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Sons ov Maginahar

Sons ov Maginahar

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Final Report: The Black Templar Crusade “Sons ov Maginahar”


I, Brother Theoderich of Ordos Hereticus, write upon the known and partially hidden path, that which took many Emperor's years to research and consumed the lives of Brother Garolis of Ordos Xenos and Geoffrey of Ordos Malleus before. Brother Geoffrey was first sent to investigate the reported Heretic Legion activity in the zone which led to the discovery of the lost crusade. Brother Geoffrey discovered the ruins of many Eldar temples and castles while out observing from orbit discovered the human settlements and towns. The Ordos Xenos dispatched Brother Garolis to the planet. I discovered what became of the Brothers from the records and notes left in data files but sadly they both perished during raids of Dark Eldar and a plague but they both left warnings about the beliefs on the planet…of Krampus Morzer-Salzberg IV.


Crusade Lost: Legend of The Fated Hope


The Chronicle of the Sons ov Maginahar starts with the lost crusade of the Battle Barge "Sigeberht". The Crusade in was sent to investigate a Space Hulk dubbed “The Fated Hope” that was detected on rear side of The Storm of the Emperor's Wrath in the year 41m(need a date). The Sigeberht approached The Fated Hop scanning the Hulk for signs of ships that were known to be lost. The Hulk wheels around and sends out a probe, preparing to warp. The records were carried down by oral tradition combined with the fragmented Barge records are clocked in Legend by the Emperor's Will, an explosion. The Wrath of the Emperor by tradition lashed out at the probe and engulfed The Fated Hope as a Holy Tempest whipped deep in the Storm. The probe explodes with a physic scream that rocks the Sigeberht as The Fated Hope breaks up exposing a heavily damaged Forge Ship. The Tempest roared with Holy Might, the traditions state that during the storm engulfing everything in the area.


Details of the investigation are: an audio data file of screams and explosions, a scout ship log of the area wreckage and the discovered bodies of the Marshal and Chaplain. The file on the Sigeberht and the Fated Hope was closed as lost due to a Tempest in The Storm of the Emperor’s Wrath.


Crusade Lost: Maginahar and the Creator of Pain


The Empire appeared to Maginahar within a vision. The vision was of the final days of his beloved Emperor and the Empire. The discovery of a secret text fragment of the Codex ov Maginahar spoke of the scene...of a slumped and decayed Emperor bathed in Golden Light, the birth. To quote “Thy light of the Emperor, shined-shimmered-danced over the husk, his imaged formed in front of me and spoke...Maginahar be the tip of my sword and ready for the...” sadly the fragment ends...


Maginahar was born that day, the first step to greatness from a minor chaplain to Marshal. The Sigeberht had broken apart but by the will of the Emperor, the pieces had become fused to the Forge Ship repairing the damaged hull. The engines burned out or were lost for unknown reasons lost to the ages, the Marshal and Senior Chaplain (names unknown) disappeared. The once fragmented sections of the Sigeberht caused the units of Black Templars to be scattered in different sectors of the huge Forge Ship. The carnage had become clear only when the units rediscovered each other and had time to look around. Tau and Ork remains, twist, scared and burnt lay everywhere such was their lust for the ship.


The Crusade went cleansing and sanctifying deeper into the ship as they went the stronger the visions came to Maginahar and the Emperor's Champion of Rogal Dorn and the Emperor fighting Chaos and all falling to the Black Sword. The Chronicle of Vercingetorixs stats that Maginahar- First Vercingetorix began having/suffering awaking visions every time a danger was close, be it ambush, trap or radiation, this lead him to gather support in the ranks. Maginahar along with the Emperor’s Champion decided during the cleansing and repairs to change the name of the Forge/BB ship to Schopfer des Schmerzeg (Creator of Pain). The cleansing and sanctifying took nearly two years to complete, as the final trap and blood severed Ork head was removed, the Schopfer des Schmerzeg suddenly jumped into warp. The Chronicle of Jenik, a local oral tradition later scribed in the Cave of Souls by the Emperor's Monks of Krampus Morzser-Salzberg IV, the Schopfer des Schmerzeg fell upon the last Cult Temple on Krampus Morzer-Salzberg IV.


