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SB's Iron Warriors

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You've outdone yourself on this one my friend, both in conversion and in painting. I think it looks like one of the best models from you so far! And heck, that's how a true lord is supposed to be treated:D


Great work!

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thanks guys, your complements mean alot, its a shame that he will be killed first (rule #1 of warhammer: best looking model in your army gets shot)


i just order the cool iron warriors dread from forge world, i couldnt resist -_- i hope to get started with that and use it as break from revision soon!

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The base looks good to me ;) like the dread has just ripped the cupola off a tank and thrown it to the floor, plus assault drills rock. Kudos on the warsmith, brilliant model.

Keep up the good work :D

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this is it! i have finsihed my call of chaos!

so here is Warsmith Linvoy Primus of 33rd Iron Warriors Grand Company (e.g. Dr. abaddon von fex killer... he has already killed 3... in one game)


Well done SB, he's your best painted model yet - love the black dirt on the chevrons, he really looks like he's marched through more than a few fire storms in his time! :mellow:

Looking forward to seeing the finished Dread too :cuss

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Super jealous of that abbadon ca. When I saw that I just though i HAVE to copy that.


And then I realised that i would be commiting genocide on the fluff of the black legion.



Friend " What ?? why are there Two abbadons in your list ??"

Me " Thats not abbadon,thats his 2nd in command addabon, armed with the claw of horus and the demonhammer drach'nyan"

Friend " Ok, I will just use my 2nd chapter master Carneus Malgar"

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heh, I think 2 Abaddon's could take on 2 Calgars :lol:


And dude, that count as Abaddon is soo damn cool, Love the feel of the model, everything about it screams, I'm going to slowly walk up to you, and kill you painfully in several different ways... awesome

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thanks for all the complements :)


i have a free day today so my friend and hopefully shinindstorm101 (if you know him) will be coming over to have a few games and give me time to finish my dread, im hoping to get most of it painted today ;)


p.s. with the amount of calgars around it wouldnt shock me if two were on the field at once and as soon as abaddon get close his I6 A4(+D6) S8 would really get some damage in!

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thanks for all the feedback guys :D

i have a little update, just a couple of completed bits of the dreads.





i left the eys black on the dread for the empty and dark/evil look

the rest is undercoated and on my list of things to finsih this weekend

thanks for looking

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thanks for all the positive comments, i agree with the idea that mayve the red eyes would look better but im draw between chnaging it as i love the empty evil look... if people give their opinion ill choose by that. until then an update!

i have some more done on the dreadnaught!

the sarcofagus sarcothagus sar... middle body engine armoury bit is done.




only the 2 arms left to go now

let me know what you think :D

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Awesome dread! Though it doesnt hold a candle to your original one :)


well one is a daemon prince and the other is a dreadnaught so the DP is more packed with chaos awesome!


they are both part of the same army so im hoping this one isnt overshadowed

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hey :rolleyes:

got the assault drill arm done and the chain fist arm undercoated.


and the whole thing (incomplete right arm)


i dry brushed some boltgun metal on places and washed it to show places paint had come off. i wnet a bit nuts with that on the assault drill arm but i figured it would have been rammed into fortress walls and tanks for a millenia so its bound to have a few scratches.

i had a dread vs carnifex fight today... i somehow won in a single turn. i flamed and then bludgened the fex on the charge. after seeing the assault drill he has been named "grizzle fist" in honour and "grizzling up" my friends carnifex.

any c&c would be great :tu:

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