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Warriors of Change


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Don't fret too much. I delved into the Tsons and will do so again in the future. I am just on a limited budget after having discovered texas tail and how easy it is to obtain. :o Most of my money has gone into the pursuit of that at the moment. But I will order up a squad, rhino, and something else to do in that call to chaos.
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Talenchar, leader of the cabal of the unblinking eye, and loyal follower of the Architect of Fate and Father of Lies and Deception pledges his forces to Lord Tzeentch.


And by that I mean I intend to begin to build a force of pure 1K Sons. As of right now I have nothing to support this army except a desire to run a pure cult list and a fanatical devotion to fluff.


The name is a hats off to the old Realms of Chaos book from 1997. Proppa IMO


Quick edit. Thanks to deals I jsut made I now can count myself among the favored. I have 2 Boxes of Rubric marines, 2 CSM Rhinos, and a CSM Pred on the way.



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New guy on the block. Warrior of Tzeentch here I stand. My thoughts rushing through my brain saying "serve now... And forever.

I DeathByFear am devoted to Tzeentch. As of right now I play a Tzeentch warband but plan on having a new, improved force for him to enjoy. ;) <_<

I have been playing for about 2 years now and chaos has never left my system, and most likely never will.

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Althought I'm new to this subforum I've been playing with Thousand sons for a long time...... none of this chaos gribbley stuff though (although I

still use the CSM codex)


but what the heck...


Brother-Sorcerer Xavier, of the Pyrae, At your service.

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I started 40k a little over 2 years ago. After a review of all the different races and factions, I found the Thousand Sons. I didn't even know the rules when I chose my army, but I knew I wanted the evil sorcerers when I set mine eyes upon them. The first couple months were rough(to say the least) but I stuck with it. I know Tzeentch is pleased with my service.
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  • 1 year later...
Menkeroth, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch and former Lord-Sorcerer of Thousand Sons Legion, and his Crusaders of the Thousand Ways're faithful servants of the Changer of the Ways and yours to command.
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I've always loved the Thousand Sons but my main force is Iron Warriors.


Mainly, this is because I loved the Iron Warriors paint scheme and their style of warfare mimics my own somewhat - however the Thousand Sons are a close second so I want them both :blink:


I will probably add on a force of Thousand Sons sometime in the future.


That said, I still check in this forum often.

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Magistra Aeronwy of the Order of Dusk has always stood ready to protect the knowledge sought out by out Marine brethren.


Amon'chakai, the Twister of Loyalty, Greater Daemon of the Changer lurks behind every shadow and guides all down the paths to their destruction or elevation.

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Way to resurrect this thread! It's encouraging seeing other Thousand Sons players on these boards :)


I am culix and I declare my allegiance with the Thousand Sons. I was hooked since I first learned about them. They look great. They have a fascinating history. Insane, powerful sorcerers cackling with barely-contained power, the sad story of beloved squadmates trapped in a hollow suit of armor, and the underdog advantage of fighting for what's right and not bowing to misguided oppression from every side. Wow.



I've been playing 40k for less than a year, but melting through infidel Space Marine armor with AP3 bolters *never* gets old XD . I quote from the Codex every time... "And you don't get any saves, because I'm shooting with baleful sorcerous energies... against which mundane armor is no defense!"





You all have very cool chapter and personage titles. I'll have to come up with something for that.

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Sorceror-Scholar Lord Memnon Heraclea the Red Son of the Corvidae, of the Thousand Sons at your serv.... Well, you're all at my service really... Please give your artefacts to Thrall-Brother... Er... I forget his name, I've got so very many, he's the bruised chap in the rough cloth robe.
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