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good land speeder tactics


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hello brothers, ive been trying a land speeder or two in my lists lately. the lists themselves are based around 1 or 2 assault squads moving upwards to rip my opponent apart, whilst 2 baal predators and a vindi weaken them up before the charge and/or destroy vehicles whenever they get close. ive got a tac squad with MM and PG to camp on the closest objective i can find :P


ive been trying to make a MM/HF speeder work, trying to pop tanks whenever i can, flame stuff here and there. the problem im facing however is that its close range weaponry means that my opponent can always fire back, which tends to make my speeder...er.... *shrugs* get shaken/stunned and/or die pretty quikly. the fact that its crew cant hit the broad side of a titan doesent help either.


i also have a speeder build with assault cannon and heavy bolter combo (just because it looks cool and can dish out so much firepower ^_^) but havent wielded it that much, when i did he kinda died horribly as well :(


so the question is i guess: what niche do speeders fill in your army, and how do you keep them alive? do you have any "tricks" like turbo boosting on an objective at the last second for a win or something like that?


looking forward to your anwsers ;)

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Don't slow down, and don't look back.


Arm your speeders with an assumption that they will be moving 12" every turn.


Don't be afraid to redeploy on turn 3 or 4 - the ability to be in an entirely different sector of the board is worth it. The threat factor becomes immense.


Speeders on the low base are tall enough to shoot hull and typoon mounted weapons over a rhino, but claim a Cover Save from the Rhino in return.


Multi-Melta + Heavy Flamer. To know it is to love it.

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I use Typhoon speeders as flank protection during turns 1 to 3, get into position on turn 4, then go flat out and contest objectives on turn 5. With the formidable range of the missile launcher, I can be assured that they will be safe from infantry weapons and melta weapons. The Typhoon variant does cost more than the MM/HF, but as a direct consequence of the range afforded by the typhoon launcher, it is much more survivable than the MM/HF variant.
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The problem with speeders is that they are fragile. If your are getting shot up without doing much then maybe it's time to switch to a different tactic. Typhoon missile launchers and heavy bolter is my favourite set up. It can put out 2 strength 8, AP 3 missiles even if it's moved 12". Or the heavy bolter and fire the missiles as frags.


The range of the 2 weapons means they are out of range of small arms fire of most armies, so your opponent has to divert some anti-tank firepower they could have been used to take out your vindicator or something. Just try and stay in cover if possible. One lascannon hit is an auto glance.

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dident consider the typhoon yet tvh. the 2 S8 missles are pretty nice come to think about it ;) only quest ion i then have is this: the typhoon has 1 weapon profile but 2 weapon ports. how would you fire the missles? if 1 of the firing lanes is block by cover does that missle not get to shoot or does he get a cover save against both weapons? do you fire from the centre of the pods for the sake that its 1 weapon system?


im not to sure tbh :)

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The typhoons aren't like pred sponsons which require LOS individually. The typhoon is a single set of vehicular wargear. If you have LOS with one pod, you have LOS for both missiles.




Also, I find typhoons are one of the best surgical tools you can purchase. The ability to move 12" and continually fire at 48" of range on light armor is horrendously annoying for spam. Buy 3 *haha spam the spammer*. I used to rock the HF/MM version, but found they ended up suicide units most of the time. You can be much more effective with the 60" of range you can grab from a typhoon.

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Now this might make me seem cheesy but I measure for either not both. Fluff wise it could shoot both from one pod or one from each. Considering that there is nothing to explain how it shoots or how to resolve this issue I play like this, I have yet to find someone who complains about it.


Complains about how annoying and deadly they are yes, but the fact that I shoot with technically only one pod having LOS no one has raised an eyebrow yet.



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I've only used the Land Speeder Typhoon, but the way it's performed means it's the only one I'm using at the moment. For the price of a basic Tactical or Devastator squad you get 2 missile launchers and a heavy bolter, bargain! As people have said it's flexible, you can fire kraks at vehicles or heavy bolter and frags at infantry, even while moving 12". With a high maximum range, this Speeder can sit back and stay out of short range fire, meaning proper anti-tank are going to have to be used. Also very good for last minute objective contesting.
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The typhoons aren't like pred sponsons which require LOS individually. The typhoon is a single set of vehicular wargear. If you have LOS with one pod, you have LOS for both missiles.