Life: Krampus Morzser-Salzberg IV


The ancient planet of Krampus Morzer-Salzberg IV named after the early stasis international colony ship, a planet that should not be able to support life. The planet orbits a faint star dull blue in color and the planet is far too out for normal life. The planet is almost the size of Mars. The planet located in a super remote region of the Segemntum Obscurus is only one still orbiting the star. A planet of vigorous and consuming plant life that grows faster than the Holy Bamboo of Terra even the trees grows a foot in a day. The forests should cover the whole of the continents of which there are only two, a main and a small one on the other side of the planet. The Ocean teams and seethes with life, ships are eaten by microbes in only a few years. The amount of poisonous plants and animals surpasses the hundreds with potency of mild to skin rotting away in a few minutes.


History: Human Origins


The citizens of KM-SIV have teams of workers that keep the forests, plants and animals that travel village to village to clean and cleanse areas for crops. The Monks of Jenik believe that the Emperor sent their ancestor’s colony ship to planet to cleanse it from the ancient daemon rumored to be in a hidden temple, a fairy tale or so the children are meant to believe till they can handle the truth. The Eldar were searching for the temple every day they were on the planet even forcing human slaves to hunt for it.


Legend: Tapestry of Origin


The humans as far as the legends go, praise the Emperor, named the planet Krampus Morzser-Salzburg IV after the place of origin of the colony, early pattern stasis ship and being part of an international fleet, the fourth ship. The peoples were early believers in the man that would become the Emperor which led a great number to be abused by the heretics and enemies of our great Emperor, who worshiped the Science God.


The vast majority on KM-SIV can trace an origin back to the core of the 5,000 true faith believers. The Chronicle of Jenik and the Tapestry of Origins recall the arrival at KM-SIV, the engines appear to have been far greater than expected, achieved speed from the improved ship was a third faster than the rest of the fleet, Praise the Emperor. The Fleet left Holy Terra but the KM-SIV soon pulled away from the fleet while the rest arrived at the pre-selected system, KM-SIV arrived at the uncharted system and landed. The Tapestry of Origins depicts the landing, awakening and enslavement of the Emperor's people by the xenos of Eldar.


The Eldar used the slaves to search for the chamber of The Lost One, mining, farming, clearing of the ever fast growing brush and later as subjects of the pleasure cults. Dark ruinous powers of the Eldar created half breeds of Holy Humans and vile Eldar before the birth of Slannesh. The suffering of these half-breed and humans alike at the hand of the vile Dark Eldar/Eldar is remembered during the Scream and Cleansing Ritual inside the Hall of Suffering in the Cave of Souls per the Chronicle of Jenik.


Jenik: Chronicle and the Cave


Jenik, a Bishop of rumored mixed heritage escaped began freeing children slowly by giving them a mixture of poisons that turns the victim ashen, stiff and smelling of death, plague being feared the Eldar would have the children taken deep into the woods. The Forest of Divine Resistance became the base of Jenik's forces thanks to the body dumping, who were trained to be scouts and infiltrators. The Pleasure Cults created a fractured group of kingdoms that tore each other apart with the humans suffering either fleeing to roam endless the outlands and caves to avoid capture or were forced to fight for their ruinous masters. The resistance helped many but not all, the planet seemed to explode with unseen energy; birth and growth rates, lust and sadism grew three fold. The fighting became more savage between the Eldar and Dark Eldar, during this era the Halfte (hybrids) women became nothing more than mindless flesh factories where they were used to create warriors for the vile kingdoms. Jenik at first tried poison to cause abortions but the failed only to create farther abominations after which hit teams were created to cleanse the factories, many died for the Emperor. The Chronicle of Jenik was not penned during the Time of Resistance but later by the Monks of the Caves of Souls.


