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Biker Command Squad Loadout


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I'm planning on building a Biker Command Squad for a relic blade captain or a Kor'sarro proxy.


I was thinking about a load out, and I hesitate between adding firepower or close combat aptitude.

Deciding to choose the second option, I don't know what to give them.

I was thinking about something like:


- Bikes obviously

- Champion

- Standard bearer

- PFist

- Melta bomb (for heavy armour ?)

- 2 Storm shields


My logic: With a captain I've got relic blade, S6 at I5, then S4 at I4, then S8 at I1, so I'm covering the energy weapon range and I'm ready for anything heavy infantry/bosses/MCs. SS to add survivability, and standard bearer for the +1 CC attack.


Melta bomb + PFist and I can pop a tank or transport.


I've got points left, do you see some things to add without dampening the CC punch of these guys.


PS: And no, we can't add other vets. :nuke:

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I would take the Champion (for a WS5 PWpn); a company standard bearer with a PFist; a guy with a Storm Shield and no other upgrades, and a 'vanilla' guy (with Melta Bombs if you really want).


This means that you're not over equipping the squad and you have some models you can sacrifice to enemy fire, but still hit decently hard.


Regarding Melta Bombs; remember that they are only really necessary vs. Bunkers and Land Raiders.

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This is how I run my captain and command squad. They're meant to be the wrecking ball of my army, and have done pretty well so far. Expensive as heck, and I always worry about their status as a lynchpin since they're just a one-of, but they've performed well enough so far.


Captain Al'Daraja (Bike, Relic Blade)

Command Squad Batal Al'Hafiz (5x Bikes, 4x Meltaguns, 4x Storm Shields, 3x Lightning Claws, 1x Thunder Hammer)

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I am of the opinion that comand squads are one of the best shooty units you can get, but the cost required to make them beaty is too much. I would honestly go with a standard biker squad to escort your captain.

The problem with that attitude is that with Khan (who the OP mentions), a regular Biker squad simply doesn't take advantage of his special rule to give the whole squad Furious Charge due to its lack of Power Weapons.

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Captain Al'Daraja (Bike, Relic Blade)

Command Squad Batal Al'Hafiz (5x Bikes, 4x Meltaguns, 4x Storm Shields, 3x Lightning Claws, 1x Thunder Hammer)



Hi.... I was going to come here and dump this build, but I see someones beaten me to it. So this gets a big +1.


Claws are better then power weaps because you reroll your wounds. Your meltas will pop most tanks if not all, and the thunder hammer will reduce MC's to I1 on your next turn of combat. Throw in Khan and you're I5 for everything BUT the TH.


It is expensive, but its tough as nails. Goes toe to toe with Terminators, and its fast enough to still be a good firebase.


Remember to take your wounds on everyone else BEFORE you take wounds on your Apothacary. FNP dies with him.


This single unit is the bane of any foot IG gunline army.


"what do you mean 6's to wound...... with FNP... and you assaulted 3 of my 20 man squads all spaced out like you are"


Also a bit of Tactica:


You want to shoot transports, and assault units, not the other way around.... this should be your mantra when building this group.

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Thanks a lot for your answers everybody !


I've got points to spend because I intend to use these guys in 2000/2500 pts lists, and they replace a very costy vanguard unit, in order to be with Khan, in my current build he's with a regular 8 bikes + ABike squad.

I will try the tougher list.

I just have to figure how to build these guys, because I've got nor SS neither TH, neither LClaws... And I don't know how to get them except by bying Assault Termies I will never use... B)

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Quite a lot of bitz providers online will have the parts, since the Assault Terminators box comes with enough to make 5 of either variant.

GW also sell a TH/SS upgrade kit.

The bikers quickly run out of arms, so you can model the shield on the bike (even cardstock would do).


Cheers, Paul.

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Thanks Paul !


I'll scratch build the shields, I don't like the "crux shield" for that matter. I'm thinking of a more knightly iron shaped shield.