This is correct and damn usefull to know so just back hand wingers and pump those missiles out!


HB + Typhoon ML is easily my favourite combo. Even just fielding one is a menace that your opponent will redeploy his/her forces to counter, two multiplies this threat by 4, 3 is plain wrong but any more and you start to run out of places to situate them optimally although 810pts for 9 of these in 3 squadrons... :o 18 crack missiles per turn @ up to 3 targets :jaw:

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I use 2 land speeder typhoons in just about every list i run, mainly use them as 2 sepate FA slots if i have room.


Their role is to hunt MC's and transports and they do it very well. They tend to stay behind my offensive force and provide a long range deterance for any low model count units. ( prime examples being tyranid warriors and enemy bikers.)


I experimented with a mm/hf varient, but a lot of my opponents know the potential of these, and brought them down before they could impact the game.


If you can spare the extra points id recommend typhoons almost every time.

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I think one vindi and two baals is a good minimum number of other vehicles to have to draw fire from speeders, and I'll save my breath and not further praise how useful the typhoons are. The Assault Cannon/HB combo is the same as a typhoon, but I think the Baal pred does the same job better and more cost effective.


The main point of the MM/HF is to crack AV14 and the only way to do this relyably is to have two or Vulcan. The HF is there to ensure it's not useless against horde armes like nids/orks/etc. Not to say they arn't good at killing everything else, it's just there are very few platforms for either MM or HF's that are fast or survivable. Dreads are more survivable but way slower and expensive.


The only tactics I have to offer is to choose to use the sugested amount of terrain and pick off targets of opportunity around the flanks unless you have something like a redeemer full of terminators heading right at you.

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Typhoons. Solid gold.

I run 2x2 in my current list.

8 rockets and 12 heavy bolter shots? Umm, yes please.

Only thing that made me cry when fielding them is Living Lightning. S7, no LOS need, no cover.

Opponent had 2 rune priests; 2 exploding Speeders per turn.

But you won't play against Wolves all the time will you? :)

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Yep, well said.


MM/HF variant is probably best in PAIRS that deep strik surgically behind the enemies armor or in fron of their troop flak. Pairs are needed because unless all your prayers are answered, one dice is too random to get the job done. Pairs mean they both drop in at the same time and only the first one deviates.


Typhoon variant is best as single units - since they are long range snipers. If they start on the board it needs to be behind cover unless you know you are absolutely going first.


I have a pair of the MM/HF kind. I often break my own rules.

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Makes Speeders a better alternative as Suicide units than those expensive Sternguard :D



Sorta. For super killy power, nothing beats Sternguard for alpha, its just too much melta, and the no place to hide thing helps.



I think what I was trying to convey was that if you want to keep your speeders alive, you can use reserves and deepstrike to keep them alive and get them firing if you know you're going to get shot off the board right away. On the otherhand, they're also a great feint unit. If you want to provide different target priority in non killpoint games, throw your speeders in the open while you have other targets down field. It makes target prioritization issues knowing you're going to eat 6 missles next turn, vs engaging the unit that's in your face.



Also be smart about where you place them :D Don't throw them out in the open and in range of an IG leafblower. On the otherhand, if you have Mech Chims down the field... you can be pretty safe opening up with salvos from 48" out pending there isn't a Hydra / Bassy kicking around somewhere.


Note: Hydra's very very bad, its like a Rifle Dread. Only with much more of a temper, and you took his lollypop.

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Yes, be very careful with dropping in your landspeeders. I've had some unfortunate accidents that I think I could have fixed if I had been a tad bit more careful where I placed them. I like the pairs idea if you're gonna drop them in. If math serves me right 2 is better then 1 which is always a plus in the odds department.
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