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Grey Knight Stormraven


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Well, seems the Raven is a popular subject right now and I always had plans to put one together so here is my interpretation of the little bird I knocked together last week.


Really enjoyed looking at the countless kitbashes that have sprung up lately and have taken some inspiration from many of them. I personally decided to go literally for the 'baby' thunderhawk look so wanted to keep things relatively chunky and marine-like while keeping an aspect of the hawk. As we know, marines are technologically retarded when it comes to new techno so I figured something like this would probably come from the same templates as other marine drop ships anyhow!


As the listing describes it as a flyer/skimmer I totally skipped the landing gear, in my head the lower turret is retractable and she simply plonks down on her big fat belly in emergencies. Troops drop from said big fat belly via a large hatch while in hover mode or overflying the enemy positions. I imagine the Ravens to be held in docking clamps on the carrier ship with the font ramp only being used to load troops and equipment


Pictures below of its pre-painted stage, going to be painting it up along the same lines as the GK hawk I did a while back Check it out here so it matches in with the rest of the army, if I enjoy this I may even make another up for the Crimson Ultrawings!


Just waiting on a cheapy plastic Dread I bagged on ebay, this will be grappled beneath the hood you can see at the back of the Raven, comes in handy as a makeshift rear turret too!





Air-brakes are deploying preparing for a rapid assault, will be adding disembarking GK jump troops in the future if the rumour mills are true, top mounted twin-linked Assault cannon



Close-up showing the nose turret sporting twin linked Pyscannons, note the grenade launchers



The DN will be slung beneath this hood legs dangling freely with the fresh air blowing between his little toesis


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  • 2 weeks later...
What!!??? this is truly an awesome storm raven but have you actually bastardised a full thunderhawk?? you crazy, genius but crazy. I like!


Even I aint that mad! I was lucky enough to own one of the original metal (yeah it weighs a ton!) thunderhawks and as a prolific builder I always tend to take copies of useful parts of most models I buy. Purely for personal use of course (I never accept commissions for this sort of stuff, purely build for the fun of it) much like you would make a back-up of a CD or MP3 files, as it happens there just seemed to be a LOT of useful parts on the old bird :tu:


As such the good old TH has given birth to lots of bastardised creations over the years! You will probably notice the same jet pods on most of my imperial vehicles, I like the fact it keeps everything uniform and within particular parameters


Anyhow, slapped some paint on, just working on a cheap dread I bagged from ebay ( a whole 10 quid) and a few 'assault' grey knights so I can wire them onto the ship much like the stormbird I built a while back, check it out here 40k stuff


The dreads just gonna be secured under the hood at the back in a sort of limbered state


All in all been a fun project few pics below, will post some pics ASAP soon as I have finished all the costume jewellery off


I will also take some comparison pics next to the TH when it's all done








Incredible... just incredible dude... Been looking at your other stuff just now - some inspiring work there. That was a shameless plug though ;)


I apologise if this counts as nosiness, but frankly I'm curious; how much of that winged beauty is scratch-built & how much of it you built out of your copied parts? I'm trying to take my conversion skills a little further you see & have started cobbling things together out of existing parts but I'd really like to try my hand at making something a little more from scratch. That reminds me... I really must get some plasticard :D

yep, great stuff as usual!


I had a question about your airbrushing technique...are you first spraying the basecoat then blending the shadows and then highlights? or are you spraying the deepest shadows first then progressively spraying to the intermediate tones and then finally to the highlights?



Incredible... just incredible dude... Been looking at your other stuff just now - some inspiring work there. That was a shameless plug though


I apologise if this counts as nosiness, but frankly I'm curious; how much of that winged beauty is scratch-built & how much of it you built out of your copied parts? I'm trying to take my conversion skills a little further you see & have started cobbling things together out of existing parts but I'd really like to try my hand at making something a little more from scratch. That reminds me... I really must get some plasticard


I would describe this one as a 'lego' build, the parts are 'replicated' from my original metal Thawk, purely for personal use of course and no IP was harmed or profited from in the production of this model (and never will) :D

I prefer to do things this way as it keeps the overall look and theme of the marine stuff and maintains the uniform look of my armies, simple truth is if you don't have to scratch-build....why bother!


Really nice, can't believe you have butchered a T-Hawk transporter (or looks like you have)! Only one minor thing, shame you have used those horrid weapon fire effect things!


Defo a Marmite thing mate, I just like 'em because they add a little movement and life to a static model, they look fantastic on the field mixed among the other figures rather than viewed as a single project, long and short are these are gaming minis and are meant to be viewed as a whole rather than any individual


Anyhow, little fella is finished...another one ticked off the list!


Quite straightforward this one, couple of days to build, day to paint and a couple more days to make up the costume jewelry such as the DN, troops and base.


The army can be checked out here The Tinfoil Terrors few pics below of current project









General size comparison between Thawk and the Sraven



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