Too bad I can't give these guys a long spear, it'll be awesome ! Or do you think it's acceptable to build kind of a meltagun on top of a long shaft with a banner, just for fun. After all, Melta gun is to me very close to a cavalry spear: a short ranged anti-cavalry (tank that is) weapon. :P


Modelling wise, how do you imagine a standard bearer on bike? I think it'll be awkward to have him with a sail preventing his bike to exceed 50 mph... :)

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Use a boltgun arm and put it at an angle so that the banner is facing fowards instead of upwards. Note that this may cause the pole to stick in your bike, so add a bit of green stuff to make the arm face slightly outwards. I would also just use a normal Sergant flag, as the banner takes too much space and makes it hard to put any models in front of him :)
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OK thanks, I'll try.


Regarding the "Command Squad Batal Al'Hafiz (5x Bikes, 4x Meltaguns, 4x Storm Shields, 3x Lightning Claws, 1x Thunder Hammer)"

and the "The bikers quickly run out of arms", I'm asking how you do that even with shields on bike or forearm.


How do you hold a Meltagun, a Lightning Claw/TH, AND a bike ? Drivin' with the feet ? :(

Except by mounting the Meltagun on the bike, or on the other forearm/fist, I'm at a loss...

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OK thanks, I'll try.


Regarding the "Command Squad Batal Al'Hafiz (5x Bikes, 4x Meltaguns, 4x Storm Shields, 3x Lightning Claws, 1x Thunder Hammer)"

and the "The bikers quickly run out of arms", I'm asking how you do that even with shields on bike or forearm.


How do you hold a Meltagun, a Lightning Claw/TH, AND a bike ? Drivin' with the feet ? :(

Except by mounting the Meltagun on the bike, or on the other forearm/fist, I'm at a loss...

I model my bikers as riding Dark Elf Cold Ones. Any member of the Command Squad which doesn't have a hand free for a piece of equipment instead has it carried within easy reach on his mount. So the Champion has his meltagun in one hand and thunderhammer in the other, with his shield strapped to his mount, and two of the vets with lightning claws and storm shields have their meltaguns with their other saddlebags.

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Awesome ! I think I'll put the SS in front of the bikes. After all it's a deflector shield generator, so it will be clever to put it where the bike is supposed to take incoming fire. I think I'll try the "Meltagun-lances", it should be nice looking and really in my "knights on war bikes" trip.

As for the claws, Do you think it'll be OK WYSIWIG-wise (wow lots of W :) ) to add three thin blades to a normal PA glove ? I'm thinking it could be cool to add these niceties on the hand holding the bike. Problem is it's impossible with a Pfist-like oversized hand.


Wow... It just came into my mind that these guys are much more like a tank platoon combined with jedi knights rather than simple elite bikers :D.

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Just a thought though...


I've maybe got kind of a problem with your loadout gettothegone...


Maybe it's badly translate, but in my C:SM codex, the command squad loadout is:

"One vet' can become company champion with power weapon and combat shield"


"Any vet can replace his bolt pistol/his chainsword by:

- Meltagun

- Lightining Claw

- Thunder Hammer



If I read correctly, it seems that the champion has a predefined loadout, and therefore cannot trade anything, because he has in fact no boltpistol/chainsword. (Please telle me I'm mistaken, a TH with WS 5 could be a good thing... And a Storm shield rather than the lighter one ? So can you customize your champ loadout ?)

So how do you do it ? No champion, no banner, only vets ?


The banner seems not to be that good, it's not a chapter one (I would loove adding 1 A to these guys, why on Earth those damned honour guard can't have bikes ?).


I'm suddenly confuse...


But the Champion, WS 5 for a few pts, isn't he mandatory ?

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I'm planning on building a Biker Command Squad for a relic blade captain or a Kor'sarro proxy.


I was thinking about a load out, and I hesitate between adding firepower or close combat aptitude.

Deciding to choose the second option, I don't know what to give them.

I was thinking about something like:


- Bikes obviously

- Champion

- Standard bearer

- PFist

- Melta bomb (for heavy armour ?)

