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Blood Angels Sternguard Sgt.


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hey B&C...


i have been trying to find this mini for a while...

as soon as i got him, i knew i had to paint him as a Blood Angels Sternguard Sergeant...


more views are available in the gallery post:






i like the scheme in the new codex, but i thought that the Sergeant should have a little more bling on the shoulder pads...

the rest is strictly codex coloring...


on this mini, i was trying out the Vallejo Air Gold for the first time...

i don't like it much, as it's way too bright...

mixed in with my P3 Rhulic gold, it made for a nice midtone...

on it's own, it makes a good highlight...


this was my first time trying battle damage on red...

quite a fun challenge...


i also tried my hand at marble stone for the first time...

i think i can pull it off a bit better next time...


i had a lot of fun painting this guy, and i look forward to some more Blood Angels minis...

i've got The Sanguinor on deck, and the rest of the new releases are on their way to me thanks to Wayland Games providing me with a very generous prize for my Salamander in the Golden Bolter painting contest...


thanks for lookin'...

hope you like him...




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thanks guys...


better pics will be on the way in a couple days...

i really dropped the ball on getting pics that actually look like the mini in hand...


now that i've worked out the new gold recipe, i can finish my Grey Knight Grandmaster...




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Love it !

you sir are one of my faverit painters

tho i dont like orange on blood angels (my own chapter) i think the mini is perfect , one of my faverit minis paintet by one of my favrit painters as my favrit chapter , got to love it :)

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hey B&C...


i got some new pics of this guy, showing the full 360 view, and the mistakes i corrected...


here he is, if you care to vote:







he looks much better in the new pics i took, with my lights in the right spot this time...

this is much closer to how he looks in hand now...


the freehand on the shoulder pads needed a bit of attention, as the skull had a snaggletooth, and the blood drop was not quite round at the bottom...



some of the metal highlights got rubbed off when i was handling him for photos last weekend...

that's been fixed...


all in all, i'm pretty pleased with how everything turned out...

my next mini is also red, but from the completely opposite approach...

i'm starting with white primer, and laying down the main color with Khador Red Base as the first coat...

then i will be shading down, instead of highlighting up...

should be interesting...


thanks for lookin'...




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Amazing work as usual Jah. I really must get on and do my converted one of these... if only I didn't have so much on the paint table already :).


The gold is really great and fits really well with the red armour. I think the battle damage is really nicely understated as well.


Look forward to seeing your next project.



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thanks POS...

i had a lot of fun on this mini...


my next project is non-GW, and fantasy, so won't be seen here...

the Grey Knight Grandmaster should be done by the end of the month, so keep an eye out for that...

he will not have any battle damage, but will be a freehand exercise...


for those who are interested, i have done a full write-up of the painting of this guy on my blog:




have a look, and let me know what you think of my presentation...

is it clear and concise???

easy to follow???

did it help any???

what would you guys like to see in the future???

any feedback is appreciated...




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