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My Ultramarines army

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Well, I finished my Cato Sicarius, so it's time to post him in the hall of honor. Here he is, in all his glory:







I put a lot of work into him (about 15 hours, all told), but he's worth every inch of it now that he's done. I welcome your comments and/or suggestions for improvement, brothers.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I agree that the white is too overpowering as it is, so I will have to try your idea.

More pics from this weekend's efforts:

Sternguard Veteran:





I would appreciate any suggestions anyone might have for the Dreadnought, as something about him seems not quite right, but I can't put my finger on what it is that I'm unhappy with. It's almost as if he's too plain, but there's not a whole lot more I could do in the way of ornament without making him look too busy. Something is off, though, he just doesn't stack up to the dreads that I've seen others post.

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  • 3 months later...

Finally finished my Land Raider. C&C would be greatly appreciated, as I kind of feel like there are too many highlights. I tried to hit all the edges based on a light source that was directly overhead, but it still feels like too much for some reason. I could use some advice in that way. I also did a wash of the lascannon cables with Leviathan Purple to try to break up the metal monotony, and would be curious to know if others thinks it looks good.

This model settled it, though: I have an innate inability to do freehand. My freehand is so ugly, it really detracts from what I think is an otherwise decent effort. I guess as much as I don't like using decals, I'm going to have to go back to them so I can have chapter symbols which don't look awful.






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Masking tape, sir. Use masking tape. ;)

You can use it to make straight edges for the U symbol and you can use it to keep the letters of any words you write an even size.


Other than your freehand, I think everything looks pretty good. Not super fantastic, but that will come from practice.

I think a lot of the little things are just paint bleeding out of the places they were meant to be painted on, like the right wing on the Dreadnought sarcophagus has gold bleeding out, and you missed a spot of blue there.

And then you left a few details here and there unpainted, like the exhaust vents on the top rear of the Land Raider.


A lot of those are little things that you'll only notice if you really examine the stuff tho.

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Thank you for your suggestions, brothers. You're absolutely right about those small details, TEC. I have to go over my stuff two or three times just to make sure I didn't miss some stupidly small spot (or miss some necessary cleanup work, like on the Dreadnought), and then I still manage to miss something! The nice thing about the camera is that for some reason, taking a huge picture (my phone takes pics which are like 2500 pixels wide) makes it easier to spot.


Painting is arduous yet rewarding! :P

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Yup. I've been correcting random flaws on my minis for years now. No matter how many times you think you've got it all you still miss something. It's sorta obnoxious.


indeed, and yeah, I hate taking photos with my super sweet SLR - sure the photo is good, but it shows up too much of my bad painting! lol

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  • 1 month later...

Finished work on my Venerable Dreadnought, brother Matthias Fagrias (named for one of my friends, to reciprocate the honor of him naming one of his chaplains after me). I am not entirely happy with him, but honestly, I just need to move on. I want to be done with this model, and work on the piles of unpainted minis that I have sitting on my workbench. Most valuable lesson I learned: be careful with spraying the primer coat. I wiped out a lot of detail on the front by accidentally spraying it on too thick (the laurel, for example, has no leaves any more. I had to try to fake it with paint, which was not really all that successful). I can also see details in the pictures that need cleanup (like around the sword on the left panel, and the gold that is on the panel trim), but it seems like every time I fix something I make another mistake to fix, so... yeah. I'm done with this guy for now, but he didn't turn out entirely badly.




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