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Khornate Bikers/riders


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40k Horses!


Long story short, I have these WHFB chaos knights laying around, and have decided to turn them into bikes - here is the first one. He intentionally has no guns. (Yet) Still trying to determine how I am going to model them.


Enjoy -




After modeling the first guy I have decided that the polearms are just too cool not to use. They look incredible! I'm still deciding if I will have these guys one-handing the guns (only the specials, which will probably be meltas) or just attach them to the tack as someone on a different forum suggested. (Imagine them on the horse, holstered) I really like the arm on the completed guy, it looks as if he were actually holding the reins...










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OK! Assembly is complete. I have decided to keep the left hands on the reigns. With the exception of the one guy without the polearm.

The Guns will be magnetized to hips as shown.







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I'm working on Khorne cavalry myself right now, a picture of my aspiring champion is here. I looked at the Chaos riders, but I really had my heart set on something stranger than a horse, so ended up kit bashing some Dark Elf Cold Ones with some Khorne Berserkers. For regular troopers I'm cutting the handles off of chainswords and gluing the chainswords to these aluminum tubes. Other things I thought about were the Grey Knight's power glaives from the SM bitz as well as the Chaos Warrior great weapons bitz. I am thinking of cutting up bolters and adding them to the chainswords to make a weird combi-weapon to justify their having a ranged attack as well as CCW.


I've got ten of these things all told, one champion, one icon bearer, one dude with a chain-axe/shield combination, one dude with a flamer, one dude with plasma rifle and five more are planned as 'regular troopers' with the chain-glaives. I can't imagine fielding the entire squad at once, but I wanted them anyway. I'd have thrown in a meltagun or two, but I didn't have any in my bitz bin.


I'm planning on counting them as bikers, but I also want to create a custom rule for them for friendlies using the cavalry rules from the big rulebook.

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  • 4 months later...

The next stage of this project will be making Bloodcrushers with marines riding them - these will be used as Attack Bikes. (Yes, I am planing on using the loyalist Space Marine Codex for this army, it's the only really effective way to use massed bikes.)


Stay tuned...

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First I love the cav they look great. Second C:SM isnt the only dex with good bikes look into the ravinwing of the C:DA its one of the only good things in that dex well that and the deathwing but thats another story.


In short look at the Dark Angels dex for there bikes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got a box of the new Bloodcrushers, that, and my 2 metal ones will be more than enough 'attack bikes' for the army. The new kit is amazing! My biggest problem is I don't know what base would be appropriate for it - Attack bikes don't have bases, a 60 seems too big, and though they will fit on the bike lozenges, that seems too small.


Anyway, I have been assembling my second squad of Knights/bikes, I really, really, really like these models. This group will be a command squad, so I get to do neat things like an Apothecary, Company Champion, and Veterans with Storm Shields, hammers, Lightning Claws, and other nifty things. Also the first captain is currently in progress, he will be fairly normal, with no upgrades other than the bike(horse) and a Relic Blade (using the gigantic Hellblade from the Bloodcrusher box, which, I might say, looks totally and completely bad-a$$!)


This army will be initially build to 1850pt, and I am planning on taking it to Adepticon. I also have a great idea for a display board, so by getting started now, I should have plenty of time to have it complete by then.


Again, pics when I have some... In general everything looks very much like the photos all ready posted.

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Ok, here is some WIP shots of the assembly - nothing fancy.



More troopers



Knights with bloodcrusher for scale. I am still completely at a loss for what base to use on these guys...



Some neat bits - a Lightning claw big enough to work while mounted, Iron Halo bunny ears, the beginnings of a melta



Captain with Relic Blade

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  • 2 weeks later...

Big Update!


The first Command Squad is assembled. As with the entire project, guns will be mounted later.



Captian with Command Squad



Captian with Relic Blade





Lightning Claw (big enough to work while mounted...) Storm Shield




Another LC/SS











Company Champion



I am really liking how this is looking! It's better than I imagined, I'm very pleased.



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I can't stop but thinkin' about those poor horses who must be completely crushed beneath that power armor.


They are Daemonic steeds gifted by Khorne to carry his warriors into battle...








In other news, I have the first of the Bloodcrusher riders posed and placed, I just need to figure out how to glue him in place, it's a bit precarious... Pictures once it's complete.

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'Attack Bike with Multi-Melta'


The Bloodcrushers are the biggest reason why I am sticking to the Khorne theme.








The heads (rider and mount) are not finished/glued. They are there to fill-out the model. I think the model looks pretty good...

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I think the only problem is the multi-melta guy looks like he's about to fall off. You could try filing away at his legs in order to make him fit better. Otherwise, the idea is awesome and the models are awesomer.




As for his balance, he looks considerably more stable if his head is tilted in a bit... It's the little things that make big differences, and I'm not sure I am going to use that helmet. However, I will absolutely be hacking/bending/fitting the next few riders - this one was a severe pain to get posed. Also I am going to have a little variation with the guns and how the rider shoots them. The next will be similar to a Kroothound, one might be brandishing 2 normal meltas, etc...

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