The Memorial to the Holy Resistance that were lost during the raid on the last flesh factory during the birth of Sleenesh, the Halfte that withered were the lucky ones, the others were consumed. The castle crumbled and exploded as the birthing scream ripped threw the stone. The survivors fled to the cellars, thirty or so entered the Cave of Souls as the entrance collapsed, only two made it out a boy named Fremont and a withered girl Elfrida. Fremont became a monk, who would later be the first uncover and enter the Cave of Souls as a High Monk. The cleansing of the Cave of Souls was undertaken by Fremont and his monks during the harvest season with Imperial Fire. Elfrida would become the Keeper of Souls a teacher of the events of the Cave and wove the Tapestry of Origins. Most of the Halfte met the Emperor only weeks after the birth of Sleenish, beloved Elfrida was enshrined in the Hall of Peace or commonly called the Hall of Elfrida; she lived till a week before the Schopfer des Schmerzes landed. Fremont was moved to be with Elfrida, both are over looked by a mosaic of the Emperor created from the discovered wreckage of the colony ship and bones of Jenik, who perished of Humanity and the Emperor.


The cleansed stone of the old castle was used to build the Fremont Monastery in Jenikstadt to protect the Cave of Souls. Human kingdoms started to form and life became what the Origins (al) had wanted but life was far from easy, the land and seas teams with life, teams of workers have to keep the forest at bay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to expand on Ace's points (or actually say them)


Lost crusades don't just become their own chapters - that isn't how it works. If you lost your computer for two days, would you pretend like it never existed? Would you move on? No. This is how Space Marines are but on a much much bigger scale. Think about it like losing a family member, if they return you don't disown them - they return to the family. So do Space Marines.


Space Marines generally die before they see 400 years old.


You don't need to say that the people came from East Germany etc. In the next 39000 years, information like that is going to be forgotten.

... and thus the mighty wall of text was scaled by NightrawenII..


The 1st paragraph is confusing and hard to understand. It's convenance to introduce a character before using him in text.


The 2nd paragraph. What?! Two years? And none came to investigate what happened to the lost Crusade? Secondly, spend two years of cleansing one ship is really poor achievement. Also why do you mixing Chaos, Orks and Tau together?


The 3rd paragraph, again confusing. The first three sentences don't make sense.


The 4th paragraph, Dark Heresy ruinous powers created half breeds of Holy Humans and vile Eldar before the birth of Slannesh. *Facepalm* This is not Fantasy, Half-elves are impossible.

Birth of Slaanesh was in M30, therefore your planet was colonized in the Dark Age of Technology, several thousands of years before Emperor have risen in prominence.


The rest of the work, <_< I'm sorry, but I don't understand any bit.


hope its not too long

The lenght isn't a problem here, but the consistency wanders somewhere else.


....is it any good?

In one word: NO.


You are wanting a lot in the fluff-hammer, so I suggest to burn this idea of yours and start a new.

PreLandfall: Raids and Feuds


The unity of the people on Krampus Morzer-Salzberg IV lasted no longer than a generation or two in some places the riots, fighting and lawlessness gave birth to patrolling mercenary companies. The companies promised if paid they would keep the bandits at bay while protecting the area but there was a dark truth to at least three companies. The attacks were faked and the bandits would later pose as the mercenaries to the towns, the scam went well till a Monk of Jenik stumbled upon a wagon that had broken down with the emblem of the company on the side. The wagon seemed to have been left behind during the floods washed it away killing its drivers and spreading the cargo but now the water level had gone down revealing the wagon. What the Monk found chilled his blood, a map of the routes to the villages and a manual for time tables of raids, protection plans, and assassinations of monks/priests/leaders and how to preserve human flesh. The manual was of made of human skin had a list of contacts in each town...the pleasure cults appear to be still around. The Monk hurried to Jenikstadt, the largest town in the area and next to be hit. The High Priest of the Cave of Souls was shaken with the evidence, the rumors of the Cults were true and their power was growing…


The Raids had grown in strength and savagery as they burned across the Westland kingdoms, along with the raids so did the amount paid to the Mercenary Companies. The town that could not pay had the mercenaries abandon them to their fate, who did not flee had a fate of: being slaughtered, a slave of the cults or raids or to be eaten by the mercenaries. The Brotherhood discovered this to all be true infiltrating the Mercenary Companies with grim truth the High Priest called a secret meeting of the Nobles of Jenikstadt. The Nobles that attended agree upon a plan to rid them of the companies and the raiders, the meeting itself was a setup to out the three noble houses that were at the head of Cults. The Militia wing of the Brotherhood of Jenik was born in secret, The Black Swords.


