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Assault terminator setup

Brother Galean

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Hi guys,

Am building a unit of 5 assult terminators for my 1500pt army.

The're going with a captain who has 2 thunder hammers.


Cant decide which is better, 3 lightining claws 2 hammers,


or the other was around, 3 hammers, 2 claws.


Have 4 built, trying to figure out the next on...


benefits of 3 claws would be 9 attacks first if charging, but 8 attacks that can hurt tanks etc.


3 hammers means 3 guys to give that 3+ invulnerable, but only 6 attacks at initiative order, and 10 attacks at str10... but striking last.


Am stuck, am thinking 3 claws would be best, but worried that only 2 3+ saves might not be enough.


Whats the general idea about whats best?

have tried searching, but cant find anything to help

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In the pods list?

No, list has 6 pods (its all in drop pods) 3 of which have locators.


in the list without pods, so just plain old DS, then have 2 units of scouts with homers, so they're donna go in some nice thick terrain and let the termis come down safely.


But prefer the all pods list!

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benefits of 3 claws would be 9 attacks first if charging, but 8 attacks that can hurt tanks etc.

You are shorting your LC terminators by one attack; they get three attacks standard, four on the charge. You also give your TH+SS Terminators an extra attack; they have two standard, and three on the charge.


Teleporting assault units is risky, since they arrive clustered up and will be a high priority for enemy shooting. Lots of armies have AP 1 or 2 blast or template weapons. Having your assault terminators wiped out before they even get to do anything stinks.

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The cluster thing isnt to big a deal with assault termies as there is no good reason not to run after landing to spread out, you dont have guns after all.


your a wolf right (from your drop poding termies)? wolfs dont actualy get lightning claws but the more expensive wolf claws. For non wolfs I suggest 3:2 claws/hammers ratio unless your actual goal is to hunt monsters/muliwound models.



But as a wolf I think you should look to your strengths (as your termies are a bit more expensive), namely mixed arms. Dont use any hammers, use chainfists, your captain already has hammers and vehicles wont get any more stunned from aditional hamering, and chainfists are increadably more dangerous to vehicles (except the monolith of course). Also I would advice at least one of the models having a heavy flamer, the advantage of putting a S5 Ap4 template before a charge is fairly signifigant. Maybe look into a frost blade, but as termies lack standard CCW you would have to by a second or have one less attack than claws, so i think claws win out.

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