- 2 Storm shields


My logic: With a captain I've got relic blade, S6 at I5, then S4 at I4, then S8 at I1, so I'm covering the energy weapon range and I'm ready for anything heavy infantry/bosses/MCs. SS to add survivability, and standard bearer for the +1 CC attack.


Melta bomb + PFist and I can pop a tank or transport.


I've got points left, do you see some things to add without dampening the CC punch of these guys.


PS: And no, we can't add other vets. ;)


Ooohhh.... o.O veeeerryy overkill. Do you realize that this squad is 300 points before the Captain? >:P


Remember kids, if you upgrade an elite unit to over 300 points I would suggest instead 10 Sternies with Combi-Meltas on each of them with a fist and Rhinoes.

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Overkill v. What? Ze Grotz.


Also he's asking for command squad loadouts. Sternguard are completely different animals, not to mention a command squad will absolutely bushwhack a Sternguard squad in a rhino all day long. Its possibly one of the best killy units you can throw together from the SM codex that doesn't require a delivery system outside of its own mobility.

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My plan, at this point cost, is to obtain a unit able to kill something like 10 Nobz with 3 PKlaws, a painboy and other stuff including big axe-thingie, cybork body and heavy armour (+4 save). Flexibility bonus: being able to crack open a transport and kill the trukboys in shooting assault phase, or a dreadnought equivalent.


I plan to use this unit in 2000/2500+ pts range.


Can someone tell me if I can change the company champion loadout (and pay both the price of the WS5 and equipment, of course) ?

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You can't change the champ's loadout. Once he becomes a champ, he's no longer a veteran and no longer has the ability to cycle through the armory. He has his own seperate entry and statline.


Again, you want to ensure wounds so keep the claws. Also once you add storm shields you lose your extra attack with a power weapon/pistol, so really claws for the same points keeps you causing wounds and allows you to keep the melta at no penalty to your attacks or defense.


Having 1 Thunder Hammer in the group pretty much allows you to insta gib a few more should you get to this point. Claws and Relic blades will only cause wounds but you'll find yourself hard pressed to kill them outright on 4/6 str.


Nobs you need to be able to bypass the wound allocation which is the saving grace they have. Something a command squad lacks.. 1 failed power weapon wound for youand you're removing characters. Not so for Nobs. If you know you're going into a Nob heavy environment, I'd drop a claw, and bring 2 Thammer bikers. 2claws / 2hammers and 4 meltas would be the new loadout.


That SHOULD make nobs worry about you.


Claw heavy, a Nob player is going to try to assault you as soon as possible because he'll be able to allocate the wounds so that the deaths are minimal, if any at all. Then they're going to overwhelm your group with wounds. Thunder Hammers will make him think twice.


Another tactic is to surround vehicles with your bikes. If you blow it up, and they're carrying a large quantity of units, they're not going to be able to deploy causing death to all inside. Bikes have long bases, and 2" coherency which you can abuse to surround smaller vehicles.

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I play (tiny change, but it makes a big difference):-


Captain with Bike, Combi-melta and Relic Blade.

Librarian with Bike, Null-zone, and Vortex of Doom.


Apothecary (wish I could give him at least a power weapon!)

1x Storm Shield, Meltagun, Thunderhammer

1x Storm Shield, Meltagun, Lightning Claw, Standard

1x Storm Shield, Meltagun, Lightning Claw, Melta-bombs*

1x Storm Shield, Meltagun, Lightning Claw


The melta-bombs aren't meant to be used in the assault phase - although I've assaulted a couple of vehicle squadrons. They're there to abuse wound allocation.


The librarian joins the unit for more oomph, but also to get more mileage out of FNP. NZ really improves killing power against anything with invulns, and Vortex is another shot that can open a tank. Yay for relentless!


710 points including both characters.


Make it up to 1500 with:-


2x Bike Squad (8 models, Combi-melta, Power Fist, 2x Meltaguns, Attack Bike, Multimelta) @320ea

Attack Bikes (3 models, 3 Multi-meltas) @ 150


I model the meltagun and SS as attachments on the Lightning Claw.

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