The traitor houses fled before being purged deep into the Eastland Forests and into the Barrier mountains beyond them. The feuds started to spring up about who was going to pay for the defenses of the kingdom but grew into full on power struggles and almost outright civil war. A solution was reached several major houses along a few minor houses would create their own kingdoms to the North and Southeast of the Kingdom of Jenikstadt. The Kingdoms of Fridaland to the Southeast and Johansburg to the North became powers themselves from who spawned other Kingdoms and Branches of the Brotherhood. So spread the teachings of the man would be Emperor.

Plague Cults


Generations passed after the spreading out of the Houses, most forgot the cults even some of the Brotherhood in the outlining Kingdoms started to question if they even existed. The Brotherhood and Nobles of Jenikstadt were being accused of propaganda and abuse of power by the lesser Kingdoms. Several expeditions were sent out into the Great Forest and Barrier Mountains by the Kingdoms and Brotherhood, only two ever made it back. The records state that the first expedition to make it back was gone for over two years with all but two members returned. They seemed healthy at first within a week boils and rot had taken over by this time the members had returned to their homes which spread The Plague. The Plague seemed to target specific peoples or the member had unknowingly, sheriffs, generals, doctors, weapon smiths and especially traveling merchants. The traveling merchants spread The Plague threw out the whole of West Lands. The other expedition came back, at the height of The Plague but unaffected, to the Inner Sanctum of the Brotherhood to tell the tale of Kingdoms of the Cults: Death, Plague, Pleasure and Flesh. The two survivors had traveled beyond the Barrier Mountains using a maze of rune filled passes and tunnels. The lands beyond were full of contorted, mutated and decayed life forms of all kinds. The stench of black rotten bog and bloody rot hangs in the air and impregnates everything. The Temples of the Cults loom far in the distance but tower over the decayed castles and the stench. The Cults had united under a shaman of the Plague Cult, who realized that it was time to spread the divine touch of the cults to the rest of the world. The Cults infected and masked the effects the first expedition and dumped them in the forest then waited.

The Cult Army was massive but slow to progress due to its arcane nature and the forest feeding from the more rotten members. The journey would take a normal sized army three months to make took the Cult Army nearly seven to build the war machines and travel to the outlining kingdoms. The time allowed two Orders to be created the Sisters of Hope and the Junkers of Learning, to fight the plague and create new technology and weapons. The Sisters discovered a means to prevent the spread of The Plague but it was painful and somewhat toxic. The main effect is turning the skin a bronze tint and the eyes of flesh from the mix of metals and plant extracts. Black powder had been discovered just prior to plague outbreak, the destructive force would be put to the test.


The reports of the fall of the smaller northern kingdoms and the decay left in the Cult Army’s wake steeled even the weakest of citizens. The united kingdoms fell to the horde of hell, the High Priest prayed to Jenik in the Cave of Souls to show him to the Emperor. The Vision that came was so powerful all that were in the cave experienced it, The Emperor in golden Armour sitting on his Terrain Throne spoke “Fear not for the light of the Emperor is upon you my chosen! You shall win the day! When Maginahar comes to you only then will the Cults be finally destroyed!” The vision faded but not lost was the position of the cannons and heavy use of grenades that the High Priest and General put into motion. The Battle of the Golden Dawn was won but at a high cost, the High Priest and his chosen Black Swords were lost. The Shaman of the Cults was found impaled to a giant tree by bronze Halberd of Jenik. The Cult Army would never attack again during the day, raid during the night and pray on the lesser Kingdoms.


War and Research


Kingdoms rose and fell outside of Jenikstadt, Fridaland and Johansberg as the Ancient Houses and Junker Houses vide for power. The Cults and the Plague were often the excuses used to attack or claim other Kingdom’s land and population. The raids grew stronger and bolder by the Cults and imposers, a people divided was against the light of the Emperor. People were turning away from the old teachings and turning to more science or cult-like teachings. Industrial Revolution was in full motion, trains, mills, mining, shipping and weapons were in hot demand on a scale never seen before on the planet. Birth rates tripled as multiple births became common place but twins were still rare and the search for the legendary Temple of the Lost One started to consume the Junkers of Learning. The Brotherhood of Jenik broke up into factions, some forming their own counsels of faith, some more interested in following their own kingdoms heroes and traditions and the southern brothers decided that Brotherhood had become powerful politically causing it to stray from the origins.


