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Zorhael's Lament


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Hello all.


I got my codex last week (stupid pre-orders) and have had a brief look through it. Originally I wanted to do a Sanguinary Guard force and was looking through the book trying to ijustify it when I glanced upon the timeline and found the following the entry dated 911.M41 where the Sanguinary Guard head off to fight with the Grey Knights. That gave me the justification to collect the force so I was happy. Then I read a little more and a little further and found the reason that they wanted vengence, The Blood on Khartas where Captain Zorhael and 30 battle brothers of the 4th company fight the Daemons of Ka'Banda, looking like it will be a complete wipeout until the Sanguinor arrives!


Now I've decided that I want to collect the forces that Zorhael took to the planet with him, but I also want it to be a gameable list. As far as I know from the story in the codex there were devestators, 3 Storm Ravens, Captain Zorhael and the Sanguinor, it also says that there were three squads (including the devestators) Based on the fact that there were 3 squads and one was a devestator unit I need 2 more units. So I'm going to plump for 2 Tactical Squads.


Easy so far then, I have the following


Captain Zorhael,

The Sanguinor,

2 Tactical Squads,

10 Devestator Marines

3 Storm Ravens.


Wait, I have a problem.....there are 4 Heavy support units in there......so a little more head scratching and looking through the book and I think about taking 2 5 man sternguard units with 2 heavy weapons. Sorted! So now it looks like this;


The Sanguinor – 275

Captain Zorhael – 100

10 Tactical Marines – 170

10 Tactical Marines – 170

5 Sternguard (Devestators) – 125

5 Sternguard (Devestators) – 125

Stormraven Gunship - 200

Stormraven Gunship - 200

Stormraven Gunship – 200


So, what I need help with is rounding the force out to 1750, armaments, equipments and such and also wether I have the correct load out of units. Has the story of Zorhaels Lament been recorded elsewhere? Is there any information regarding his equipment? Have I selected a rounded and likely set of units?


Please can you all help?


Many thanks



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Love the idea! The list looks good too.


I'm pretty sure that this particular story was made up in time for the new Codex and didn't exist before.


Was the story specific about the two non-devastator squads? If not, I'd consider using one tac and one assault squad on foot in the list.

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Love the idea! The list looks good too.


I'm pretty sure that this particular story was made up in time for the new Codex and didn't exist before.


Was the story specific about the two non-devastator squads? If not, I'd consider using one tac and one assault squad on foot in the list.


Thanks for the response Ancient God,


I thought the same about the story, but as I have never read or owned any of the previous 'dexes for the Blood Angels I thought I'd check if there were any more info out there.


The story wasnt specific about 2 the two non devestator units other than to mention in a couple of points about bolter fire cutting the blood letters down, hence the choice of 2 tactical squads.


I thought about adding an assault squad but to be honest I would want them to be jump pack based which they obviously cant be due to the story (30 marines and a captain in 3 storm ravens)


Had a re-re-re-re-read of the story again yesterday and noticed the bit that says that Zorhael's blade was broken by the Bloodthirster so I guess that means that I am giving him a poer weapon.


So, a little more thought about this yesterday and I am at the following conclusions


Captain Zorhael - 115

Power Sword,


The Sanguinor - 275


5 Sternguard Veterans (Devestators) - 135

2 Heavy Bolters


5 Sternguard Veterans (Devestators) - 135

2 Heavy Bolters


10 Tactical Marines - 190

Lascannon, Plasma Gun


10 Tactical Marines - 185

Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun


Stormraven Gunship - 225

Typhoon Missiles, Twin Lascannons


Stormraven Gunship - 225

Typhoon Missiles, Twin Lascannons


Stormraven Gunship - 230

Twin Heavy Bolters, Twin Assault Cannon, Hurricane Bolters.


Total - 1715


So as it stands a total of 35 points left to spend.


Any ideas or suggestions for this project?


Many thanks



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Give Tactical sergeants power weapons and Melta Bombs to your captain.


Nice list BTW.


Are you suggesting the power weapons and melta bombs simply because they fill the last 35 points without needing to change other items?



hmmm.... seems that could actually work pretty good :S


Thanks! I want a fluffy yet gameable force, and also a smaller one to keep me on track. I intend to work on this force and the 'vengance' force of Sanguinary Guard and Grey Knights (Greyknights with feel no pain and ferocious charge? Thank you very much! In fact I think the two forces combined will work extremely well together!)



I'm unsure on the load outs on the Stormravens at the moment, I've made 2 of them anti tank units with the twin lascannon/missile launcher option and the other more an infantry killer. The 2 Sternguard units are obviously infantry killers and the Tacticals for vehicles.


I've also read the story again and noticed that following Zorhael's death on Khartas that the current 4th company captain was promoted. I'm thinking that I may have him as a sergeant in the force and one of the 6 marines who've survived. Modelwise I may make 2 versions of him, one as a tactical squad sergeant and one as a devestator (sternguard) sergeant, then I can simply replace him as the sergeant whose been blessed by the Sanguinor. This would also go some way to explaingin why he was chosen as the successor to the fourth company.


Keep the suggestions and idea's coming.





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I really like this idea! It all seems to slot into place, especially the alternative Blessed Sergeant models you are considering. Definately go for it - you've got a grand plan here and managing to get a nice list which also works with the fluff you've aimed for is a great achievement. Good luck with the army, the Stormravens in particular of course. Hopefully a model will be released soon!
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I really like this idea! It all seems to slot into place, especially the alternative Blessed Sergeant models you are considering. Definately go for it - you've got a grand plan here and managing to get a nice list which also works with the fluff you've aimed for is a great achievement. Good luck with the army, the Stormravens in particular of course. Hopefully a model will be released soon!




I'm hoping that a stormraven will be released at some point so I can finish this force without extensive and expensive kitbashes, that said I am keeping an eye out for stormraven conversions for conisderation.


I had a thought last night about the sternguard (devestators), I'm wondering about how to arm the other 3 marines in each squad. Part of me thinks that a storm bolter each would be a good idea, though a larger part of me also thinks that leaving them with the special issue ammo would be nice!



I'm at the stage now where I am conisdering components to start creating the force. I've got a few idea's for the 2 versions of the blessed sergeant models and I think I've got the model idea fo Captain Zorhael pretty much done in my head. Other than that the 2 Tactical Squads and the 2 Devestator Squads need modelling. I'm hoping that the following kits will be sufficient;

Space Marine Battle Force

2 Boxes of Death Company


That'll give me 15 Tactical marines, 5 assault marines and 10 marines from the DC boxes. The scouts and rhino I'll trade off for more models at some point. The heavy weapons will cover the 5 models that will be missing bolters due to the assault marines. I'm going to push myself with this project and learn to paint battle damage and hopefully some greenstuffing for the squad markings. I've found a tutorial for skulls and I know I can do blood drops so its just the devestator markings to work out.


I think I'll produce the first, fourth and ninth squads, each of the knee pads is a black background so this will add some coherency to the force. Each model will have pads with a blood drop on their left shoulder and the chapter badge on thier right.


I'm still unusre on the loadouts for the Storm Ravens at the moment, but cant seem to think of anything better.





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  • 2 years later...

Hello all,


Just bringing this thread back from the depths as I've been thinking about this project again since the advent of 6th edition and the changes to tactics it necessitates.


I've not done anything modelling wise with this list since coming up with it many moons ago and just want to get some opinions on the competetiveness of it now and whether such a list if sound in 6th ed.



Thanks in advance.



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