewhere.

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The Nine is the perfect start.


To be committed to play Thousand Sons marks each of us as being somewhat deeper than any peripheral ego tripper seeking the perfect point + click army elsewhere.


It marks us as thinking gamers, in every sense of that word, that seek the ultimate challenge, and with it the ultimate reward.


It highlights us as having minds that are able to escape the drab realities of contemporary life, and that truly surf the Sea of Souls.


The key here - and obviously for us at the TS forum - is to harness that tremendous committment, intellect & energy, and slowly but inevitably create a new dawn of appreciation for the most unique, challenging and rewarding of Legions.


Nobody plants a flag on top of an anthill. We are the few - the Chosen Few - climbing our epic peak in to the wargaming heavens.


Let all Nine of us make this forum a record of our ascension, and endow it with quality what it never will attain in terms of quantity.


Thousand Sons are the ultimate banquet. Let they whose souls are only fit for the fast foods of 40k dine elsewhere.


Now for my profound speach.

Ummm... yes ditto. :P


We do need to see if we can raise the standard for the Thousand Sons though. Personally im going to do my bit in the Call of Chaos. I would call upon all of you to raise the banner, and fight!! (in a manner of speaking).

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Melekh, Lord of the Lamenters of the City of Light.


The T'sons part of the forum was once very popular in the codex edition prior to this one, with many debates over the functionality of tzeentch possessed marines ... but those days have long since passed

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I believe that Brother Eetion's objective in initiating this thread (in particular) is to stimulate the revival of those days.


There's obviously enough of us who care for our beloved Legion .........

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