The Schism of the Brotherhood created a proxy war that was fought inside the Grand Forest to save the souls of People of the Forest. The first use of aerial balloons and later air planes for war was during the War of Souls, the whole of the West Lands were caught up in the struggle. The war went on for a century, the war fueled the Cults as the death and hate grew between the peoples of the Emperor. The Junkers of Learning and Sisters of Hope gained in influence, prestige and wealth each time a challenge was met with a cure or invention to over come the problem. Faith in the teachings of the Emperor and Jenik were at an all time low as the rattling of sabers and the drone of heavy bombers were a reminder that a second war of the west lands was just a moment away if the conference was a failure. The royal gardens of Johansberg was the location, the goal to prevent a war no one actually wanted but honor had to be upheld.


Unknown to the delegates the conference had been infiltrated by Cult forces in hopes to jump start the war that would shatter the kingdoms of man. The target of the assassins was the 12th Graf of Johansberg, a man of wise and balance outlook on life and humanity. The Captain of the Black Swords discovered the plot only in the nick of time to prevent the poisoning of the delegates and the assassination by an imposter of a northern kingdom.


Black Cloud Rising and the Sign


The progressive northern kingdoms began a heated argument with some members of the more traditional southern demanding proof that the teachings were more than just some old dusty relics that no longer needed to be followed to the letter. The arguments made the rest of the delegates take notice and bring up the other boiling issues between the industrial north, agricultural west and mining/forestry south. Several hours passed with tempers reaching the boiling point Celrenia de Tinusa, Mother Supreme of the Northern Sisters of Hope demanded, that if the Cults, teaching and the Emperor along with Jenik were real or even existed, a sign that could prove once and for all the truth.


A flash of bright light came from the East then a deep base boom and a huge black mushroom cloud appeared. The wind changed blowing to the west the cloud toward them all, more booms and the roar of two Dark Eldar Raiders and the Ravager engines. The delegates flee as the Raiders shrug off the primitive cannon and rifle fire in the distance. Castles, bridges and trains are reduced to rubble, the laughter and screams which have not been heard since ancient times. The defenses of Johansberg destroyed the Dark Eldar Warriors warp to slaughter and capture any in that stand in their way.


The High Priest of the Brotherhood stiffened and spoke “The Emperor’s Wrath is upon you vile abominations for the Black Sword fall on thee, Death to the Xenos!” The Black Swords of his personal guard glowed with holy energy as the fire from the Dark Eldar appeared to bend around them. The Black Swords tore into eldar flesh as they charged into warriors but they were too few, one by one the Swords fell. The High Priest and Captain remained as time ran out both screamed “Maginahar for the Emperor!” expecting the end. But that was far from the truth, the ground shook as the mighty doors of a drop pod crashed open…


Dreadnought Brother Randolf, interned Emperor’s Champion, thunders out of the pod toward the Ravager as four drop pods slammed onto the battlefield. Chaplin Dreadnought Brother Dietrich lascannon let loose at the screaming Raider closet to him and it exploded in a shower of twisted metal. Alpha and Delta squads enter the fray, some brothers were lost but the zeal kept them pressing the attack. The final drop pod was slightly damaged caused a delay in the doors lowering. Maginahar kicked the door free as it slams down, a golden glow is said to have appeared around him as he departed with his small retinue of Sword Brethren. The Chronicle of Vercingetorixs indicates that the Dark Eldar force was utterly destroyed with Maginahar cleansed twenty warriors, the last Raider and saved the Black Sword Captain and High Priest. The battle over Maginahar looked toward the sky and his force smiled, turned toward to the locals. He goes to say “I am….” but was cut off with the other two saying Maginahar as the Schopfer des Schmerzeg broke threw the atmosphere screaming eastward in a giant fireball that vaporized the Cult of Death Temple to be half buried into the soft soil hills behind. The Imperial Cleansing and Uniting of Krampus Morzer-Salzberg IV had begun and the first step to becoming the Sons ov Maginahar.

i am bumping this because a friend of mine brought something up that might change a good portion of the fluff.....


about how much the humans would retain from being slaves/troops under the eldar/pleasure cults....


so please give tips, suggestions and constructive criticism....thank you for wadding into the wall of text....


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